
Propagation methods and matters needing attention of Tulip

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Tulip is a very famous bulb flower in the world. When it comes to tulips, many people will immediately respond that they are originally from the Netherlands. In fact, tulips originated in China, but they are famous and familiar in the Netherlands, and are now the national flower of the Netherlands. Although I don't have many friends with potted tulips.

Tulip is a very famous bulb flower in the world. When it comes to tulips, many people will immediately respond that they are originally from the Netherlands. In fact, tulips originated in China, but they are famous and familiar in the Netherlands, and are now the national flower of the Netherlands. Although there are not many friends of their own potted tulips, there are still some flower friends who want to breed their own tulips, so how should they breed?


Tulips are usually propagated mainly by dividing balls. In the first and middle of June, the dormant bulbs were dug up, stored according to size, and planted from October to November. The larger bulbs blossom in the next spring, and most of the smaller bulbs need to be cultured for 2 years before they can blossom. The seedlings that do not reach flowering have only one leaf, which can blossom when the second leaf occurs.

Seeds can be used in cross breeding. Seeds do not dormant, but low temperature is needed for germination. the suitable low temperature is about 5 C, germination is delayed above 10 C, and no germination is above 25 C. Under suitable conditions, the germination rate can reach more than 90%. It can germinate 40-45 days after sowing. After germination, the seedlings were transferred to 23 C after about 70 days at 13 C, which could accelerate the ripening of bulbs. In Nanjing area, the cold frame was sown in autumn in November, and the natural low temperature in winter was used to sprout in mid-February of the next spring. It takes about 135 days from germination to harvest. The bulbs were dug up during dormancy in summer and stored at 20 C and 25 C. they were planted in autumn and flowered after 4-5 years.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Tulip

Tulip (scientific name: Tulipa gesneriana) is a famous precious ornamental flower, which is deeply loved by people all over the world because of its unique flower shape and beautiful color. It is also a kind of flower species that many flower lovers like to breed. The key points of this article

Disinfectants, tulip bulbs, cultivated soil

Pre-planting treatment:

Just bought balls before planting, first peel, and then use disinfectants such as carbendazim, chlorothalonil and so on to soak and disinfect. The specific method is as follows: peel off the brown epidermis outside the seed ball, especially the skin outside the root disk, leaving the white seed ball, and then mix water with disinfectants such as carbendazim, methyl thiophanate, chlorothalonil and other disinfectants according to the proportion on the medicine bottle. the seed ball is directly soaked in the medicine, generally soaking for about 1 hour or so. After the seed ball is fished out, you should pay attention to putting it into the water in a cool place with backlight, and be careful not to shine directly in the sun, so that you can plant it when there is no obvious drop of water.

Soil treatment:

The soil used for planting should also be disinfected before planting. It can be sprayed with 50 times the solution of 40% formalin, or it can be covered with a thin film. After disinfection, some basic fertilizers, such as urea, compound fertilizer and compost, should be properly applied to the soil. If families grow without fertilizers, the droppings of small animals and withered and yellow plants and vegetable leaves can be buried at the bottom of the basin. If you apply fertilizer, pay attention to mixing the fertilizer and soil evenly.


When planting tulips, pay attention to the bud facing up, and the soil covered above is about twice as large as the bulb. After planting, water should be watered once in time, and the soil should be kept moist within a week after planting. The amount of water can be larger, but not stagnant water, and the soil should be drained smoothly. After sprouting, gradually reduce the amount of water, irrigate once every 10 days, following the principle of a small number of times. The suitable temperature for the growth of tulips is 5 °- 20 °, and the suitable temperature for root growth is 5 °- 15 °, that is, if planted in winter and keeping the space temperature above 5 °, tulips can grow well.

Late growth management:

Tulips like fertilizer, apply liquid fertilizer once after two leaves are grown, and then flush with water every 10 min 15 days or so. Pay attention to the balance of N, P and K fertilizers. In the peak period of growth, the amount of fertilizer application can be increased appropriately. When the bud is pulled out, the proper application of some boron fertilizer is beneficial to the enlargement and coloring of the bud.

Common diseases and insect pests and their control methods:

The common diseases and insect pests of tulips are Botrytis cinerea, root rot and Penicillium. If the seed ball received mechanical damage before planting, Penicillium will often appear in the wound. Generally, if the seed ball is disinfected before planting, it will not affect the growth in the later stage. At the beginning of root rot infection, part of the roots will rot, which has little effect on the plant, but if it is seriously infected, it will make the flowers wither. The treatment method is to ensure that the soil is fully disinfected, the soil drainage is good, and the soil temperature is kept below 10 °.

Matters needing attention

It is important to disinfect the bulbs planted with tulips.

