
Cultivation techniques of Clematis chinensis

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cultivation techniques of Clematis chinensis

Wei Lingxian alias hundred roots, tiger beard, iron fan sweep. It is the dicotyledonous plant Ranunculaceae Clematis chinensisOsbeck of Ranunculaceae, C.hexapetala Pall. Or Clematis mandshurica C. manshuricaRupr. The dried roots and rhizomes of. It has the effects of expelling wind and dehumidification, dredging collaterals and relieving pain, eliminating phlegm, dispersing accumulation, clinically treating gout stubborn arthralgia, rheumatism arthralgia, limb numbness, knee cold pain, muscle and pulse clonus, unfavorable flexion and extension, beriberi, malaria, syndrome accumulation, tetanus, tonsillitis, bone dysphagia and so on. It mainly produces Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Shandong, Sichuan, Guangdong, Fujian and other places.

Plant characteristics

Perennial Fujimoto. The fresh stem is smooth and glabrous with obvious longitudinal fiber stripes. The stems and leaves turn black when they dry. Pinnately compound leaves opposite, pink-green, smooth; leaflets 3-5, narrowly ovate to triangular-ovate, long 3~7cm, broadly 1.5~3.6cm, apex obtuse or acuminate, base cuneate or rounded, entire, hairy along veins above; petiole long 4.5~6.5cm. Inflorescences axillary or terminal; tepals one, white, outer margin densely white pubescent. Achenes narrowly ovate and flat, sparsely pilose. The flowering period is from June to August and the fruiting period is from September to October. Born in slopes, valleys, or thickets.

1. Land selection and preparation

Select the land with sunny back, short sunshine time and deep soil, deep ploughing and raking fine, starting the border. Combined with soil preparation, apply sufficient base fertilizer. 3000 kg of soil miscellaneous fertilizer and 50 kg of compound fertilizer containing 15% of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were applied per mu.

2. Sowing seeds

(1) Seedling transplanting: sowing seedlings in spring, covering soil no more than 1 cm, and then covering the border with rice straw, seedlings will emerge in about half a month under suitable temperature and humidity. 50ml was transplanted and planted 60 days after emergence.

(2) transplanting root buds: cut the root buds with a knife before the root buds germinated in spring, and then transplant them directly to the field with a row spacing of 30cm X 40cm.

3. Field management

(1) Intermediate ploughing and weeding: during the seedling raising period, the covered straw was removed immediately after the seedlings were unearthed, and the weeds were removed by interploughing once or twice again according to the growth of weeds when the seedling height was 3ml / 5cm. After planting in the field, it is ploughed and weeded 2 times a year for 3 times.

(2) topdressing: at seedling stage, combined with mid-tillage and weeding, less human feces, urine or other nitrogen fertilizer was applied, and phosphate fertilizer or compound fertilizer was applied twice after planting.

(3) pruning: in order to promote the development of root system, cut off the overdense vines properly.

(4) drainage and irrigation: timely drainage in overcast and rainy weather and watering in dry weather.

(5) Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: Weilingxian has fewer diseases and insect pests, so it should be controlled in time once it is found.

4. Harvesting and processing

Weilingxian is used as a root in medicine. Two years after planting, the roots were dug in autumn, the impurities were collected, the stems and leaves were removed, the soil was washed, soaked in water, removed, moistened, cut and dried in the sun, and stored in a dry place.