
Cultivation techniques of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cultivation techniques of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz

Atractylodes macrocephala, alias mountain thistle, day thistle, mountain ginger, begga, winter atractylodes macrocephala, etc., to the rhizome of medicine. Tonifying spleen, benefiting stomach, dryness and dampness, harmonizing, calming fetus. Treatment of weakness of spleen and stomach, lack of diet, tiredness, deficiency, diarrhea, phlegm, edema, jaundice, damp arthralgia, adverse urination, dizziness, spontaneous sweating, restless fetal qi. Mainly produced in Zhejiang, Guizhou, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hebei, Shandong and other provinces can also be introduced and cultivated, Shaanxi is generally planted.

Morphological characteristics

Herbs perennial, 30 to 60 cm tall. The rhizome is thick and slightly fist-shaped. Stem erect, upper part branched. Leaves alternate, leaf blade 3, leaf blade of parted or upper stem undivided, lobes elliptic. There are thorns on the edge. Capitate inflorescences apical cow, involucral bracts campanulate, Corolla purplish red, achene elliptic, slightly flat. The flowering period is from July to September and the fruiting stage is from 8 to 10.

I. growth habits

Like cool climate, afraid of high temperature and humidity, cold-resistant, soil moisture requirements are not strict, but appropriate watering in the seedling stage. When this is dry, the growth of seedlings is slow, but in the season of high temperature and humidity, attention should be paid to drainage, otherwise diseases are easy to occur. In the later stage of growth, the rhizome expands rapidly, so it is necessary to keep the soil moist, such as soil dryness has an effect on rhizome expansion. Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz is not strict on soil, acidic clay loam and slightly alkaline sandy loam can grow, sandy loam with good drainage is better, but not suitable for planting in low-lying land and saline-alkali land. It is best to choose the shady slope wasteland or abandoned land with a slope of less than 15-20 degrees, and the barren land is better. The branches and leaves of Atractylodes macrocephala seedlings are too tender and the disease resistance is weakened.

Atractylodes macrocephala can not be replanted every 5 to 10 years. Gramineae is the best because there is no white silk disease infection in Gramineae crops (wheat, corn, millet). Can not rotate with peanuts, ginseng, cabbage, tobacco, rape, aconite, Rehmannia glutinosa, tomato, radish, peony, Rehmannia glutinosa and other crops. But newly reclaimed land can also plant Atractylodes macrocephala.

Second, sowing seeds

1. Seed selection and nursery

Seed selection: distinguish between true and false seeds, Atractylodes macrocephala seed is red and fluffy, the surface is glossy, the cross section is clear, and the middle bud embryo has a pink line.

Raising seedlings: the seeds were soaked in 25 ~ 30 ℃ warm water for one day and night. Seedling can be raised in spring and autumn, seedling in the first year and transplanting in the next year. Spring sowing is from late March to early and middle April, and it is suitable to sow above 12 ℃ of ground temperature. In the flat rake fine border surface horizontal trench sowing, row spacing 15 ~ 20 cm, sowing width 7 ~ 10 cm, ditch depth 3 ~ 5 cm, the bottom of the ditch should be flat. The selected seeds were soaked in 1000 times methyl topiramate solution for 3-5 minutes to prevent iron leaf disease. Mix the cold and dried seeds with sand and spread them into the ditch, step on them with your feet, cover with plant ash, remove a layer of superphosphate or cake fertilizer, cover with thin soil, cover the grass with a layer of heat preservation and moisturizing, facilitate the emergence of seeds, and remove them one by one after emergence. The amount of seed used per mu is 58kg, and 1 mu of tall seedlings can be transplanted to 7 mu in the field. If sowing on demand, according to row spacing of 20 cm, plant spacing of 10 cm, hole depth of 3 to 5 cm, 3 seeds per hole, seedlings can emerge in about 7 days.

