
High-yielding cultivation techniques of gynostemma pentaphyllum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, High-yielding cultivation techniques of gynostemma pentaphyllum

Gynostemma pentaphyllum, alias seven-leaf gallbladder, public pot bottom, small bitter medicine, lobular five-clawed dragon, five-leaf ginseng and so on. The whole herb has the effects of inhibiting tumor, reducing blood lipid, anti-aging, strengthening immunity, protecting liver, sedative and relieving pain, anti-ulcer and so on. It mainly treats leukopenia, chronic hepatitis, chronic cholecystitis, chronic atrophic gastritis, ulcer, coronary heart disease, diabetes, bronchitis and other diseases caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy. It can inhibit the proliferation of all cancer cells. Because it contains amino acids and trace elements, and contains more than 50 kinds of saponins, it is found that 5 kinds of gynostemma pentaphyllum saponins have the same structure as ginseng, so it is a better health food and is known as "southern ginseng".

Morphological characteristics perennial climbing herbs of Cucurbitaceae. Stem slender, angled, tendrils apex 2-lobed or undivided. Compound, alternate; petiole 2-4 cm long, pilose; leaflets 5-7, membranous, lanceolate or ovate-oblong, apex acute or shortly acuminate, base cuneate, margin shallowly undulate-denticulate, middle leaflet larger, 4-10 cm long, 1.5-3 cm wide, bilateral leaflets gradually smaller. Flowers unisexual, dioecious, male flowers axillary, loose panicles, 10 × 16 cm long; calyx short, 5-lobed; Corolla yellowish green, 5-lobed, lobes linear-lanceolate, 2.5 × 3 mm long; stamens 5, filaments connate proximally. Female inflorescence shorter; style 3, ovary globose. Berries globose, 5-9 mm in diam., black at maturity.

First, the growth habit of gynostemma pentaphyllum likes a cool and humid environment. Hardy, underground rhizome can survive the winter in the open field. Afraid of bright light and water stains. The requirement of soil is not strict, but it is better to use loam which is deep, loose and fertile and rich in organic matter. Heavy clay, saline-alkali land and low-lying land are not suitable for planting.

Second, soil preparation and fertilization should select suitable fields with high topography and good drainage for intensive cultivation. Combined with soil preparation, apply sufficient basic fertilizer: 3000 kg of soil miscellaneous fertilizer, 20 kg of urea and 50 kg of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer per mu. Then make beds and wait for sowing.

Third, sow gynostemma pentaphyllum and propagate with seeds. Rhizome propagation and cuttage propagation can also be used. Sowing time is spring sowing and autumn sowing. Soak the seeds in warm water of about 50 ℃ for 10 hours before sowing. Then sow on the whole border surface according to the row spacing of 60 × 30 cm, and put 5 seeds in each hole. Watering to preserve soil moisture, in order to survive. Rhizome propagation selected strong growth, disease-free underground rhizome cut into 5 cm long segments, each section must have 3 nodes. Then the root segment was planted on the finished border surface according to the row spacing of 30 × 10 cm. Watering to preserve soil moisture, in order to survive. The sturdy and slightly aged vines were selected for cutting and propagation, and the middle of them was cut into cuttings of 20 cm. After the cutting was dipped in 2000PPM indole acetic acid solution, it was planted on the whole border surface according to the row spacing of 60 × 20 cm. Watering to preserve soil moisture, in order to survive.

Fourth, after the field management of gynostemma pentaphyllum seedlings, attention should be paid to ploughing and weeding, frequent watering in dry weather and timely drainage in overcast and rainy weather. When the seedling is 30 cm high, it is made of small bamboo poles to form a "human" frame for the winding of stems and vines. Fertilizer should be applied immediately after the first harvest: 10 kg of urea and 5 kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate each time.

5. Control of diseases and insect pests the main disease of gynostemma pentaphyllum is powdery mildew, which can be controlled by strychnine. Pests have leaf beetles, which can be killed with trichlorfon. Underground pests are trapped and killed with octane scales and poison bait.

Harvesting and processing gynostemma pentaphyllum can be harvested twice a year: the first in June and the second around Frosts Descent. Cut the whole root of gynostemma pentaphyllum, dry it to semi-dry, cut it into 10 cm segments, and then dry it to be sold as medicine. The yield is 400 kilograms per mu.