
Key points of artificial cultivation of snow lotus

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Key points of artificial cultivation of snow lotus

Saussurea, known as Chagosuba in Tibetan, is a perennial herb of Compositae. It is not only a rare flower and plant, but also a world-famous rare Tibetan medicine. Artificial cultivation of snow lotus has a good market prospect and considerable profits. Now the planting and breeding experience of artificial snow lotus in Muskrat Farm in Da'an City, Jilin Province is introduced to the majority of friends.

1. Growth habits: Saussurea involucrata grows on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and is suitable for various complex climatic environments; it can survive the winter safely at the temperature of 1 ℃ ~ 39 ℃ and exuberant growth of 15 ℃ ~ 25 ℃.

Second, seed selection: choose a full, brown-black, large and glossy seed as the seed. Soak in 1 ∶ 1500 times solution of strong rooting powder for 1 minute before seed sowing.

Third, the preparation of nutritious soil: the nutritious soil generally has humic soil, fine medium sand and mature organic fertilizer according to 6 ∶ 2 ∶ 2. After disinfection, the impurities and lumps in the soil are screened, and the ph value of the nutritious soil is 5.5-7.5.

4. Sowing: the soil temperature of Saussurea involucrata seed germination must be controlled between 20 ℃ ~ 26 ℃, which is beneficial to seedling emergence. The saturated water content of the soil should be about 60%. The seeds should be placed flat in the hole, and the thickness of the covered soil should be the length of the seeds or 0.8cm~1cm. Generally, the seedlings should emerge in about 8 days.

Fifth, pay attention to 5 precautions in the process of raising seedlings:

1. Prevent seed replanting: snow lotus seeds are cone-shaped, the seeds are pointed downward, easy to emerge, but the seedlings are not strong, the seeds are not easy to grow upwards, and must be planted flat.

two。 Prevent rotten seeds: the cold weather in early spring, low soil temperature, humidity for 10 days did not emerge, indicating that the seeds have become black and rotten, so planting must pay attention to the key issues of soil temperature and humidity.

3. Prevent seedling unearthed with cap: seedling unearthed with cap directly affects plant development, causing cotyledons to take out the seed coat when unearthed, because the soil is too loose and the covering soil is too dry.

4. Prevent hard water: during seedling raising, it is best to water with snow, Rain Water, river and lake before 10:00 or after 3pm. If it is poured with tap water, it must be stored in a bucket for one day and night, so that the chlorine in the water can be volatilized and the water temperature is close to the soil temperature.

5. To prevent blight and quenching disease: when raising seedlings, due to low temperature and high humidity, snow lotus seedlings are most likely to occur blight and quenching disease during the period of 2 ~ 3 leaves in about 25 days. Preventive measures: nutritious soil must be fully sterilized before planting; apply mature fertilizer; control soil humidity, remove diseased plants immediately, and spray fungicide "sudden handstand withering" to prevent and cure.

Seedling transplanting: when the seedlings grow to 5cm~6cm, they can be transplanted to flowerpots and fields. It is best to choose to do it on cloudy days or after rain, which is beneficial to the survival of seedlings.