
High-yielding cultivation techniques of Wang Buliuxing

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, High-yielding cultivation techniques of Wang Buliuxing

The king does not leave the line, the alias king does not leave the line, leaves the line, barley cattle, wheat cabbage, milky rice and so on. With mature seeds for medicinal use, it has the effects of regulating menstruation, reducing swelling and relieving pain, promoting the birth of lower milk and so on. Main treatment of amenorrhea, milk obstruction, mastitis, sores, furuncle swelling, cholelithiasis and other diseases. It is distributed in most parts of the country, mostly wild.

The morphological characteristics are 1-2-year-old herbs of Caryophyllaceae. Simple leaves opposite, ovate to long elliptic, petiole 5-7 mm long, umbels open, clustered on top of branchlets, involucral bracts 4, flowers bisexual, yellow, sepals broadly triangular, petals ligulate or lanceolate, stamens 4, alternate with petals, inferior to ovary, usually one-loculed. Drupe oval, red to purplish red when ripe, shiny, exocarp leathery, mesocarp fleshy, endocarp hard.

First, the king of growth habits does not like a warm and humid climate. Resistant to cold, drought, and afraid of water stains. The requirement of soil is not strict, but it is better to have loose and fertile soil. Low-lying land is not suitable for planting.

Second, soil preparation and fertilization select fields with high topography and good drainage, and cultivate them carefully. Combined with soil preparation, apply sufficient basic fertilizer: 3000 kg of soil miscellaneous fertilizer, 20 kg of urea and 50 kg of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer per mu.

Third, the sowing king does not leave a row to reproduce with seeds. The sowing time is autumn sowing and spring sowing. Most of them are sown in autumn in the south and spring in the north. When sowing, you can use the sowing machine or the sowing machine to direct the seeds into the finished border surface. The sowing rate is 1.5 kg per mu.

Fourth, after the field management king does not leave the seedlings, he should pay attention to ploughing and weeding. Pay attention to watering in dry weather and timely drainage in cloudy and rainy weather.

Fifth, the main disease of the king of pest control is leaf spot disease. 65% mancozeb or 50% carbendazim can be used at the initial stage of the disease. Spray once a week, three times in a row. The main pests are heart-eating insects, which can be controlled by phoxim.

Harvest and processing the autumn sowing king generally matured before and after Lesser Fullness of Grain to Grain in Beard in the second year after sowing. When the seed changes from yellow to black, it is cut off with sickle root, dried and threshed, and the impurities are removed, which can be sold as medicine. The yield is 150 kg per mu.