Seedling management: ploughing and weeding after seedling emergence, so that there are no weeds in the field and the soil is not hardened. When the seedling height is 7 cm, the seedling is fixed according to the plant spacing of 3 cm to 5 cm. Seedlings are afraid of waterlogging and drought, so drainage and irrigation should be timely. In the first ten days of July, manure was applied for the second time in the expansion period of underground rhizome, 500kg / mu of manure water was used, and the flower buds were removed as early as possible in the later stage of growth to promote the growth of rhizome.

Seedling storage method

In order to survive the winter safely, the seedlings must be dug up and stored. From the first half of October to the first ten days of November in the year of sowing, dig up the seedlings when the soil is dry, shake off the soil, remove the weak and damaged seedlings, spread them in the ventilated place and dry them in the shade, waiting for the skin to turn white before storage to avoid mildew.

Tank storage: a small number of seedlings can be stored in tanks for the winter. Put a handful of straw in the middle of the container to ventilate and dissipate heat, spread a layer of green pine leaves on the bottom and four walls, and then install Atractylodes macrocephala seedlings, covered with green pine leaves or dried moss; after the green pine leaves are withered and yellow, change them in time to maintain enough moisture.

Sand storage method: this method can be used when the quantity is large. In the cool and ventilated room, first use bricks or stones to form a square circle, and then spread fine sand 3 cm thick on the soil, stacking the seedlings in layers, that is, a layer of seedlings, a layer of sand, inserting a grass handle every 0.6-cm high, when the pile is 35 cm high, cover the top with 7 cm thick sand or soil, and put thorns of fir trees on it to prevent rodents. When the temperature is low in winter, add a layer of straw. The sand should be moderately wet and be checked every 15 to 30 days, and the diseased seedlings should be removed in time.

Overwintering on the spot: Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz seedlings sown in autumn can be covered with hay or pu film, overwintering on the spot. Dig and plant as you dig the following spring.

2. Field cultivation

Seedling selection: the rhizome with full top bud head, developed root system, delicate epidermis, slender top and large round tail should be selected as seed, classified according to size and planted separately, which can make the seedlings neat, easy to manage and increase yield.

Planting time: the transplanting period should be determined according to the local climate, soil and farming system. From late December to early April of the following year. Early planting is better, early planting is the first root, then bud, root system is developed, vigorous growth, cold resistance, drought resistance, high yield. If the plant is planted too late, the bud will grow first, then the root will grow, the root system will grow poorly and the yield will be low due to the increase of temperature.

Planting methods: hole planting and strip planting. Planting density depends on soil fertility and fertilizer conditions. Proper close planting can increase the yield. The basic seedlings per mu are 8000 ~ 15000, with seedlings of 40 ~ 60 kg, row spacing of 23 ~ 26 cm, plant spacing of 13 ~ 16 cm and hole depth of 7 cm. First apply human feces and urine, and then put the seedlings in the hole after drying, so that the bud head upward, whisker root stretch, and then cover the soil buried, the terminal bud from the soil surface 3.5 cm. If the burial is too shallow, it is easy to suffer frost damage, then there are many buds and the operation shape is not good; on the contrary, the soil is too deep, the germination is slow, it is difficult to unearth, the operation shape is slender and the quality is poor.

III. Field management

1. Weeding in middle ploughing: after emergence of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz seedlings, weeds should be weeded frequently and soil should be loosened shallowly, so as to keep the field free of weeds. After the plant was closed in the middle of May, it was only weeded and not ploughed. Weeding is not suitable when the dew is not dry in the morning, otherwise it is easy to get sick.

2. Topdressing: the growth period of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz is long, which is 220 ~ 240days. In addition to basic fertilizer, topdressing is required for 3 times before planting. In the first ten days of April, the aboveground part of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz is 800kg / mu, 500kg / mu in late May, and 2000 kg / mu and 100kg / mu in the third time from mid-August to late September. In addition, spraying foliar fertilizer with 1% superphosphate solution within more than 40 days before the start of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz can increase the yield, spraying once every 10 days, a total of 2 ~ 3 times. In short, it is necessary to grasp the principle of "applying sufficient base fertilizer, early application of seedling fertilizer and re-application of bud fertilizer".