
Standardized and High-yielding planting techniques of Codonopsis pilosula

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Standardized and High-yielding planting techniques of Codonopsis pilosula

Codonopsis pilosula (Codonpsis pilosula (Franch.) Nannf) is a perennial herb of Platycodon grandiflorum family. It is one of the most commonly used traditional Chinese medicines. Dangshen is flat in nature and sweet in taste, with the effect of tonifying the middle and tonifying qi, invigorating the stomach and invigorating fluid. It is used for symptoms such as weakness of spleen and lung, shortness of breath and palpitation, eating less stool, asthma and cough, internal heat and eliminating thirst, etc. Modern pharmacological studies have shown that Codonopsis pilosula can regulate blood sugar, promote hematopoiesis, reduce blood pressure, resist hypoxia, endure fatigue, enhance immunity, regulate gastric contraction and anti-ulcer and so on. Codonopsis pilosula has a long history of using medicine, and its resources are widely distributed, which are mainly distributed in North China, Northeast China and Northwest China. At present, the largest production scale of Codonopsis pilosula is the "White Party" of Gansu, the "Party of Shanxi" and the "East Party" of Northeast China. Codonopsis pilosula included in the Pharmacopoeia also includes Codonopsis pilosula and Codonopsis pilosula, which is mainly produced in Wen County, Gansu Province and Jiuzhai County, Sichuan Province. There are obvious differences in ecological conditions in the distribution areas of Codonopsis pilosula, and the planting methods have their own characteristics and great differences in quality, but Gansu Baitiao Party, Shanxi Lu Party, Taiwan Party, Gansu Wen Party and Sichuan Party are the most famous. In order to standardize the production of Codonopsis pilosula, ensure the quality of medicinal materials and improve the yield, we must promote the standardized cultivation of Codonopsis pilosula.

I. requirements of Codonopsis pilosula on environmental conditions

Codonopsis pilosula has strong adaptability, like mild, cool and humid climate, strict light requirements, drought resistance and cold resistance. In each growth period, the temperature requirements are different. When the temperature was 3 ℃ ~ 7 ℃, it began to sprout, 10 ℃ ~ 8 ℃ emerged, and when the daily average temperature was 18 ℃ ~ 20 ℃, the plant grew fastest. The most suitable vernalization temperature is 0 ℃ ~ 5 ℃. Generally, it can grow normally between 8 ℃ and 30 ℃, but the growth of Codonopsis pilosula is inhibited when the temperature is above 30 ℃. Codonopsis pilosula has strong cold resistance. Codonopsis pilosula root overwintering in the soil will not be frozen to death even under the cold condition of about minus 25 ℃, and can still maintain its vitality. During the growing period, it is hot and hot, and the aboveground parts are easy to wither and suffer from diseases. Codonopsis pilosula is a deep root plant, and the suitable soil pH is 6.5-7.0. the soil with neutral, acid, loose soil, deep soil layer, fertile soil, good drainage and rich humus should be selected to facilitate the full development of Codonopsis pilosula root system. The water demand of Codonopsis pilosula varies with different growing periods. Sowing time and seedling stage need more water, lack of water is not easy to emerge, and it is easy to dry to death after emergence. After planting, the requirement of moisture is not strict, but it should not be too wet. It can grow normally under the condition of annual precipitation 400~1200mm and average relative humidity of about 70%. Codonopsis pilosula has strict requirements for light. Seedlings like yin and adults like yang. Avoid the sun in the seedling stage, and choose the shade to raise seedlings. The planting site should choose a place with plenty of sunshine. Dangshen taboo continuous cropping, generally should be replanted every 3-4 years, the previous crop with legumes, Gramineae crops is better. The seeds of Codonopsis pilosula are small, and the soil water content of seed germination is 13% to 20%. The lowest ground temperature of seed germination is 5 ℃, and the optimum temperature is 15 ℃ ~ 20 ℃. More than 30 ℃ is not conducive to seedling emergence. The germination rate of seeds treated with boric acid was 75%, while that of the control was only 16.6%. This is because weak acid can replace the light effect. In production, the sowing of Codonopsis pilosula should not be too deep, and the covering soil should not be too thick, so as to meet the demand for light during seed germination.

