
Succulent jade dew is watered like this to make radish roots and leaves watery and transparent.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Yulu is native to South Africa. It is fast growing, round, crystal clear and deeply sought after by everyone. I often hear some flower friends lament that the jade dew cultivated in the greenhouse is rich in color, full in leaf shape and exquisitely carved, and the root system grows into a radish root.

Yulu is native to South Africa and is highly sought after by everyone with its rapid growth, round plant type, crystal clear and translucent. I often hear some flower friends lament that the jade dew cultivated in the greenhouse has rich colors, full leaves and exquisitely carved roots, and the root system has grown into radish roots. however, the leaves of Yulu cultivated by themselves are withered, the windows are dark and lifeless. Today, I would like to share a small method for you. Yulu is watered in this way to cultivate radish roots easily, and the leaves can be transparent!

In terms of habit, Yulu is much easier to raise than Sedum. It likes moist air and is afraid of strong light, which is exactly the opposite of Sedum. The most important thing is that Yulu hardly gives birth to worms! You don't have to worry about shell bugs or root powder at all. Among the four seasons, there is little watering in summer and winter, and they are almost dormant. If summer is particularly muggy, they will not die even if they are directly cut off for 2-3 months. Although the state will look bad, they can recover as soon as they are replenished in autumn.

It is easy to develop the radish root of jade dew.

The first 3 to 6 months of raising Yulu is the rooting and slow seedling stage. Once the root system is stable, the leaves will grow wildly and will soon burst. Practical experience shows that the accounting of the root system that is often watered is weak, while radish roots are easy to be formed in a relatively harsh environment, just like a plant that does not water for a month and its leaves will wither and wither. After a flood of water, the root system will quickly absorb water and expand, and the leaves will gradually return to their original state. At this time, the root system will expand when it absorbs enough water, and the main root will become sturdy and form radish root after repeated several times.

But there is one point to show that the capillary root is weak and easy to dry up, and the best culture condition is that the upper three-thirds of the root system is slightly wet and the lower 1/3 is kept moist.

In order to increase the air humidity in the growing environment of Yulu in winter, many people like to use the method of "stuffy". This method is in fact the same principle as spraying water, but covering a plastic cup can maintain better air humidity, make the jade dew transparent, the window is more transparent, and the sun shines into the plastic cup has a heat preservation effect. The warm and humid environment happens to be Yulu's favorite.

After being stuffed in a plastic cup for a few days, their windows (foliage) are much brighter. In addition to winter, other seasons are not very suitable for stuffy, especially in summer is already muggy, and then cover a plastic cup is even worse.



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Reply: plant name (such as fortune tree): view the culture method