
A brief introduction to two breeding methods of June snow

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, If June snow is raised well, it is very beautiful after flowering. Some friends want to breed June snow on their own after raising June snow. In fact, June snow, which is not difficult to cultivate, is not very difficult to breed. Generally speaking, the propagation methods of June snow can be divided into two methods: cutting and ramet.

If June snow is raised well, it is very beautiful after flowering. Some friends want to breed June snow on their own after raising June snow. In fact, June snow, which is not difficult to cultivate, is not very difficult to breed. Generally speaking, the propagation methods of June snow can be divided into two methods: cutting and ramet.

June snow

January, June snow cuttings:

The snow in June is very leather and solid, and it is easy for cuttings to survive. The cutting time, dormant branches and semi-mature branches are carried out from February to March and from June to July respectively. Cut cuttings 6-8 cm long, insert them in slightly acidic fine sand loam, set up a shed for shade, pay attention to watering after insertion, keep the seedbed moist, and the cuttings are easy to survive. Several cuttings can also be combined with cuttings, and the seedlings can be transplanted in pots from October to November, and the seedlings combined with cuttings can be divided into individual plants. Soft wood cuttings can also be carried out in summer and early autumn.

Second, June snow ramet:

It is often carried out in March in spring. Transplantation can be carried out in all four seasons, and the best one is from February to March in spring.

A brief introduction to the Culture method of June Snow

June snow is the only species of the genus Rubiaceae. It is an evergreen shrub and one of the trees commonly used in bonsai in China. This tree species is native to the subtropics. It blooms star-shaped white flowers every summer. Like snow accumulated on a tree, the flowers can be divided into single-petal and double-petal. Some leaves are green and the surface is small and smooth. In modern times, purple-flowering varieties and variegated leaves have been cultivated. It can be grown as an indoor plant in temperate zones.

Scientific name: Serissa foetida alias: full sky star, white horse bone, broken leaf holly.

Families and genera: Rubiaceae, June snow genus.

Shrubs evergreen or semi-evergreen, up to 1 m high. The twigs are thick. Leaves small, opposite, ovate or elliptic, 0.7-1.5 cm long, apex acuminate, base attenuate to petiole, with short stalk, margin and petiole with white hairs. Flowering from June to July, flowers small, white, solitary or multiple clustered on top of branchlets, Corolla funnel-shaped. Drupe, subglobose.

In June, the snow tree trunk is old and bursting, the root system is developed and intertwined, and the leaves are small and dense, so it has the shape of a big tree. In early summer, the green leaves blossom a little bit, a piece of white, such as snow in June, emitting bursts of cool, refreshing. In particular, the June snowflake period of double species is long, which can bloom continuously from early summer to late autumn. It is a potted flower with excellent roots, stems, leaves and flowers, and it is also a good material for making small and medium-sized stump bonsai.

[June snow varieties and varieties]

(1) June snow in Phnom Penh (var. ) the edge of the leaf is golden.

(2) double cv. Pleniflora: double white.

(3) var. Crassiramea: the branchlets extend upward. The leaves are thick and small, densely growing on branchlets. Single white with purplish halo.

(4) var. Crassiramea f. Plena: the branches and leaves are the same as those of the shade tree, but the flower is double.

[June snow propagation] cutting, branching, striping. The cutting method is the main method.

(1) Cuttage: mature wood cuttings were carried out from February to March. Cut one-year-old sturdy branches, cut about 10 cm of cuttings, after 30-40 days to take root and survive. It can also use semi-mature current-year branches as cuttings in the rainy season to shade and maintain suitable humidity. It can take root after 2-3 weeks and is easy to survive.

(2) ramet: carried out in March. Dig up the tufted plants, divide them into clusters with a sharp knife, and plant them separately.

(3) crimping: it is suitable to be carried out in the middle and late March.

[key points of snow planting in June]

(1) temperature: like warm climate, the most suitable temperature for growth is 15 °C to 25 °C. It is more resistant to cold and can withstand a low temperature of about-5 °C in winter. But not resistant to severe cold, pot plants, especially small and medium-sized bonsai, need to be moved to indoor warmth in winter, and maintain a temperature of not less than 0 °C.

(2) Illumination: like the sunny environment, more resistant to shade. During the growth period, it should be placed in a place with sufficient light, and it can also grow better in a semi-shady place. But can not bear the strong sun exposure, the summer season should be placed under the tree and other semi-shady place.

(3) watering: it has a certain ability to withstand drought, even if the leaves wilt due to drought, it can still be restored after watering. However, the moist soil environment is better, the water should be fully supplied during the growth period to keep the basin soil moist. Resistant to moisture, but avoid wet waterlogging, watering should grasp the principle of "no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly". Plants stop growing after winter, and watering should be controlled to avoid rotting roots caused by too wet pot soil.

