
The method of ramet propagation of Cymbidium mongolica

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, One-leaf orchid, also known as spider holding eggs, is not difficult to cultivate, and after people's long-term cultivation and breeding, there are more and more varieties of one-leaf orchid now. Some flower friends will want to breed a new one when the one-leaf orchid is very tall and luxuriant. In general, the common breeding method of one-leaf orchid is the method of plant-by-plant reproduction.

One-leaf orchid, also known as spider holding eggs, is not difficult to cultivate, and after people's long-term cultivation and breeding, there are more and more varieties of one-leaf orchid now. Some flower friends will want to breed a new one when the one-leaf orchid is very tall and luxuriant. In general, the common breeding method of one-leaf orchid is split-plant reproduction. Interested friends can follow the editor to learn about it.

One-leaf orchid

One-leaf orchid was propagated by the split method, the old root and dead leaves were cut off first, the rhizome was cut with a knife, divided into several clumps according to 4-5 leaves per clump, and put on the basin separately. The basin soil was mixed with 2 parts of garden soil, 1 part of rotten leaf soil, 0.5 part of barnyard manure and 0.5 part of rice chaff ash, and covered with broken tiles at the bottom of the basin to facilitate drainage. When planting on the pot, do not plant too deep, basin soil and rhizome level, pour water to place ventilated semi-shaded place, otherwise the leaves are easy to turn yellow, or even wither. It should be placed in an indoor ventilated and semi-shaded place. Winter room temperature is not less than 5 degrees, put in the south window where there is plenty of sunshine. During the growth period should be often watered, keep the basin soil moist, do not see dry. In summer, in addition to watering once a day, spray to the leaves and sprinkle water to the ground to maintain a certain humidity around the environment to ensure that the leaves are more green and beautiful. Control watering in winter. If the basin soil is too wet, it will often produce rotten roots. During the peak growth period, thin rotten cakes are fertilized and watered every 15 days to promote growth.

How to propagate one-leaf orchid and how to reproduce one-leaf orchid.

One-leaf orchid can be propagated by ramet, and it is not difficult to operate one-leaf orchid. The following steps are sorted out to help flower friends to better reproduce one-leaf orchid.

The method of split propagation of one-leaf orchid 1. Ramet time

The split time of one-leaf orchid can be selected when the temperature rises in spring, and it can be combined with changing pots, from February to March.

3. Detached ramets

First of all, the mother plant of the leaf orchid should be taken out of the flowerpot, and the excess pot soil should be shaken off at the same time. In addition, the flower friends should separate the root system as much as possible, and then cut the leaf orchid open with a sharp knife and divide it into two or more plants.

Remember that each separate plant must have roots, and at the same time, the leaves of the separated plants need to be pruned properly to make each clump with 3 to 5 leaves, which is more conducive to survival.

2. Plant disinfection

Soak the split plant in 1500 times chlorothalonil solution for about five minutes, then take it out and dry it, and then plant it in a pot.

4. Maintenance after plant division

After the one-leaf orchid is potted, the root is irrigated or watered once. Because the root system of the one-leaf orchid is greatly damaged and its water absorption capacity is very weak, it takes about 3-4 weeks to recover the new roots. Therefore, controlled watering is needed within 3-4 weeks after the ramet, so as to avoid rotting roots.

In order to maintain the water balance of the leaves, flower friends are advised to spray the leaves one or three times a day, spray more if the ambient temperature is high, spray less or not if the temperature is low.

In addition, do not fertilize during this period of time, and do not have too strong light at the same time, just keep it in the shade shed.

One leaf orchid-one leaf orchid culture method | one leaf orchid's picture | one leaf orchid's function one leaf orchid (scientific name: Aspidistra elatior Blume), the fruit is very similar to the spider egg, alias spider egg, Ruo orchid, bract Milan, sexual preference warm moist, half shade environment, more hardy, extremely shade tolerant, the growth suitable temperature is 10: 25 ℃, is the ideal indoor greening plant. Culture method of one-leaf orchid

1. Soil. Magnolia lanceolata is not strict on soil and resistant to barren, but it is better to use loose and fertile slightly acidic sandy loam. When potted, rotten leaf soil, peat soil and garden soil can be mixed in the same amount as substrate.

