
Propagation methods and matters needing attention of Lotus

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The lotus was selected as one of the top ten famous flowers in China as early as May 1985, and there have been many praises of the lotus through the ages. Lotus can be divided into two categories: ornamental and edible, so many friends will wonder how the lotus, as an aquatic plant, propagates.

Lotus (details) was selected as one of the top ten famous flowers in China as early as May 1985, and there have been many praises of the lotus through the ages. Lotus can be divided into two categories: ornamental and edible, so many friends will wonder how the lotus, as an aquatic plant, propagates.

Lotus (details)

In order to plant lotus in pot by ramet method, all kinds of preparatory work should be done in advance. If you want to grow a big lotus, you need to prepare a short-edged jar (the bottom of the tank cannot open a water hole like planting other flowers), put fertile planting soil (lotus like fertilizer), and add water to make the soil into a paste (pay attention to picking out impurities and stones) and apply chicken manure, pigsty manure or yellow manure as base fertilizer. The planting time should be at the end of March and early April, and it is best when the temperature is 25 degrees. Lotus likes to grow in a warm environment with plenty of sunshine, so pots and pots should be placed in sunny and sheltered places facing south. In addition, dig out the lotus root that was born last year for seed use, select the small section where the terminal bud is intact and have two complete lotus root nodes, tilt the terminal bud downward into the mud with a depth of 15ml / 20cm, make the tail slightly upward, and do not add water within a week after planting. Let the seed lotus root grow in the soil to promote germination. At first, the young leaflet is extracted, the petiole is slender and soft, and the leaf floats on the water, which is called floating leaf. But with the emergence of floating leaves, the growth of vertical leaves gradually increase the amount of water, and finally close to the cylinder surface. The flowering time of pot-loaded lotus is about 100ml 110 days from planting to flowering.

The lotus is propagated by sowing, usually in the first ten days of April. The seed of the lotus is the lotus seed, which has a very hard seed coat. First, the selected improved seed with skin lotus seed, with a sharp knife to cut off the top seed coat 2Mel 3mm, so that the water can be immersed, soaked in water for 3 days, wait for the seed to absorb water to expand, sow in the basin (the pot soil treatment is the same as the plant method), and then soak the basin into a large water tank to keep 3m / 4cm deep water on the basin surface. At a temperature of 25 mi 30 degrees, fine buds can be sent out after 10 days, then leaves will grow gradually and can blossom in the next year.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Ling Arrow Lotus

The arrow lotus is a beautiful ornamental plant, it is a kind of cactus family, with bright colors and attractive fragrance. Many people like to raise it at home, but they can't keep it well. Soon I will write down the breeding methods and points for attention of the arrow lotus. You will know how to raise the arrow lotus.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Ling Arrow Lotus

1. The culture method of Ling Arrow Lotus

At ordinary times, when raising the arrow lotus, you should put it in a warm and humid environment, it is best not to accept strong light, and it likes fertile soil with good drainage. It grows fastest when the external temperature is between 20 and 25 degrees, and blossoms in April every year. You can't put it in an environment below five degrees in winter.

2. Fertilizer and water management of Ling Arrow Lotus.

When farming makes the arrow lotus its fertilizer and water management should pay more attention, usually when it is in the growing season, it should be fertilized every ten days to half a month, and can not apply thin fertilizer, it is best to apply more powerful fertilizer, so that it can grow healthily, in addition, the arrow lotus should be watered and loosened in time when it is cultivated, and it must be watered thoroughly when it is watered, and it should be sprayed to its leaves to cool down when it is hot in summer.

3. Management of changing pots of Ling Arrow Lotus.

Breeding makes the arrow lotus change the pot in the morning is also a place that needs to be paid attention to. Under normal circumstances, the arrow lotus should be changed every two years, and the season for changing the basin should be spring or autumn, and good basin soil should be prepared in advance when changing the pot. and apply sufficient bottom fertilizer, after changing the basin, the horse should be placed in a cool place and ventilated for four to five days before it can be placed in the sun.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of stone lotus

Elaeagnus angustifolia is a perennial herb of the genus Gesneria. Its shape is very similar to that of the lotus, the leaves are all basic, the outer leaves have a long stalk, the inner leaves are sessile, and the leaves are leathery, ovate and fan-shaped. Generally grow in Yunnan, Sichuan, Xizang southeast of the hillside, forest edge, stone crevice, its adaptability is very strong, is a very good-looking foliage plant. Stone lotus also has a certain medicinal value, can treat hot and humid acne and so on. And for such foliage plants, how should we raise them? The following editor will introduce to you the breeding methods and matters needing attention of stone lotus.

The breeding method of Liriodendron

There are two kinds of cultivation methods of stone lotus, which are suitable for potted plants and placed on bookshelves, desk and the interior of the elderly. It is a kind of beautiful flower with thick leaves and beautiful decoration, which gives people a sense of comfort and peace. The stone lotus is very strong after flowering, propagates with seeds, blossoms vaguely for many years, and propagates by ramet, which can be propagated all the year round, especially in late spring and early summer. When the seedlings germinate near the base of the stem and on the branches, two are taken out and placed in a moist sand table. after a month, when they are almost fully developed, they can be planted in the basin. Stone lotus cuttage in the spring and summer season, stem cutting, leaf cutting is OK, cut a leaf above the stone lotus, and then inserted in the wet sand, the leaf face up, leaf back down, to prevent in a cool place, a week later can be leaflets and new roots, wait until the root is two to three centimeters on the pot to plant.

The Culture method of Liriodendron

1. Soil: the requirement for soil is loose and fertile, with very good drainage and air permeability, rotten leaves and peat, bone powder, coarse sand can be used together. If the soil is relatively moist, it does not need to be watered too much, which is beneficial to the recovery and growth of the roots. two。 Temperature: stone lotus likes moist and semi-overcast growth environment, generally in 20 to 30 degrees Celsius, winter can not be lower than 5 degrees Celsius, can be properly watered and fertilized. In the summer, the stone lotus goes into a dormant state and can be placed on corridors and balconies, when watering and fertilization need to be stopped and the plants rot on one side. 3. Lighting: the spring and autumn season is the long-term growth season of the stone lotus, in which sufficient sunlight is required, so that the leaves look more fat and plump, the plant shape is compact, and the leaf color also looks more beautiful. 4. Watering: what the stone lotus needs is not dry, not watered thoroughly, not long-term watering, this will cause rotten roots, but not too dry, otherwise the growth is not only slow, but also the leaf color is relatively bleak, lack of vitality, summer high temperature season, the water evaporation of the leaves is large, can spray some water on the leaves to keep moist.

Matters needing attention of Lianhua

Elaeagnus angustifolia is often harmed by rust, leaf spot and root-knot nematode. Chlorothalonil wettable powder and carbofuran granules can be used to control it. Pests are harmful to black weevil and can be sprayed with carbaryl. Some common pests are scale insects, which are more on the top of the leaves, which eat juice will affect the growth, and will make the leaves fall off, causing soot disease. In summer, stone lotus can be placed in a ventilated place to control watering, so as to reduce the humidity of the air and keep it dry properly. Add water and laundry and rinse it to kill insects. You can also use drug spray, so the effect is very good.

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