
Cultivation method of Qimuxiang

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cultivation method of Qimuxiang

Qi Muxiang likes warm and humid environment and is hardy. The requirement of soil is not strict, general soil can be planted, but it is better to plant in fertile sandy loam.

1. Planting method: propagate with bud head or raise seedlings and transplant.

Bud head propagation: it can be planted before freezing or in early spring, but it is better to plant before freezing, which not only has high yield, but also avoids the trouble of storing seedlings in winter. Use 75-100 kg of rice strips per mu. After selecting the land, apply enough basic fertilizer, turn the soil deeply, and make the bed. After dry irrigation, the woody seedlings are cut longitudinally into bitter pieces according to the size of the bud head, and each piece must have 1-2 lateral buds. And pay attention to dig out its main bud to prevent bolting and affect the yield and quality. Cut the seedlings and hang them for half a day before planting, so as to heal the wound and avoid rotten seedlings. When planting, dig the hole according to the row spacing of 40-50 cm and the hole spacing of 40 cm, plant 1 piece of seedling in each hole, and the incision is downward (experience has proved that the incision is stronger and rooting faster than the incision upward). Cover 3 cm of soil and water it flat. The plants planted before freezing only grow roots but do not produce seedlings, and the seedlings emerge in the next spring. The method of planting in spring is the same as that before winter, except that it germinates first and then grows roots.

Seedling transplanting: Qingming Festival to Guyu Festival, draw a ditch according to the row spacing of about 20 cm, sow the seeds evenly, cover the soil, take the strict seeds as the degree, and keep the border surface moist before emergence. When the height of the seedling is about 5 cm, the seedlings will be crowded occasionally. If there is bolting after autumn or around Ching Ming Festival the following year, it should be removed.

2. Main diseases and insect pests: leaf spot disease is easy to occur in dry season, which can be sprayed with 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 150 Bordeaux liquid; in rainy season, low-lying stagnant water is easy to rot roots, so we should pay attention to timely drainage; insect pests are fire spiders and grubs, fire spiders can be sprayed with 1000-2000 times of 50% malathion EC or 1% malathion powder, 1.5-2kg per mu. Grubs can be poisoned with 1000 times of trichlorfon.

3. Harvest and processing

Medicinal root. When the leaves are withered and yellow at the end of autumn, remove the stems, leaves and soil, and cut off 5-7 cm under the bud to dry the medicine. The bud head is reserved for planting seedlings. If it is not planted before winter, it can be buried and stored in the ground.