
Breeding methods and matters needing attention of evergreen

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Evergreen is a foliage plant that many flower friends like very much. it is often used to improve the indoor environment. Some flower friends' evergreen will become very tall after growing to a certain extent, so they can choose to breed a new pot of evergreen by themselves. Evergreen is generally propagated by means of ramet and cuttage.

Evergreen is a lot of flower friends are very fond of foliage plants, often used to improve the indoor environment, some flower friends of Evergreen will become very tall after growing to a certain extent, at this time you can choose to breed a new pot of Evergreen. Evergreen is generally divided into two methods of propagation and cuttage, so how should specific operation?


1. Plant division propagation: The buds at the base can be used for plant division propagation, usually in spring when the pots are changed. During operation, the plant is taken out from the pot, the rhizome at the base of the stem is cut off, and plant ash is applied to prevent decay, or it is placed for a long time, and then potted after the incision is dried, and the water is poured thoroughly. After planting, the watering should not be too much. It can resume growth in about 10 days.

Second, cutting propagation: spring and summer can be carried out. Plants potted for more than 2 years can be propagated in combination with plastic pruning because of their long stems. The best cutting method is to cut 7~10 cm of stem at high temperature in July ~ August, cut off part of leaves, reduce water evaporation, coat the cut with plant ash or sulfur powder, insert it in sand bed or wrap the cut with water moss, keep high air humidity, place it in semi-shade, sunshine is about 50%~60%, root is produced 15~25 days after insertion at room temperature, transplant into pot after new bud germinates on stem segment. The old basal segment can also be cut into stem segments with 3 nodes, inserted into 1/3 of the soil or buried horizontally in the soil to induce rooting and sprouting.

The cultivation methods and precautions of Evergreen

Evergreen is one of the most popular green foliage plants, often made into potted plants placed at home. But how should evergreen be raised? What are its breeding methods and precautions? In order to make it easy for everyone to raise Evergreen, I will give a specific introduction to its breeding methods and precautions.

The cultivation methods and precautions of Evergreen

1. Basin soil for evergreen cultivation

Usually breeding Evergreen, basin soil is very important, it is best to choose the mixture of rotten leaf soil and garden soil and river sand as Evergreen basin Gui, and to make it good permeability. After successful cultivation, but also in the spring every day to change the pot once to avoid excessive hardening of the pot soil.

2. Water and fertilizer supply of Evergreen

When cultivating Evergreen, we should pay attention to the supply of water. Evergreen is a kind of plant that likes water. We should water it more at ordinary times and try to keep the pot soil moist. It should be said that it is better to be wet than dry. In addition, we should spray water on the leaves at the same time as watering. However, after entering autumn, we should reduce the supply of water. After entering winter, we should keep the pot soil dry. In addition, when Evergreen is growing in peak season, it should be fertilized once a month. The fertilizer is mainly diluted nitrogen fertilizer and cake fertilizer.

3. Light and temperature of Evergreen

Evergreen like to grow in a semi-shady environment, in the summer should avoid putting it in the sun directly, too strong light will make its leaves injured, in addition to Evergreen in the environment of about 15 degrees fastest growth, into winter will enter dormancy. It is also a plant that is afraid of cold. When the outside temperature is lower than five degrees, it cannot safely winter.

Detailed explanation of breeding methods and precautions of Evergreen

Evergreen is native to China and Japan. It is widely distributed in China, and can be seen in East China, Central China and Southwest China. It is mainly produced in Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hubei and other places. In addition, the whole plant of Evergreen has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, dispersing stasis and relieving pain, and there are often potted plants for viewing. Today, I will take you to understand the cultivation methods and precautions of Evergreen. Selection of soil for growing evergreen: Potted Evergreen was cultivated with 2 parts of moldy leaf soil, 1 part of garden soil, 1 part of river sand and a small amount of decomposed base fertilizer. Evergreen growing season to keep the pot soil moist, should be more watering, rather wet do not dry, supplemented by foliar spray. Autumn control moisture, dry between wet, winter pay attention to make basin soil dry. Fertilization during the growth period is generally once a month, usually to prevent direct sunlight, shade. The pots are changed once a year in spring, and the winter temperature cannot be lower than 10℃. Light and Temperature: Evergreen likes semi-shade environment, afraid of direct sun in summer. Greenhouse cultivation, spring, summer and autumn should be more than 60% shade, winter shade 40%. Too much light burns the sun, too little light bears fruit. The suitable growth temperature is 15-18℃. Winter dormancy into the greenhouse, placed in the sunny place, the temperature is kept above 10℃, the lowest temperature can not be lower than 5℃. Although the leaves are frozen, they can germinate again in the following year. Watering and Fertilizing: Liquid fertilizer is applied every 10-15 days during the growing season. In summer, ventilation should be strengthened, heatstroke prevention and cooling should be strengthened, and water supply should be fully provided, and the soil in the basin should be kept moist and the air humidity in the surrounding environment should be kept. Water 1-2 times a day in summer, reduce watering in winter and stop fertilizing. Shaping and pruning: In order to maintain the good shape of the plant and improve the ornamental value, with the growth of the plant, the yellow leaves, residual leaves and some old leaves at the lower part of the plant should be pruned in time. When the family pot is raised, the leaves can be wiped with a soft cloth dipped in beer, which can remove dust and increase nutrition to the leaves, making the leaves bright green and clean. Disease control: When the evergreen plants are too dense, it will lead to poor ventilation, then vulnerable to scale insects harm, so everything should be based on prevention. If scale insects are found, 50% Marathon emulsion 1000-1500 times can be sprayed once every 7 days, and scale insects can be eliminated by continuous spraying 2-3 times. Evergreen farming considerations Evergreen is a kind of love warm and humid, shade resistance, fear of cold flowers. In summer, it is cultivated outdoors and needs shade. Under strong sunlight, the leaves easily turn green and white, and the edges of the leaves are also easy to zoom. The most suitable temperature for the growth of Evergreen is 20-30℃, the indoor temperature in winter is best kept between 12-15℃, and the minimum temperature cannot be lower than 7℃. The leaves are yellow and fall off below 7℃, and the whole plant dies when it is serious. Evergreen growth season rather wet do not dry, the temperature is higher than 25℃ above, to often spray water to the leaves; after autumn to control watering, to see dry see wet is appropriate; winter appropriate dry. Evergreen fertility tolerance, fertilization to the right amount. 20% cake fertilizer water or 1% compound fertilizer solution should be applied once every 15~20 days in growing season; fertilization should be stopped in winter. Spring, autumn noon and summer to shade, indoor cultivation when it can be placed in a bright place. But in winter, keep plenty of light.