
High-yielding cultivation techniques of Euryale seed

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, High-yielding cultivation techniques of Euryale seed

Euryale seed, alias chicken head rice, red lotus seed, chicken head, chicken head and so on. It has the functions of tonifying the kidney and astringent essence, tonifying the spleen and stopping diarrhea, calming the nerves and so on. Main treatment of spleen deficiency diarrhea, spermatorrhea, frequent urination, urgent urination, leucorrhea and other diseases. It is a good product for both medicine and food because it contains a lot of starch, protein, fatty oil, vitamin C and trace elements. The main producing areas are Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Sichuan and other provinces.

Morphological characteristics

It is an annual aquatic herb of Nymphaeaceae. The whole plant is prickly. Leaves floating on the water, round shield-shaped or shield-shaped heart-shaped, wrinkled above, the edge folded upward is a shallow disk, the surface is green, the back is purple, and there are thorns on the veins. Pedicel protruding from the water, terminal 1-flowered, purplish red diurnal; sepals 4, persistent, inner ultraviolet green; petals numerous; ovary 8-loculed, embedded in inflated receptacle, stigma disk-shaped. Fruit such as chicken head, spiny outside, spongy inside, with 20-100 seeds, spherical seeds, hard seed coat, fleshy aril and white powdery endosperm.

1. Growth habits Euryale prefers a warm, moist, sunny aquatic environment. Born in fertile ponds, reservoirs, pits and ditches that keep running water all the year round. The water depth is often maintained at 60ml 150cm, and the loose slime at the bottom grows better. The yield is not high when cultivated on too fat or too thin clay. Cold water ponds with excessive acidity are not easy to grow.

Second, soil preparation and fertilization select inland rivers, ponds and underwater soils close to water sources for drainage and irrigation, medium fertility fields or paddy fields, and intensive cultivation. Combined with soil preparation, apply sufficient accumulated fertilizer, applying 5000 kg of soil and miscellaneous fertilizer per mu.

Third, sow Euryale practical seeds and propagate. The sowing time is divided into autumn sowing and spring sowing. Autumn sowing is from August to September, and spring sowing is around Qingming Festival. When sowing, the seeds were wrapped in slime and sowed into the pond mud according to the row spacing of 1.5 × 1.2 meters. 3 seeds were planted in each hole.

Fourth, field management Euryale seeds after sowing, to keep the border surface water depth of 60ml 100cm. After Euryale seedlings, attention should be paid to weeding and weeding in order to facilitate the growth of Euryale seedlings. The key to the high yield of Euryale fruit is to adjust the water level: that is, the water level should be shallow in spring, the general water level should be maintained at 100lb / 120cm, and the water storage depth should be kept at about 50cm in winter. So that the seeds scattered at the bottom of the pond in autumn can survive the winter safely in order to have a bumper harvest year after year.

Fifth, diseases and insect pests control Euryale fruit diseases and insect pests are less, the main pests are aphids, can be used to kill aphids.

Sixth, harvest and processing Euryale fruit period is longer, fruit ripening period is not consistent. Usually from August to September, when the fruit is reddish brown, it is harvested in batches. The harvested fruit is peeled, the seeds are taken out, dried, the hard shell is crushed, and the shell and impurities are removed to become a commodity. The yield per mu is 100m / mu and 150kg.