2. Seedling raising techniques

1. Seed collection

Codonopsis pilosula fields with strong growth, thick roots and no diseases and insect pests were selected as planting fields, and seeds were collected from Codonopsis pilosula, which was more than two years old. The harvest time is about the first and middle of October, when the fruit is yellowish brown and the seeds are dark brown, it shows that it is ripe and can be harvested. The most commonly used collection method is that after the upper vines of Codonopsis pilosula are withered and yellow by frost, the nutrients in the stems have been transported to the underground roots, and when the stems are less juicy and dry, cut off the vines with some simple manual tools such as sickles, put them gently, reduce shedding, transport them back to the threshing site, put them in the sun for 7 ~ 10 days, and then part of the fruits can be cracked after drying.

two。 Threshing, drying

Choose fine weather for threshing from the end of October to November 20. The method of threshing is: on canvas or other hardened ground, spread the vine into a thin layer of 20~30cm, gently hit it with sticks, shake open the fruit, pop out the seeds, and shake off the vines with a wooden fork. After threshing, sample screening or air separation is used to remove impurities, empty grained particles and dust. In the course of operation, we should pay attention not to damage the seeds as far as possible, and the damaged seeds have poor germination ability.

Codonopsis pilosula seeds should be further dried after threshing and should be dried to the standard water content of the seeds. The standard water content of Codonopsis pilosula seeds is 11.5%-13.0%, with an average of 12%. The drying method is shade drying, the method is that under the condition of low temperature in winter, put the seeds on the canvas to dry in a ventilated place, spread out into a thin layer of 3~5cm, turn it frequently, or put it into a cotton bag and hang it under a dry and ventilated Arbor to dry; do not be exposed to high temperature or dry for a short time.

3. Storage of Codonopsis pilosula seeds

Codonopsis pilosula seeds are small, contain little energy and are not resistant to storage. after 1 year of storage at room temperature, the germination rate is reduced to about 25%. After 2 years of storage at room temperature, the germination rate is reduced to 3.7%, so the seeds are not suitable for seed in the next year. Storage in refrigerator (0 ℃ ~ 5 ℃) can prolong the life of seeds. Therefore, during the storage period of Codonopsis pilosula seeds, the temperature should be controlled as low as 0 ℃ ~ 5 ℃. Seeds will lose their germination rate if they are smoked or exposed to salt during storage. The moisture content of Codonopsis pilosula seeds must be less than 13% during storage, otherwise it will breathe and heat and lose its germination ability. Codonopsis pilosula seeds should be stored in cotton bags or paper bags, not in ordinary plastic bags. During storage, pay attention to insect and moisture protection, do not shine in bright light, do not put in places with heat sources, such as heating, stove or adobe Kang, etc.

4. Soil preparation and fertilization

The main results are as follows: (1) the seedlings of Codonopsis pilosula are afraid of the sun, and the nursery land should be on a moist shady slope. Select the sandy soil with flat terrain, loose and fertile soil, good soil moisture, no stagnant water, less weeds, rich in humus, and less harmful to underground pests, turn 25 to 30 cm, break the soil, remove grass roots, branches, stones, and rake flat. Freeze-thaw autumn ploughing can be carried out if necessary. If the drainage is not good, it is suitable to make the border, the width of the border is 100 cm, the distance between the border is 25-30 cm, the height of the border is 15-20 cm, the length of the border is the same as the slope direction. If the land is dry, irrigate first, wait for the water to seep into the topsoil, and then sow when it is loose.

(2) fertilization of Codonopsis pilosula can be divided into four types: base fertilizer, seed fertilizer, topdressing fertilizer and foliar fertilizer. It is required that the organic fertilizer must be fully mature and meet the harmless hygienic standard, and the foliar fertilizer should meet the requirements of GAP.