
Planting method of Chenxiang

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Planting method of Chenxiang

Chenxiang, also known as Hainan Chenxiang, Hainan Chenxiang, Baimuxiang, Guanxiang, daughter incense, earthy incense, is not only a kind of advanced spice, but also a kind of valuable traditional Chinese medicine with rich fragrance and high price.

Wood, tree heads and roots can be used to make incense or handicrafts; bark can be used to make paper; leaves can be used to make tea. It has a wide range of uses, the whole tree can be used, and the economic value is extremely high. Known as the "plant diamond"!

At the same time, the planted incense tree is evergreen all the year round and emits a rich and elegant unique fragrance. Its magical aroma can dispel mosquitoes and insects, purify the air, benefit health and beautify the environment. Potted plants can be planted on both sides of urban streets, around office buildings, residential areas, courtyards and even balconies. Therefore, Chen Xiang is widely used in many countries and regions in the world.

Chenxiang is a valuable traditional Chinese medicine in China, which is made from the resin of Daphneaceae. It has high medicinal value and is a precious traditional Chinese medicine with a long history. It has the effects of relieving qi, relieving vomiting and relieving asthma, and has obvious effect on the treatment of abdominal distension, stomach cold, kidney deficiency and asthma. It is the main raw material of more than 160 proprietary Chinese medicines such as Chenxiang Huazhi pills, Chenxiang oil, Chenxiang Yangwei pills and so on. Recent clinical trials in Japan have shown that Chenxiang is a specific drug for gastric cancer and a good painkiller.

Since ancient times, Chenxiang is usually processed into traditional Chinese medicine slices, such as: Chenxiang powder, Chenxiang pieces, Chenxiang qu and so on. Traditional Chinese medicine doctors use Chenxiang prescription to treat diseases, which is used in digestion, respiration, cardio-cerebrovascular, rheumatism, tumor, external, female, infant, male, facial features, skin and other diseases, as well as aromatherapy and incense burning. Especially for diseases of the digestive system, Chenxiang is widely used, and most of the medicines are used. In addition to medicine, the development of incense health products and daily necessities is also increasing, such as: incense tea, incense air freshener, sunscreen, incense toothpaste, soap and shampoo and so on.

In Taiwan, incense is also used to increase the aroma of alcohol. However, due to natural disasters and man-made deforestation, wild resources have been increasingly exhausted. At present, a considerable part of the country's medicinal uses rely on imports, which are quite scarce and expensive. Good incense costs more than 10,000 yuan per kilogram. The incense tree has been listed as an endangered tree species under national secondary protection, and the state is vigorously encouraging non-governmental planting!

The fragrance of Chenxiang is unpredictable and natural, but it can curl. Today, with the development of science, its aroma has been unable to be prepared artificially for thousands of years. Its precious, its mystery can be imagined. Today's businessmen often go away from home and will collect incense and put it at home to protect the safety of the whole family. Carrying incense oil with you and offering incense to the Buddha through the highest gift to the Buddha can not only enjoy the unique fragrance and enter a pleasant realm, but also make evil spirits and exorcise demons and bless their own career success.

Chenxiang is a southern plant, such as potted plants in the north, which should be moved indoors in winter. Chenxiang is a crude plant that likes sunlight. Remove the plastic film when transplanting and be careful not to hurt the roots.

I. Land selection and land preparation

The seeds of Chenxiang are difficult to reproduce and germinate. Generally, the planting of Chenxiang needs to be transplanted after nursery optimization.

The time for transplanting wild Chrysanthemum seedlings is usually in spring. Transplanting seedlings with nutrition bags after optimized cultivation by the nursery can be carried out without specific seasons, and generally only need to avoid the hottest and coldest parts of the year.

Chenxiang has strong adaptability and lax requirements for soil. Gentle slopes, hills, red soil or mountain yellow soil can be planted. The planting land can be turned deep under certain conditions, digging holes according to the row spacing of 2m × 3m, and planting about 110 plants per mu. In order to make full use of the land to increase the yield per mu, the dense planting method of row spacing of 1 meter × 1 meter is adopted, and more than 600 trees can be planted per mu. The standard planting hole is about 50cm × 50cm × 40cm, with 20kg base fertilizer applied in each hole and covered with soil to be planted. The fast and convenient planting method is to hit a small hole about 20cm × 20cm × 20cm (you can put down the nutrition bag mud ball without the need for base fertilizer. ). After simple and rapid planting, topdressing was carried out after the seedlings survived and grew stably. As for topdressing, thin application of human and animal manure water or ammonium sulfate and urea mixed with water was selected.

II. Colonization

There is not much difference between planting incense trees and ordinary fruit trees. As there are few lateral roots of seedlings and bare-root seedlings are planted, they should bring more persistent soil as much as possible when starting seedlings. Before planting, the lateral branches and leaves of the lower part of the seedling should be cut off, only the upper part of the leaf should be retained, and half of the leaf should be cut off; the overlong main and lateral root should be pruned, and it would be better to add fresh cow dung if dipped in yellow mud; and it is better to tear the plastic bag when raising seedlings in nutrition bags. When planting, the seedlings should be straight, the roots should be stretched, the soil should be filled in layers, compacted, pressed, drenched with fixed root water, and finally the soil should be loosened by the coating. The survival rate can reach 95%.

[note] due to the long growing period of planting incense, there is a large gap in the young period, so it can be used as grain and oil crops such as potatoes, beans and short-term medicinal materials such as alpinia paniculata and andrographis paniculata 3 years before planting; when the rows are more closed, it can be intercropped with more shade-tolerant traditional Chinese medicine such as Yizhi, cardamom, alpinia officinalis, etc., in order to make full use of natural resources, adjust the growth environment of Aristolochia mandshurica and increase economic income. After intercropping, according to different intercropping objects, different cultivation and management techniques were adopted to make the incense and intercropping crops grow well, and get more with one stone for the purpose of land maintenance, short cultivation and interplanting instead of tending.

III. Post-planting management

1. Nursery stage management

Although the germination rate of Chenxiang seed is low, it germinates quickly, and the unearthed seedlings are not resistant to drought. It should be watered once in the morning and evening after emergence to keep the soil moist. If there is no natural shade, a shed should be built for shade. Weed is weeded once a month from May to August every year to prevent weeds from covering the seedlings. Prune the branches properly to promote the growth of the main trunk. After seedling height 10cm, dilute fecal and urine water was applied once every 2 months, and then the concentration was appropriately increased with the growth of seedlings. The seedlings were raised for 10 months to 1.5 years. Nutrition bag seedling height above 20cm can be planted or sold out of the nursery.

2. Management after planting.

(1) initial management

At the initial stage of planting, we need to pay attention to drought and water in time according to the weather conditions. Weeding and loosening the soil once every 1-2 months in the juvenile period. Fertilize 2-3 times a year, and apply human and animal manure water or ammonium sulfate and urea to water in dry season. In the rainy season, the ditches were opened with organic fertilizer mixed with calcium superphosphate, and the adult trees were ditched with organic manure and green manure. In order to make the trunk straight and artificially fragrant, the lower side branches of the stem, weak and overdense branches must be removed. Those who lack seedlings should be replanted in time.