
Introduction of common propagation methods of Cymbidium

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cymbidium has been cultivated artificially for a long time, so after continuous improvement, there are more and more varieties of Cymbidium. The cultivation of Cymbidium is not difficult, so many flower friends want to breed it on their own. Generally speaking, the most commonly used way of propagation is cutting propagation.

Cymbidium has been cultivated artificially for a long time, so after continuous improvement, there are more and more varieties of Cymbidium. The cultivation of Cymbidium is not difficult, so many flower friends want to breed Cymbidium on their own, generally the most commonly used way of propagation is cutting propagation, the operation of this method is relatively simple and the survival rate is relatively high. The editor will introduce to you several common breeding methods of Cymbidium, and friends in need can learn it together.

Hanging orchid

First, sowing seeds

This method is less used, generally more suitable in March, sprinkled with orchid seeds, covered with 5mm soil layer, watered thoroughly, can not store water, lest seeds soak in water, the temperature should be controlled at 15 degrees, half a month can germinate.

2. Ramets

Ramet propagation is more troublesome, it is necessary to take out the Cymbidium plant, peel it out from the soil, and then cut out a new plant, it should be noted that the new plant must have roots and leaves in order to ensure the growth of the plant.

Third, cuttage

The most simple and commonly used method, the survival rate is also relatively high, the need for hanging orchid growth is more exuberant, there is a new bud stolon, cut off the stolon, directly inserted into the soil, a week can take root and survive.

IV. Post-breeding management

1. Change the basin and soil. In order to ensure the luxuriant growth of stems and leaves, we can change the pot and soil in one year, and remove the decaying roots to ensure that the basic fertilizer in the soil is sufficient.

2. Watering. The hanging orchid likes the wet environment, the soil culture of the hanging orchid must ensure that the soil is wet, but the temperature is too low, otherwise the plant will be frostbitten. Often sprinkle water on the leaves to avoid too much dust affecting growth and beauty.

3. Fertilization. Mainly nitrogen fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer can be used for domestic ornamental plants, apply fertilizer once a month, liquid fertilizer can be used.

4. Light. Hanging orchids like yin and dampness, should avoid strong light exposure, can occasionally take out outdoor drying.

5. Temperature. Cymbidium generally grows well at 15 to 25 degrees, and frostbite plants below 5 degrees.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Pearl Cymbidium _ breeding method of Pearl Cymbidium

Pearl orchid is everyone's favorite household potted plant, but how to raise a pot of exploding pearl orchid? Then Xiaoqi shared the breeding methods and matters needing attention of pearl orchids and how to reproduce them.

The culture method of pearl orchid

1. Soil: the root system of pearl orchid is relatively shallow and can be planted in shallow pot. Generally, tiles are used to cover the bottom hole, and a layer of cinder or coarse sand is laid to increase air permeability and filtration (especially when commonly used plastic pots are planted). The soil had better use rotten leaf soil (the fallen leaves of autumn and winter trees are mixed with a certain amount of crushed soil. Mix in a certain amount of sand (the ratio of soil to sand is about 1:3).

two。 Watering: because the pearl hanging orchid has a lot of meat and rich juice, it is more hardy. Therefore, in the process of cultivation, we should water less. In the hot and dry season, you can often spray water on the leaves and branches of the plant, so as to maintain the green degree of the whole plant. As the pearl orchid likes the semi-overcast environment, we should create a good growth environment for it.

3. Temperature: the pearl orchid is cold-resistant and likes humid and warm climate, so the temperature can be controlled between 20 ℃ and 28 ℃ to avoid too high or too low. Especially when the temperature is more than 30 ℃, the pearl orchid is no longer growing, and the times of watering and fertilization should be reduced at this time to avoid rotting roots.

4. Fertilization: in the spring and autumn when the pearl orchid is growing vigorously, we should pay attention to applying thin fertilizer many times, and often spray nitrogen fertilizer and potassium dihydrogen phosphate with a concentration of 1-3 ‰ on the leaves of the pearl orchid, so as to make the pearl body fuller and more ornamental.

5. Diseases and insect pests: aphids are one of the most common pests of pearl orchids, which often appear in spring and can be killed by spraying 1500 times oxidizer or directly wiped out manually, with less harm. What often appears in summer is mites, which should be killed with 1000 times triclofenac, which is generally caused by insufficient humidity on the page and poor ventilation.

