
Planting techniques of Radix Pseudostellariae, a traditional Chinese medicine

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting techniques of Radix Pseudostellariae, a traditional Chinese medicine

Prince ginseng, alias Tongshen and Haoershen, is a plant of Caryophyllaceae. It has the function of invigorating qi and invigorating the spleen, invigorating the spleen, invigorating the spleen and moistening the lungs. It is used to treat spleen deficiency and tiredness, loss of appetite, spontaneous sweating and thirst, lung dryness and cough. Mainly produced in Fujian, Anhui, Jiangsu, Shandong and other places. In recent years, Zhejiang, Hunan, Guizhou and other provinces have also been cultivated.

I. Plant characteristics

Herbs perennial, 7-20 cm tall, tuberous long fusiform. The stem is thin and weak, the lower part is purple, nearly square, and the upper part is nearly round and green. The leaves are opposite, the lower leaves are spatulate or oblanceolate, the upper leaves are ovate-lanceolate to long ovate, and the leaves at the end of the stem are often arranged in a cross. Flowers axillary, sepals 4, white. Capsule subglobose, self-dehiscent when ripe. Seeds oblate.

Second, growth habits

Like mild, humid, cool climate, avoid high temperature and strong light exposure. Afraid of drought, afraid of stagnant water, more resistant to cold, temperature below 15 ℃ can still sprout and take root, temperature more than 30 ℃, growth stagnant. It is suitable for the growth of loose and decaying sandy soil. Seedlings emerged from February to March, followed by buds and blossoms. From April to May, the plant grew vigorously, and the underground stem rooting, elongating and expanding node by node. The fruit period is from May to June, and the seeds are mature in June. After late June, the aboveground stems and leaves withered and a large number of leaves fell off. during "Greater Heat", the plants withered, the ginseng seeds rotted, and the new ginseng scattered in the soil and entered the over-summer dormancy period.

III. Key points of cultivation

1. Select the right land and cultivate it carefully. Should choose loose and fertile slightly inclined dry land to the north hillside, especially the stubble land is the best. In order to reduce the disease source and reduce the disease, the rotation should be carried out every 2-3 years, and the previous crops such as Solanaceae tobacco, vegetables and Gramineae crops can be avoided. Planting land deep ploughing 20 cm, border width 0.8-1.4 meters, 25 cm high, border surface is tortoise back shape, ditch width 30 cm. Intensive cultivation loosens the soil layer. 15 days before planting, 0.5 kg of 50% phoxim EC was sprayed with 800 times liquid, and then the topsoil was turned into the soil layer to prevent underground pests.

2. Strict seed selection and timely planting. The seed roots with hypertrophy, strong, intact bud head, no damage and no disease were selected or the seed roots without disease source were produced by seed sowing and breeding method, in order to cultivate disease-free and strong seedlings and lay the foundation for high yield. Master planting before and after Frosts Descent, with a seed amount of 20 kg / mu, soak the seeds with 50% carbendazim 500 times solution for 30 minutes before planting, rinse the residual solution with clean water, dry and wait for sowing.

3. Apply sufficient basal fertilizer and plant it in close planting reasonably. The plant of Radix Pseudostellariae is short, and its economic goal is root tuber. in order to avoid root injury or contact between fertilizer and seed ginseng, it is not suitable to be ploughed and topdressing in the later stage. Adequate application of base fertilizer and mastery of suitable planting concentration are the key measures for high yield, mainly re-application of base fertilizer. The border surface opened 10 cm deep planting ditch with a distance of 13-15 cm. Each mu was retted with 1200 kg of plant ash, 40 kg of calcium superphosphate, 10 kg of compound fertilizer and 200 kg of human feces and urine, and then sprinkled on the bottom of the ditch and covered with thin soil. According to the plant spacing of 4-6 cm to discharge seed ginseng, bud head 6 cm from the surface, species head-to-tail contact, and then covered with fine soil cover seed.

4. Protect soil moisture and moisture, and apply balanced fertilizer as appropriate. The grass should be pulled 25 days after emergence and the topsoil should be slightly loosened. It is not suitable to loosen the soil after the seedling stage, pull the grass when the row is closed, stop the soil moisture activity after the row is closed, and promote the growth of ginseng body. In the growth stage, it is appropriate to keep moist, the border surface does not accumulate water, and the root tuber should be watered frequently during the root expansion period to promote the root growth and development. The land with strong seedlings, fertile soil layer and fertile base should not be fertilized to avoid excessive growth of branches and leaves. If the growth of the aboveground and underground parts is out of balance, the fibrous roots will increase and the yield will decrease. However, for the plots with insufficient basal fertilizer, barren and thin soil fertility, few branches at seedling stage and weak seedling frame, 30-40 kg / mu of rotten cake fertilizer should be applied to the border before and after Qingming, or extra-root topdressing such as "Yunda 120" and "Brassin" should be used to improve the light energy effect of population, delay stem and leaf withering, prevent premature senescence, and promote root proliferation and expansion. The scientific application of balanced fertilizer is very important to increase the yield.

5. harvest and keep seeds at the right time. In the following year after the planting of Radix Pseudostellariae, more than 50% of the local stems and leaves should be harvested when the Summer Solstice was planted, and the rate of finished products of ginseng root was the highest. It is appropriate to choose sunny harvest, the size of ginseng roots should be fully harvested. Select disease-free, fixed characteristics, bud head full, fat reserved as the root, placed in the shade according to a layer of sand (10 cm thick), a layer of ginseng species repeatedly overlap 4-5 layers. Keep the sand layer moist during storage, turn the pile every 20 days, pick out the mildew and rotten ginseng root, select the best before planting, ensure the root quality and lay the foundation for high yield in the coming year.

IV. Processing technology

1. Raw sun ginseng processing. Wash the harvest ginseng strips, dry them until semi-dry, pile them up, and spread them out in the sun after regaining moisture. In the process of drying, put the ginseng root on the board and rub the beard root with your hands until the ginseng root is smooth and hairless.

2. Hot ginseng processing. Spread the harvested ginseng root for 1-2 days, wash after the root is dehydrated, scald with 100 ℃ boiling water for 1-3 minutes, pinch the nails smoothly into the ginseng body, then dry it into the basket and gently shake and remove the fibrous root to become hot ginseng. Product features: smooth surface, yellowish white color, soft texture.

V. problems that should be paid attention to

In recent years, with the development of Radix Pseudostellariae industry, due to the lack of standardized scientific and technical guidance, ginseng production is random and blind, resulting in rampant diseases, serious occurrence of viral mosaic disease, leaf spot and root rot, and species degeneration. Yield decreased, quality deteriorated, and finally affected the effect of increasing production and income per unit area, which must be paid great attention by growers. In production, we should strengthen the comprehensive control of diseases and insect pests and provenance purification and rejuvenation, and further open up the market to ensure the steady development of the industry.