
High-yield cultivation techniques of white lentil

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, High-yield cultivation techniques of white lentil

White lentils, alias lentils, small knife beans, tea beans, e mei beans and so on. With mature seeds and seed coat for medicinal use, it has the effect of dissolving dampness in the stomach, invigorating the spleen and promoting diuresis, clearing heat and relieving diarrhea. Main treatment of spleen deficiency diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, red leucorrhea and other diseases. Using flat bean flower as medicine has the effect of relieving heat and dampness, relieving diarrhea and stopping belt. It mainly treats heatstroke, fever, vomiting and diarrhea, leucorrhea dysentery and so on. At the same time, white lentil is also a good health product, for habitual constipation, hyperlipidemia, high blood pressure, medical and health care.

Morphological characteristics of Leguminosae annual herbaceous vines; stems up to 6 meters long, green, glabrous. Ternate compound leaves alternate, stipitate; leaflets papery, sparsely hairy on both sides, terminal leaflet broadly triangular-ovate, 5-9 cm long and 6-10 cm wide, lateral leaflets larger, obliquely ovate, asymmetric on both sides. The flowers bloom in autumn and winter. Racemes axillary, 15-25 cm long, erect and stout, often 2 to many flowers growing on nodes of inflorescence axis; calyx broadly campanulate, 5-toothed, upper 2-lobed; Corolla white or purplish red, 15-18 mm long, with 2 auriculate appendages on both sides of the base of the flag. Pods oblong, flattened, slightly curved, 5-7 cm long and 1.4-1.8 mm wide; seeds oblong, white or purplish black.

First, the growth habit of white lentils like a warm, humid, sunny environment. The requirements of the soil are not strict, but it is better to have a deep, loose and fertile soil. Riverside roadside, field edge land, before and after the house can be cultivated, low-lying land, saline-alkali land is not suitable for cultivation.

Second, select fields with high terrain and good drainage for soil preparation and fertilization, and cultivate them carefully. Combined with soil preparation, apply sufficient base fertilizer: 3000 kg of soil miscellaneous fertilizer, 20 kg of urea and 50 kg of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer per mu. And made a high bed 1.3 meters wide waiting to be sown.

Third, sow white lentils and propagate with seeds. The sowing time is spring sowing. Direct seeding is often used, and seedlings can also be raised and transplanted. In the direct seeding, the seeds of white lentils were sown on the whole border surface according to the row spacing of 60 x 50 cm, and watered to preserve soil moisture to facilitate seedling emergence. Put 3-5 seeds in each hole. Seedlings will be evenly sowed on the whole border, watered to preserve moisture, and covered with a layer of plastic film, strengthen the management of the seedling bed, the seedling height of about 10 cm can be transplanted. Transplant the white lentil seedlings according to the row spacing of 60 x 50 cm and plant on the whole border surface, watering to preserve soil moisture in order to survive.

Fourth, field management white lentil seedlings or after transplanting survived, attention should be paid to ploughing and weeding. Pay attention to watering in dry weather and timely drainage in cloudy and rainy weather. Seedling height of 30 cm should be set up, or intercropping some jade or sorghum and other tall crops for its vines to climb, in order to facilitate ventilation and light. Topdressing should be applied once during the flower bud: 5 kg of urea and 5 kg of potassium diphosphate per mu.

5. Control of diseases and insect pests the main disease of white lentil is rust, which can be controlled with sodium rust or strychnine at the initial stage of the disease. The main pests are pod insects, which can be killed with permethrin at the initial stage of the disease. Aphids can be killed with aldicarb.

Harvest and processing of white lentils and pericarp after autumn from green to yellow and white after picking. After drying and threshing the picked pods, the impurities can be removed and sold as medicine. The yield per mu is 20000kg.