
Cultivation techniques of Codonopsis pilosula

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cultivation techniques of Codonopsis pilosula

Codonopsis pilosula is the dried root of Codonopsis pilosula (Campanulaceae). It has the functions of tonifying qi, tonifying blood and promoting fluid, etc. Mainly produces Shanxi, Hebei, Northeast and other provinces, to Shanxi Ludang as the famous. Now it is introduced and cultivated in Shandong, Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu and other provinces.

(1) morphological characteristics

Perennial herbaceous vines. The whole plant is covered with white milk and has a special stench. The root is long cylindrical, less branched, fleshy, the surface is grayish yellow to brown, the upper part has fine rings, and the lower part is sparsely transversely long lenticels. The root head is dilated, with many nodular stem scars, commonly known as "lion pan head". The stem is slender and much branched, with fine white hairs on the young parts. Leaves alternate, opposite or pseudowhorled, leaf blade ovate or broadly ovate, base subcordate, both surfaces hairy, entire or shallowly undulate. Flowers solitary, axillary; calyx 5-lobed, green, Corolla campanulate, 5-lobed, yellowish green with purple spots. Capsule conical; seeds numerous, small, elliptic, brown, glossy. The flowering period is from August to October and the fruiting period is from September to October.

(2) growth habits

Codonopsis pilosula likes cool and humid climate, cold tolerance, high temperature stagnant water, shade and sun exposure in seedling stage and light in adult stage.

The seeds can germinate when the temperature is more than 10 ℃, and the optimum temperature for germination is 18 ℃ 20 min. The germination rate of fresh seeds can reach more than 85%, but the seed development rate is very low in the next year, even the germination rate is completely lost, so old seeds are not suitable for planting.

(3) cultivation techniques

1. The sandy loam with deep soil layer, good drainage and rich humus should be selected for land selection and soil preparation. Low-lying land, clay, saline-alkali land should not be planted, avoid continuous cropping. The nursery site should be half-yin and half-yang, which is close to the water source. About 2000 kg of farm manure is applied per mu, then ploughed and raked fine and leveled to form a 1.2m wide flat bed. The planting site should be selected in the sunny place, with sufficient basic fertilizer, about 3000 kg of farm manure per mu, and a little phosphorus and potash fertilizer, ploughing 30 cm, raking fine and leveling to form a flat bed with a width of 1.2 meters.

2. The method of propagation is to propagate with seeds, often raising seedlings and transplanting, and less direct seeding.

The main results are as follows: (1) Seedling is generally sown in the rainy season from July to August or before freezing in autumn and winter, and spring sowing, strip sowing or sowing can also be used in areas with irrigation conditions. In order to make the seeds germinate early, use 40-50 ℃ warm water, stir and put the seeds until the water temperature is about the same as the hand temperature, then put it for another 5 minutes, then move into the gauze bag, wash it with clean water several times, then put the whole bag on the indoor sand pile with a temperature of 15-20 ℃, wash it with clean water every 3 hours, and sow seeds in 6 days. Sowing: spread the seeds evenly on the border surface, and then cover the seeds slightly to cover the seeds, then gently suppress the close combination of seeds and soil to facilitate seedling emergence, planting 1 kg per mu. Strip sowing: open a 1 cm shallow trench according to the row spacing, spread the seeds evenly in the trench, also cover with thin soil, with 0.6 Mu of seed per mu. After sowing, the border is covered with corn stalks, straw or pine branches, and then properly watered to keep the soil moist. Spring sowers can be covered with plastic film to facilitate seedling emergence. When the height of the seedling is about 5 cm, the mulch is removed gradually, and when the height of the seedling is about 10 cm, the seedling is separated from 2 cm to 3 cm. Get rid of the grass when you see it, and properly control the moisture, and a small amount of water should be watered frequently.

(2) after transplanting ginseng seedlings for one year, before freezing in mid-October to November in autumn, or from mid-March to early April in early spring, the seedlings were transplanted before sprouting. On the whole border, a ditch with a depth of 15cm and 20cm is opened according to a row spacing of 20cm. The hillside should be trenched horizontally along the slope, and the ginseng seedlings should be placed obliquely in the ditch according to the plant spacing of 6mur. the bud head is up, and then the soil is covered with about 5cm, with seed ginseng about 30kg per mu.

3. Field management

The main results are as follows: (1) after weeding and seedling emergence, the grass should be removed, the soil should be loosened shallow, and the ridge should be closed.

(2) there is generally no topdressing when topdressing seedlings. After transplanting, human feces and urine are usually applied once before the erection, with 1000ml / mu applied, followed by soil cultivation.

(3) timely irrigation should be made after irrigation, drainage and transplanting to prevent ginseng seedlings from drying up and ensuring emergence. After survival, ginseng seedlings may not be irrigated or less irrigated to prevent ginseng seedlings from overgrowing. Pay attention to drainage in the rainy season to prevent rotting roots.

(4) the stem vine of Codonopsis pilosula can be more than 3 meters long, so it should be set up when the seedling height is 30 cm, so that the stem vine can grow, facilitate ventilation and light transmission, increase the area of photosynthesis and improve the ability of disease resistance. Scaffolding materials are made locally, such as branches and bamboo poles.

4. Pest control

The main results are as follows: (1) Rust occurs frequently in autumn, causing damage to leaves. Prevention and cure method: clean the countryside; spray with 1000 times solution of 25% trimethoprim at the initial stage of the disease.

(2) Root rot usually occurs when the soil is too wet and high temperature, causing damage to the roots. Control methods: crop rotation; timely removal of diseased plants and disinfection of disease acupoints with lime powder; irrigation with 50% topiramate 800 times solution during the onset of the disease.

(3) aphids and red spiders harm leaves and buds. Prevention and treatment: 40% dimethoate emulsion 800 times liquid spray. In addition, there are grubs, ground tigers and other damage to the roots.

(4) harvesting and processing

Generally, after transplanting for 1-2 years, it will be harvested when the aboveground parts wither in autumn. First cut off the stem vine, then dig out the ginseng root, shake off the soil, dry it to a soft shape according to its thickness, hold it with your hands along the root or rub the plank with your hands, and then dry it again and again for 3 times until dry. The drying rate is about 2:1. The best products are those with thick ginseng strips, tight flesh, soft quality and sweet taste.

(5) seed retention techniques

Although annual plants can blossom and bear fruit, the seed quality is poor, so it is suitable to choose the seeds of more than two-year-old plants as seeds. Generally, the fruit matures from September to October. When the fruit is yellowish white and the seeds are light brown, the seeds can be collected. Due to the different maturity of seeds, they can be harvested in stages, dried and threshed, removed and stored in a dry and ventilated place.