
High-yield cultivation techniques of Scutellaria baicalensis

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, High-yield cultivation techniques of Scutellaria baicalensis

Scutellaria baicalensis, alias Camellia Root, Tujin Tea Root, Scutellaria Tea and so on. The underground rhizome is used as medicine, which has the functions of relieving fever, treating jaundice, enterophobia and so on. It mainly treats upper respiratory tract infection, lung heat cough, damp-heat jaundice, enteritis, dysentery, fetal movement restlessness and so on. Mainly produces Hebei, Liaoning, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Shandong, Heilongjiang and other provinces and regions.

The morphological characteristics are perennial herbs of Labiatae, 30-70 cm high. The main root is thick, slightly round in shape, and the bark is brown. Stem square columnar, cespitose much branched, smooth or shortly hairy. Leaves opposite, ovate-lanceolate, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, 1.5-4.5 cm long and 0.4-1.2 cm wide, apex obtuse or acute, base rounded, entire, with eyelashes, surface smooth or shortly hairy, abaxially glandular punctate, smooth or shortly hairy only on midvein; shortly stipitate or sessile. Racemes terminal, flowers oblique to one side; calyx campanulate, white villous, apex 5-lobed; Corolla blue-purple, 2-lipped, upper lip longer than lower lip, tubular, distally dilated, base slender, 2-2.5 cm long, surface white pubescent; stamens 4, strong; pistil 1, ovary 4-parted, style base inserted. Nutlets 4, orbicular, dark brown, enclosed in persistent calyx.

First, growth habits. Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi has strong adaptability, like warmth, high temperature resistance, and can withstand 35 ℃ high temperature. Cold-resistant, able to withstand the low temperature of-30 ℃. Resistant to drought and afraid of waterlogging. The requirement of soil is not strict, but it is better to have deep soil layer, loose and fertile sandy loam. Low-lying land is not easy to cultivate.

Second, soil preparation and fertilization. Select high-lying, well-drained fields, intensive cultivation, combined with soil preparation, apply sufficient basic fertilizer: 5000 kg of soil miscellaneous fertilizer, 20 kg of urea and 50 kg of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer per mu. Then make beds and wait for sowing.

Third, sow seeds. Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi is propagated by seeds, and the sowing time is divided into winter sowing and spring sowing. Winter sowing before and after the Beginning of Winter; spring sowing around Qingming Festival. Before sowing, we first open a shallow ditch on the finished border surface, and then evenly sow the seeds of Scutellaria baicalensis in the ditch, rake flat so that the soil cover no seeds. The sowing rate is 1 kilogram per mu. Scutellaria baicalensis can also be transplanted, and the seedlings of Scutellaria baicalensis can be planted on the whole border surface according to the row spacing of 30 × 10 cm. Watering to preserve soil moisture, in order to survive.

Fourth, field management. After sowing, Scutellaria baicalensis should be watered to preserve soil moisture to facilitate seedling emergence. After finishing the seedlings, attention should be paid to ploughing and weeding. If planting on a large scale, herbicides should be used to treat the soil before seedling, which can effectively control all kinds of weeds. Water in time in dry weather, pay attention to drainage in cloudy and rainy weather. Before and after the Beginning of Autumn, fertilizer should be applied once: 10 kg of urea and 10 kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate per mu. Overwintering Scutellaria baicalensis should sprinkle a layer of soil and miscellaneous fertilizer on the border in winter. After budding of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi, except for seed planting, all flower branches should be cut off to prevent nutrient consumption and promote the growth of underground rhizomes.

Fifth, pest prevention and control. The main disease of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi is leaf blight, which can be prevented with Bordeaux solution of 1purl and 120 Bordeaux before the disease, and carbendazim at the initial stage of the disease. Spray once a week, three times in a row. Root rot disease can be irrigated with 1000 times of topiramate at the initial stage of the disease. Underground pests are trapped and killed with phoxim and poison bait.

Sixth, harvest and processing. Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi is usually dug in the autumn of the second year after sowing, and the underground stems and leaves are withered. When digging, first cut off the aboveground stems and leaves, and then dig out the underground roots, clean the soil, dry it and then sell it as medicine. The yield is 300 kilograms per mu.