Matters needing attention in the Culture of Pearl Cymbidium

Pearl hanging orchid like semi-shady environment, if the light is too strong or insufficient, the leaves are easy to become light green or yellowish green, lack of vitality, lose their due ornamental value, or even die; such as direct sunlight, dry air, the most likely to cause hanging orchid scorched, so it should be placed in a cool and ventilated place, and pay attention to maintain environmental humidity.

Methods to prevent blackening, withering and shrinking of the leaf tips of potted orchids:

1. It is caused by dry air, excessive sunlight and high temperature. If the temperature is more than 30 ℃, it is easy to cause leaf tip withering of Cymbidium plants. If this is the case, you can put the plant in a semi-shady environment, cut off the dead leaves, often spray water to the leaf surface and the environment, and the newly extracted leaves can return to the normal state.

two。 Potted soil stagnant water, nutrient fibrous root rot caused. If this is the case, you can remove the plant from the flowerpot, shake off part of the persistent soil, cut off the rotten root system, replace it with clean wet sand, keep the sand moist, do not spray too much water, and wait for the emergence of white and tender whisker roots. and then replace the fertile culture soil for planting.

3. Without changing the pot for a long time, the root system grows directly to the basin wall. in the environment of high temperature, high drought or cold weather, it is easy to cause root tip atrophy and necrosis. if this is the case, the plant can be poured out of the flowerpot first. cut off the dead leaves or the necrotic part of the leaves, then pick out part of the old soil, delete some aging or necrotic roots, and replace them with fresh culture soil. Put it in a cool, moist, semi-shady environment, pay attention to more water spraying, less watering, the newly drawn young leaves of the plant can return to normal.

Propagation method of Pearl Magnolia

Cutting: cutting is one of the breeding methods of pearl orchid, and it is also the most commonly used method. The use of cuttings choose healthy branches, cut off from the bulge, and then directly partially buried in the soil. At first, as long as it is watered once, it can germinate itself in a month or so.

Ramet: ramet propagation is another method of propagation of Cymbidium. Ramets cannot be carried out in winter because too low temperatures can lead to dormancy. Generally, when the basin is changed in spring, the old culture soil is removed, and the old plant is divided into several clusters, which can be rated as a new plant.

Seeds: seed sowing is rarely used for the reproduction of pearl orchids, so there is no specific introduction.

The above is the breeding methods and points for attention of pearl hanging orchid and the breeding method of pearl hanging orchid. Friends who like pearl hanging orchid can collect it.

The culture method of Cymbidium chinensis introduces how to raise it.

Magnolia is an evergreen perennial herb, the underground part has roots, leaves slender, linear lanceolate, the center with yellow and white longitudinal stripes, the base clasping stem, bright green. Leaf axils draw creeping branches, protruding clumps of plants, bending outward, apically bearing small plants with aerial roots. White flowers, perianth 6, flowering spring and summer, is a common office, home bonsai green plants, the following decoration network Xiaobian to introduce the breeding method of Jinxin orchid.

Growth habits of Magnolia paniculata

Jinxin Cymbidium likes warm and humid, semi-overcast, summer bogey of the hot sun, higher requirements for soil, like loose, fertile, sandy soil. When the room temperature is 20 ℃, the stem and leaf grow rapidly, and the winter temperature should be no less than 5 ℃. The florescence is between spring and summer. Cymbidium likes a warm and humid climate and is suitable for long-term growth in a humid, semi-shady environment. Hanging orchid cold resistance is poor, do not like the hot growth environment, summer should pay attention to shade, winter should pay attention to heat preservation.

The breeding method of Phnom Penh Cymbidium

Commonly used ramet propagation, in March in spring, that is, in the greenhouse before the separation of clustered old plants, can be divided into planting, or the small plants on the stolon will be cut off for cultivation, can also quickly grow into large plants. Cymbidium is very fond of fertilizer, so it should be adequate in the process of cultivation, and topdressing should be applied every 10 days during the growing period. if there is not enough fertilizer and water, it is easy to yellowing leaves, withering and yellowing leaf tips, and poor growth. It can grow outdoors except in winter, and can also be cultivated in ordinary rooms. Keep the plants clean and tidy, like half-shade in spring and autumn, avoid hot sun in summer, more sunshine in winter, leaves will wither and yellow in winter if there is not enough sunshine.

