
Cultivation techniques of Anemarrhena asphodeloides

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cultivation techniques of Anemarrhena asphodeloides

Cultivation techniques of Anemarrhena asphodeloides

(1) selection of land and land preparation

Choose humus or sandy loam with sunny, well-drained and loose soil, apply rotten barnyard manure 2000-3000 kg per mu, cake fertilizer 40-50 kg, phosphate fertilizer 30 kg, evenly spread into the ground, cultivated land 20 cm deep, leveled to make a border, the border width of 130cm.

(2) planting methods

1. The seeds propagated Anemarrhena anemarrhena seeds and matured before and after Greater Heat. After harvest, threshing and removing impurities, store in a ventilated and dry place for backup. Seed propagation can be sowed in spring and autumn. Spring sowing in April; autumn sowing from October to November. In the finished border, cut a trench 2 cm deep according to the 30-35 cm row spacing. Spread the seeds evenly into the ditch, cover the soil, hold flat, suppress slightly, and water. Keep the ground moist and emerge in about 20 days. About 1-1.5 kg of seeds are needed per mu. The germination rate of autumn sowing is high and the emergence of seedlings is neat.

two。 Split-root propagation was planted in spring after thawing, before germination, and in autumn after the stems and leaves were withered and yellow. In the whole border, the hole is opened according to the row spacing of 30-35 cm, the plant spacing of 15-20 cm, and the hole depth of 7 cm. Cut off the remnant leaves and fibrous roots of the underground rhizome of Anemarrhena anemarrhena, break the rhizome with bud head into small segments 4-7 cm long, put a section in each hole, and the bud head up. Cover the soil and water. You can also pour water once before planting, and then prepare the land for border planting, but the border surface should not be too wet to prevent rotting roots. It is necessary to plant 90 kilograms of roots per mu.

(3) Field management

After sowing, keep the soil moist and emerge in about 20 days. When the seedling height is 3-4 cm, loosen the soil and weed, and when the seedling height is 7-10 cm, set the seedling according to the plant spacing of 15-20 cm. If the climate is dry in the seedling stage, it should be watered properly. Anemarrhena anemarrhena cultivated with rhizome ramet grew slowly last year and should be watered. The growth is exuberant in the second year, so it is necessary to increase the watering times appropriately. In the year of root planting and the second year of seed direct seeding, when the seedling height was 15-20 cm, 20 kg of calcium superphosphate and 10 kg of ammonium sulfate were applied per mu. After trenching between rows, the fertilizer is buried in the soil after application combined with loosening the soil. If there is no need to leave seeds, the scape should be cut off in time. In the hot and rainy season, attention should be paid to eliminating stagnant water.

(4) Prevention and control of diseases and pests

Anemarrhena anemarrhena has a strong ability to resist diseases, and generally does not need to use pesticides for special control.

The main pests are grubs, which harm seedlings and rhizomes. Use conventional methods to prevent and cure.

(5) harvesting and processing

1. Both the harvesting and wild anemarrhena anemarrhena are harvested in spring and autumn. After thawing in spring, before sprouting, and from withered and yellow stems and leaves on the ground in autumn to before freezing. Dig out the underground roots with picks, and remove the stems, leaves, whiskers, roots and soil as fresh Anemarrhena. The fresh mother which is picked and planed at the right time in spring and autumn has high drying rate and good quality. Wild Anemarrhena anemarrhena is generally harvested in autumn. Because it is not easy to find before germination in spring, but picking and planing after germination has a certain impact on the quality of goods. For the harvest time of Anemarrhena asphodeloides, it takes 4-5 years to propagate with seeds and 3-4 years with rhizomes.

two。 Processing Mao Anemarrhena asphodeloides (1) drying method: put the harvested fresh Anemarrhena anemarrhena on the sunny empty field or on the drying table, and beat it while piling it up, turning over once every 7 days, so many times until it is dried. It usually takes about 60-70 days. ⑵ drying method: put the fresh Anemarrhena anemarrhena on the hot Kang in the baking room, turn it while baking, make it heated evenly, when it is semi-dry, take it out and put it on the drying table, pick out the ones with high humidity to continue baking, and then dry them to 80% or 90% dry, and then select them again. In this way, it can be dried after two in and two out. Baking should not be done in haste to prevent burning.

Anemarrhena asphodeloides meat is called Anemarrhena asphodeloides meat when it is freshly scraped and dried. If there is plenty of sunshine, it should be dried for 2-3 days.