(4) Environmental humidity: when it is hot and dry in summer, foliar water should be sprayed sooner or later, which is beneficial to plant growth and flowering.

(5) fertilization: resistant to barren, but fertilizer dominated by nitrogen should be applied once or twice a month in spring to keep branches and leaves luxuriant. The types of leaf mask color markings should pay attention to the combination of potash fertilizer to make the color bright. More phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied in summer to increase the amount of flowering. Newly shaped plants that have not yet been formed should be properly applied with nitrogen fertilizer to promote early branch formation. A pot plant should not apply nitrogen fertilizer too frequently, otherwise it will easily lead to excessive growth of branches and leaves. The application of nitrogen fertilizer should be controlled before the beginning of winter to avoid freezing damage caused by excessive autumn hair. Stop fertilizing in winter.

(6) pruning: strong sprouting ability and resistance to pruning. Potted plants can cut off protruding crowns and overdense branches at any time to maintain good plant shape and good ventilation and light transmission inside the plant. Just-shaped plants should be combined with fertilization to strengthen the pruning of branches, cut short and long branches in time to promote branches, and form mature branches as soon as possible. For molded plants, when the branchlets of the branches are long and affect the shape, the branchlets protruding from the branches should be cut short as soon as possible to maintain the flatness and proper thickness of the branches and delete the drooping branchlets. June snow branches are soft and flexible, easy to climb, and can be modeled all the year round. Tiller branches are easy to sprout at the rhizosphere and should be broken off by hand when they grow.

(7) go up and turn the pot: in order to show the color of green leaves and white flowers, dark flowerpots should be used to grow snow in June. The soil is not strict, but it likes the slightly acidic soil with fertile, loose and good drainage, and the matrix can be prepared with rotten leaf soil, garden soil, rice chaff ash and other materials. The basin is turned every 2-3 years, usually in early spring and March. When turning the basin, it can be combined with the root, so that the root is gradually exposed, in order to show the appearance of the vigorous tree and improve the ornamental value.

(8) pest control: there are diseases and insect pests such as leaf spot disease and aphids, red spiders and so on.

[frequently asked questions about snow planting in June]

The causes of common problems are that the leaf veins remain green, but the yellowish white between the veins is usually caused by too much watering, and the defoliation ① caused by the basin soil is too wet; the ② basin soil is too dry or too wet. More and more ⑤ fertilizers are applied to remove the sprouting tillers in the rhizosphere. It is not suitable to cut them off with scissors, otherwise it is easy to leave small piles at the mouth of the scissors, so that the sprouting tillers will be cut more and more, which will not only cost labor, but also have a broken view.

Pictures of snow in June methods of breeding snow in June

June snow is a beautiful ornamental plant, it will bloom beautiful flowers around June every year, the color is white, the aroma is pleasant and ornamental value is particularly high, many people like to breed June snow at home, but people do not know much about the breeding methods of June snow, later I will write all the breeding methods of June snow to share with you, friends who want to cultivate June snow can focus on learning.

1. Reproduction and planting

June snow this flower plant is mainly propagated by cuttings and ramets, which are mostly cut in spring, then in early spring, two-year-old branches can be selected as cuttings, inserted into the culture soil at 20 degrees, and can take root in about 20 days. After the snow survives in June, it can be planted directly on the basin. After getting into the basin, you should put it in a cool place and maintain it for 2 to 3 weeks, then let her slowly accept the sun. After a month, you can move to the outside and receive some sunshine.

2. Fertilizer and water management of snow in June

Fertilizer and water management is very important during snow farming in June. You can't water it too much at ordinary times, as long as you keep the basin soil moist, don't let stagnant water appear in the flowerpot during the rainy season, and spray water on its leaves in time in hot summer weather. Lower the temperature, so that June snow can grow healthily. June snow is a kind of fertilizer-loving plant, which is usually fertilized once a week, but the fertilizer should not be too thick, otherwise it will make its branches and leaves grow and affect the beauty of the tree.

3. Adjustment of temperature and light.

When raising snow in June, we should also pay attention to the adjustment of temperature and light. It can not accept the hot sun, so it should be cultured in a semi-shaded environment. If it is allowed to accept strong light, it will burn the leaves and affect its ornamental value. June snow likes a warm environment, before the arrival of winter, it must be moved to a warm indoor, the minimum indoor environment can not be less than 10 degrees, and to reduce the amount of water, keep the basin soil semi-dry, so that June snow can safely survive the winter.