
High-yield cultivation techniques of alisma orientalis

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, High-yield cultivation techniques of alisma orientalis

Alisma alisma, alias Swan Egg, Ruyi vegetable, Shuize, Celastrus, alopecia, and so on. The underground tuber is used as medicine, which has the effect of clearing heat, osmosis and diuresis. It mainly treats nephritis edema, pyelonephritis, enteritis diarrhea, urinary tract infection, phlegm, vertigo and so on. Mainly produces Fujian, Sichuan and other provinces.

The morphological characteristics are perennial marsh plants of Alismatidae. With underground globose tubers. Leaves all basal; petiole 5-50 cm long, base dilated sheath-shaped, leaves elliptic, long elliptic or broadly ovate, 2.5-18 cm long, 1-9 cm wide, apex acuminate, acute or convex, base cordate, subrounded or cuneate. Scape erect; flowers verticillate; umbels 2-4 cm long, then integrated large panicles; flowers bisexual, outer tepals 3, sepals shaped, broadly ovate, 2-3 mm long, 1.5 mm wide, inner tepals 3, petaloid, white, smaller than outer whorls, stamens 6; carpels numerous, whorled, style shorter or as long as ovary, curved. Achenes flattened on both sides, with 1-2 shallow grooves on the back, 1.5-2 mm long and 1.5 mm wide, style persistent.

First, growth habits Rhizoma Alismatis prefer a warm, humid, sunny environment. It is hardy, but the yield is low in cold and early frost areas. Seedlings like shade, afraid of strong light, and mature plants like sunshine. Suitable for growing in shallow paddy fields. The requirement of soil is not strict, but it is better to cultivate in clayey loam or paddy field rich in humus. Sand or cold paddy fields are not suitable for planting. Avoid continuous cropping.

Second, the paddy field suitable for the growth of alisma orientalis is selected by soil preparation and fertilization, and sufficient basic fertilizer is applied: 3000 kg of soil miscellaneous fertilizer, 20 kg of urea and 50 kg of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer per mu, and then make a high border 1.3m wide, waiting for sowing.

Third, sow alisma alismatis and propagate with seeds. It is divided into two steps: seedling raising and transplanting. The sowing time is from mid-June to early July. Early transplanting is easy to bolt and blossom; too late, short growth period and low yield. Before seedling sowing, the seeds of alisma alisma were soaked in clean water for 24 hours and 48 hours, and then germinated. The seeds can be sown when the seeds are white. When sowing, mix the seeds with plant ash and spread them evenly on the finished border surface. Press the surface of the border with a broom so that the seeds of alisma alisma are closely connected with the soil layer, and when the soil is slightly dry and cracked, it is irrigated with shallow water. Prevent the seeds from drifting with too much water. The sowing rate is 1 kilogram per mu. One mu of seedlings can be transplanted to 30 mu. After the emergence of alisma alisma, strengthen the field management, cultivate for about 45 days, and then transplant. Transplanting is generally carried out between the Beginning of Autumn and the End of Heat. The cultivated alisma alismatis seedlings were planted on the whole border according to the row spacing of 30 × 25 cm. Watering to preserve soil moisture, in order to survive.

Fourth, field management alisma alismatis seedlings or survival, pay attention to ploughing and weeding. Because alisma alisma likes shallow water, it often maintains the depth of 3-5 cm water on the border surface. During the period of underground rhizome expansion, the field water should be reduced and the water depth should be kept at a depth of about 1 cm. After the middle of November, the field water was gradually drained and ready for harvest. When alisma alismatis is in bloom, the scape should be removed in time to prevent the consumption of nutrients.

Fifth, the main disease of alisma alisma is white spot disease, which can be controlled by mancozeb at the initial stage of the disease. The main pests are alisma constrictor aphids which can be killed by omethoate. Underground pests are trapped and killed with octane scales and poison bait.

Sixth, harvesting and processing alisma orientalis is generally before and after the Beginning of Winter, and the aboveground stems and leaves are withered and harvested. Remove the stems, leaves and fibrous roots from the underground roots of alisma alisma, dry or dry them into a cage to remove the residual fibrous roots and coarse bark to make the appearance smooth. It can be bought and sold. The yield is 250 kg per mu.