
High-yield cultivation techniques of Radix Glehniae

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, High-yield cultivation techniques of Radix Glehniae

North sand ginseng, alias coral vegetable, Caiyang sand ginseng, Liao sand ginseng and so on. It has the effect of moistening lung and relieving cough, nourishing stomach and nourishing fluid by using underground root for medicinal purposes. It mainly treats lung dryness and thirst, heat injury, bronchitis and so on. Mainly produces Shandong, Liaoning, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong coastal provinces.

Morphological characteristics of Umbelliferae perennial herbs, 5-20 cm tall, the whole plant has grayish brown tomentose. Taproot slender, Terete, 30 cm long, 0.5-1.5 cm in diameter, rarely branched. Stem erect, unbranched. Basal leaves, stalk ca. 10 cm, base sheathlike, margin membranous; leaf blade ovoid or triangular-ovate, 3-pinnatisect or 2-3-pinnatifid. Compound umbel terminal; total ridge 4-10 cm long; each umbellule has 15-20 flowers, petals 5, apex inflorescence 15-20, petals 5, apex inflorescence inflorescently inflorescence; calyx teeth 5, narrowly triangular-lanceolate; stamens 5, alternate with petals; ovary inferior, style base oblate-conic, stigma 2-lobed. Double hanging fruit, globose or ellipsoid, 5-angled, with corky wings, covered with brown hirsute; fruit yellowish brown when mature.

Hebei Anguo is the traditional old producing area of Radix Glehniae. Before the reform and opening up, when the land was not contracted to households, Anguo pharmaceutical farmers had the habit of planting Radix Glehniae on their own plots. As a traditional cash crop, it has continued to develop until now. The characteristics of Anguo sand ginseng are: short and rough, punishment such as pen, rough skin, but its large output, low price, mainly sold in China, used for slices processing and pharmaceutical factory feeding, and only a small part of it is used for export. The output of Anguo adenophora accounts for 40% of the country's total output, which is currently the largest major producing area in the country.

Laiyang, Shandong: is also a traditional old producing area, Laiyang sand ginseng commonly known as "a pillar of incense", slender, yellow-and-white skin, delicate texture, slightly fragrant smell, but the output is low and the price is high. Mainly sold in injury, Guangzhou and exported to Southeast Asian countries. In recent years, due to the rapid development of other cash crops in Shandong, the cultivation of Radix Glehniae has shrunk.

Chifeng, Inner Mongolia: Niuyingzi Town in Chifeng is a new producing area baptized for many years. Because of its special sandy soil and light conditions, it is suitable for the growth of Radix Glehniae, coupled with the careful management of medicine farmers. The quality of its long, white and delicate skin is better than that of Anguo, and its market price is higher, which is mainly sold in Guangzhou, Shanghai and export. As the town of Niuyingzi in Chifeng is far away from the professional market of traditional Chinese medicine, the consciousness of market economy of medicine farmers is weak, and its production is greatly affected by price, so it is an unstable producing area.

First, the growth habits of Beisha ginseng like the sunny, warm and humid environment. Cold-resistant, drought-resistant, saline-alkali resistant, afraid of high temperature, avoid continuous cropping. To the soil request: the soil layer is deep, loose and fertile, rich in organic matter sandy loam is better. Low-lying land is not suitable for planting.

Second, select fields with high terrain and good drainage for soil preparation and fertilization, and cultivate them carefully. Combined with soil preparation, apply sufficient basic fertilizer: 5000 kg of soil miscellaneous fertilizer, 20 kg of urea and 50 kg of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer per mu. Then make beds and wait for sowing.

Third, sowing Beisha ginseng seeds to propagate, the sowing time is autumn sowing and spring sowing. Autumn sowing before and after the Beginning of Winter, spring sowing around Qingming Festival. It is better to sow in autumn. The seeds must be treated before sowing. The fresh seeds to be collected should be evenly mixed with wet sand according to the proportion of 1 ∶ 3, and then mixed into the pit to keep moist and low temperature. When sowing, first open a shallow ditch on the finished border surface, and then spread the seeds of Radix Glehniae evenly into the ditch to cover the soil. The distance between grooves is 20 cm. The sowing rate is 8 kg per mu.

Fourth, after field management, we should pay attention to ploughing and weeding. If planting on a large scale, herbicides should be used to treat the soil before seedling, which can effectively control all kinds of weeds. Time seedlings with 3 true leaves, plant spacing 3 cm. Pay attention to drainage in cloudy and rainy weather and water in time in dry weather. Before and after the Beginning of Autumn entered the period of rapid expansion of underground rhizomes, topdressing should be applied once: 10 kg of urea and 10 kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate per mu. To promote the growth of underground roots. After budding of Radix Glehniae, in addition to seedling planting, cut off the buds in time to prevent nutrient consumption.

Fifth, pest control the main diseases of Radix Glehniae are: rust, which can be controlled with 1500 times of 97% sodium rust or 25% trimethoprim at the initial stage. For root rot, comprehensive control measures can be adopted: 1, soil disinfection, using 50% carbendazim powder 3 kg to evenly apply to the ground during soil preparation. 2. Seed treatment: before sowing, the seeds of Radix Glehniae were soaked in 50% carbendazim 500 times solution for 24 hours. 3. Spray 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 120 Bordeaux solution before the disease or irrigate the diseased plant with 50% topiramate 1000 times solution at the initial stage of the disease. The main pest is drillworm drilling into stems, roots and buds. It can be prevented and treated with permethrin at the initial stage of the disease. Aphids are sprayed with aldicarb. Phoxim is used to control underground pests.

Harvest and processing Beisha ginseng after growing for one year before and after Frosts Descent, the aboveground stems and leaves withered and dug. First cut off the aboveground stems and leaves, then dig out the underground roots, clean the soil, put them in boiling water and boil for 10 seconds, remove them when they can be peeled, immediately cool them in cold water, dry or dry them in time after wet peeling, and then be sold as medicine. The yield per mu is 250ml / mu and 350kg.