Culture method of Phnom Penh Cymbidium

Magnolia lanceolata is a perennial evergreen herb of Liliaceae. Leaf blade linear, margin green, center with yellow-white longitudinal stripes. The stony branches are often extracted from the leaves, and the small plants are often born on the branches hanging upside down outside the basin, which is very suitable for hanging cultivation, so it is called "flowers in the air". Hanging with flower baskets or hanging baskets for hanging ornamental plants is more distinctive than ordinary potted plants. The golden heart is fond of a warm, moist and semi-overcast environment. It is not so strict about the strength of the light. Its vigorous growth period is from March to September, and it can grow normally as long as the winter temperature is not lower than 7 ℃. It grows better under often moist conditions. Because it has fleshy roots and can endure drying for a period of time, watering should pay attention to the wetness between dryness and dryness. It is generally watered once every two to three days in spring and autumn, and once a day in summer. If the plant grows slowly in winter, the amount of water should be reduced appropriately. Dry environment, low air humidity, often lead to leaf tip drying, affecting the growth and ornamental effect, so regular water spraying, increasing air humidity is more beneficial to growth. Magnolia can be fertilized once a month during the peak growth period, thin and rotten cake fertilizer, human feces and urine can be applied outdoors, and some compound fertilizer can be applied indoors. Generally change the basin every one to two years, the basin soil can be used loose, fertile, well-drained sand.

Maintenance and management of Phnom Penh hanging orchids

1. Change the soil and change the pot: in order to make the stems and leaves luxuriant in the management, the soil and pot should be changed once in March every year. If the basin is deeper, the base month bar is more sufficient, the basin can be changed once every two years. When turning the basin, knock the plant out of the basin, cut off the withered roots and excess roots, replace it with a new humus-rich culture soil, and then apply livestock hoof horns or rotten cake fertilizer as base fertilizer. After planting, put the seedlings in a warm and semi-overcast place. The optimum growth temperature of Cymbidium is about 25 ℃. After the plant returns to robust growth, hang the flowerpot under the eaves of the corridor or in an appropriate position in the room. The general height is not to meet, and should pay attention to ventilation.

2. Proper lighting: Diaolan prefers semi-overcast environment. Spring and autumn should avoid the strong direct sun, the summer sun is particularly strong, can only see some oblique light in the morning and evening, during the day need to cover 50%-70% of the sun, otherwise it will make the leaf tip dry, especially the flower and leaf varieties, more afraid of strong sunlight. Phnom Penh orchids grow more beautiful in places with weak light, yellow edges are more obvious, and leaves are brighter. But it should be more sunny in winter in order to keep the leaves tender and fresh green. The family potted orchid should be placed in front of the south window, otherwise the leaves will lose their luster and even wither.

3. Appropriate amount of fertilization: Cymbidium is a more fertilizer-tolerant foliage plant, if there is not enough fertilizer and water, it is easy to scorch head aging, leaves yellowing, loss of ornamental value. From the end of spring to the beginning of autumn, organic fertilizer can be applied every 7-10 days, but less nitrogen fertilizer should be applied to Phnom Penh, Jinxin and other flower and leaf varieties, lest the color of flowers and leaves will fade or even disappear. The retting organic fertilizer such as bone meal and eggshell can be properly applied. After full fermentation, appropriate amount of diluent should be taken and poured once every 10 li every 15 days to make the flowers and leaves bright and bright.

4, watering properly: hanging orchids like a humid environment, always keep the basin soil moist, adequate watering in summer, and spray water on branches and leaves around noon and in the evening to prevent leaves from drying up. There is often much dust in the room, such as more dust on the orchid, which not only affects its growth, but also damages the freshness and freshness of the branches and leaves, so we should often spray and wash the branches and leaves to keep them bright and beautiful. The lower withered leaves and yellow leaves should be picked at any time, and the normal humidity should be maintained at ordinary times, which should not be dry or too wet.

Disease and pest control of Phnom Penh orchid

There are few diseases and insect pests in Cymbidium, mainly physiological diseases, leaf front end yellowing, so fertilizer and water management should be strengthened. Check regularly and wipe off the shell insects and whitefly on the leaves in time. Cymbidium is not easy to suffer from diseases and insect pests, but if the basin soil is stagnant and poorly ventilated, it may not only cause rotten roots, but also cause root rot. Carbendazim wettable powder 500-800 times liquid can be used to irrigate the roots once a week for 2-3 times.