2. Moisture. The growing season should be fully watered, keep the basin soil often moist, and often spray water to the leaves, in order to sprout and grow new leaves, and the amount of water can be reduced appropriately after the end of autumn.

3. Light. It can be cultivated in bright indoor areas all the year round, but it can not be placed in direct sunlight, either indoors or outdoors; short-term sunlight exposure may also cause leaf burns and reduce ornamental value. Yilan is extremely shady, and can be watched for months even in a dark room, but being too dark for a long time is not conducive to the germination and growth of new leaves, so if placed in a dark room, it is best to move it to a place with bright light to maintain it for a period of time to facilitate growth and viewing. Especially during the period from the germination of new leaves to the growth and maturity of new leaves, they should not be placed in a too dark place.

How to raise one-leaf orchid

One-leaf orchid is a perennial evergreen herb, rhizome coarsely creeping. Leaves basal, hard, narrow base into a groove, long petiole, leaves up to 70 cm long. Flowers solitary, short pedicel, attached to the ground, flowers about 2.5 cm in diameter, brownish purple, flowering from April to May. The one-leaf orchid has a dark green color and a unique leaf shape. it is an excellent leaf viewing and modeling material in indoor potted plants and flower arrangement.

Origin and habits: Euphorbia is native to Hainan Island and Taiwan in China. Nature likes warm, wet, barren, not cold-resistant, like loose, fertile, well-drained sandy loam.

Propagation and cultivation: propagation is mainly based on ramet, which can be combined with soil change in spring, and the dense plant cluster can be divided into 2 ~ 3 leaves and planted in one cluster. Sufficient water is needed during the growing period, the cultivation environment should be overcast and wet, it should be maintained under the shade in summer, and it can survive the winter safely if it is more than 0 ℃ in winter. Nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer, and dilute liquid fertilizer can be applied twice a month. One-leaf orchid has strong resistance, while waterlogging is easy to infect diseases and insect pests.

Can a leaf orchid purify the air?

The new house has just been decorated, can a leaf orchid purify the air? Yes, but you have to take it at night. I breathe oxygen at night. I'd better put some grapefruit peel. And the stuff that sucks toluene. You can put more green plants in the morning.

The function of one-leaf orchid

1. Watch

The orchid is tall and straight in shape, bright and green in color, graceful, elegant and graceful. At the same time, it has strong growth, strong adaptability and strong shade tolerance. It is an excellent shade-loving foliage plant for indoor greening decoration and is suitable for home and office layout. It can be watched alone or arranged with other flowering plants to set off the freshness and beauty of other flowers. In addition, it is also an excellent leaf material for modern flower arrangement.

2. Fresh air

Plants have a certain role in air freshness, one-leaf orchid can absorb formaldehyde, and it also has a certain absorption effect on carbon dioxide and hydrogen fluoride, and it can also absorb a certain amount of dust. and one-leaf orchid is shady, adaptable and not easy to diseases and insect pests. It is a good indoor greening and air purification plant.

What if the leaves of the orchid turn yellow?

1. the light is too strong

A leaf orchid bogey is in direct sunlight, and short-term sunlight exposure may also cause leaf burns and yellowing, reducing ornamental value.

Solution: one-leaf orchid can be cultivated in bright indoor all the year round, but not in direct sunlight, either indoors or outdoors.

2. Too little light

One-leaf orchid is extremely shady and can be watched for months even in a dark room, but it is not conducive to the germination and growth of new leaves if it is too dark for a long time.

Solution: if a leaf orchid is placed in a dark room, it is best to move it to a place with bright light for a period of time to facilitate growth and viewing, especially during the period from the germination of new leaves to the growth and maturity of new leaves.

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