How to cultivate tulips Culture methods and matters needing attention of tulips

Tulip is a world-famous bulb flower, or an excellent variety of cut flowers, the flowers are vigorous and straight, the leaves are elegant and beautiful, and the lotus-like flowers are dignified and lovely. In Europe and the United States as a symbol of victory and beauty, the Netherlands, Iran, Turkey and many other countries as the national flower. Want to know how tulips are raised? Today, let's introduce the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of tulips.

The Culture method of Tulip

1. Soil: tulips require both water retention and air permeability, the salinity should not be too high, and the pH value should not be less than 6. The mixture of peat, mature soil and sand with 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 1 as cultivation medium has a better effect.

2. Sunlight: sufficient sunlight is necessary for the growth of tulips. Insufficient sunlight will cause poor plant growth, cause sprouting, plant weakening, lighter leaf color and shorter flowering period. But tulips on the pot after more than half a month, should be properly shaded, in order to facilitate the growth of new roots. In addition, during germination, the elongation of flower buds is inhibited by light. Shading can promote the elongation of flower buds and prevent the early vegetative growth from growing too fast. After emergence, light should be increased to promote plant jointing, form buds and promote coloring. After the buds are fully colored in the later stage, direct sunlight should be prevented and the flowering time should be prolonged.

3. Temperature: tulips prefer warm winters and cool summers, and the optimum temperature for growth is 9-13 ℃. Strong cold resistance, can withstand the low temperature of-35 ℃ in winter.

4. Watering: water should be watered thoroughly after planting, so that the soil and seed bulbs can be fully and closely combined to facilitate rooting, water should be properly controlled after budding, leaves can be gradually elongated, water can be sprayed on the leaf surface to increase air humidity, and adequate water supply should be ensured at bolting and budding stages to promote the full development of flowers and proper water control after flowering.

5, fertilization: tulips do not have high requirements for fertilizer, if the growth potential is weak, you can apply some nitrogen fertilizer. When the root system is well developed, 2 kg of calcium nitrate is applied every 100 square meters, spread in three times, each time at an interval of more than one week.

6. Insect pests: the pathogens of tulip diseases and insect pests can be carried by the seed ball or by the soil, which mostly occur in the environment of high temperature and high humidity. the main diseases are stem rot, soft rot, broken color disease, quenching disease, blind bud and so on. most of the pests are aphids.

Adequate soil disinfection should be carried out before planting, virus-free bulbs should be selected as far as possible, diseased plants should be dug up and destroyed in time, and fungicides should be poured once or twice in the growth process of the greenhouse, the effect is better; good ventilation should be maintained to prevent high temperature and humidity; when aphids occur, 3% natural pyrethrum can be sprayed 800 times.

Notes on tulips

1. Seed ball treatment

Just bought balls before planting, first peel, and then use disinfectants such as carbendazim, chlorothalonil and so on to soak and disinfect. The specific method is as follows: peel off the brown epidermis outside the seed ball, especially the skin outside the root disk, leaving the white seed ball, and then mix water with disinfectants such as carbendazim, methyl thiophanate, chlorothalonil and other disinfectants according to the proportion on the medicine bottle. the seed ball is directly soaked in the medicine, generally soaking for about 1 hour or so. After the seed ball is fished out, you should pay attention to putting it into the water in a cool place with backlight, and be careful not to shine directly in the sun, so that you can plant it when there is no obvious drop of water.

2. Tulip seed germination

Tulip seeds like to germinate at low temperature. Generally, seeds begin to germinate at about 5 ℃, and 7-9 ℃ is the best. The germination rate is high, germination is delayed over 16 ℃, and no germination is over 25 ℃. Under suitable conditions, the germination rate is more than 90%. If the seeds are refrigerated at 8: 10 ℃ for 30 days before sowing, the seeds germinate better. The optimum temperature for seedling growth was 13 ℃, and then controlled within 25 ℃.

3. Florescence management

Do not make the cultivated soil too wet or dry after the tulips bloom. Fertilization should be stopped. Keep the environment bright, but avoid excessive direct sunlight. Avoid high temperature, tulips are not only colorful, but also have a long flowering period under cool and cold conditions, so it is best to control the ambient temperature at 8 ℃ ~ 12 ℃. Because tulips like to be cool, flowers tend to decay if the temperature is too high.

4. Room temperature requirements for planting

When tulips are cultivated in the greenhouse in winter, the temperature and humidity in the greenhouse are mainly regulated by ventilation to keep the stems and leaves growing and budding indoors.

Tulip is rich in color and variety. It is a common planting flower and is deeply loved by flowers. The above introduces the planting methods and matters needing attention of tulips, and the most important thing is the disinfection of bulbs before planting, which can avoid the occurrence of diseases and ensure the opening of tulips as scheduled. I hope it will be helpful to you.