
Exploration on standardized planting Technology of heavy Building

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Exploration on standardized planting Technology of heavy Building

First, growth and development habits

Zhonglou likes to live in a shady place under the forest with a humid climate and appropriate rainfall at an altitude of about 500 to 3000 meters. The suitable temperature for seed germination, root growth and terminal bud germination is 18 ℃ ~ 20 ℃, 20 ℃ for emergence, 16 ℃ ~ 20 ℃ for aboveground plant growth and 14 ℃ ~ 18 ℃ for underground rhizome growth. The growth of heavy buildings requires a shady environment, and strong light will wither the leaves. Generally, good shading is required in seed germination and seedling stage, while shading should be properly reduced and light should be increased in the first two years of maturity, which is beneficial to the accumulation of secondary metabolites and dry matter. If the soil water content is too low, it is easy to cause water loss of stems and leaves, dry root system and die, while too high is easy to cause diseases and insect pests and root rot. The heavy building should grow in the slightly acidic humus soil or red soil with good permeability, but the soil with heavy viscosity, easy stagnant water and consolidation should not be planted.

Second, planting methods

Select high-lying, well-drained open land or sloping land under the forest, dry land, humus soil or acid red soil rich in humus, as the planting base of heavy buildings. Chong Lou is a perennial shallow root crop, which grows slowly, and the root system is less but longer. It is generally necessary to turn the ground deep in the first year of transplanting, which is beneficial to root growth. Choose a sunny day in winter, ploughing when the field is dry, ploughing about 25 centimeters, smashing the soil and picking up stones and weeds. After turning in the sun for a day or two, 30 to 35 tons of rotten farm manure was applied per hectare to form a flat bed. Border width 120 cm, ditch width 30 cm, ditch depth 25 cm, ditch mud to be planted after breaking on the border surface, ditch to smooth, conducive to drainage.

Raising seedlings

Seed propagation: ① seedbed seed seedbed should choose open land or sloping land with high topography, good drainage, soil rich in organic matter and good shade (20%), while dry land should build 3-4 layers of shade net. Choose a sunny day, ploughing when the field is dry, ploughing about 15 centimeters, crushing the soil when ploughing, and picking up stones and weeds to make a flat bed. Border width 120 cm, ditch width 30 cm, ditch depth 25 cm, ditch to smooth, conducive to drainage.

② seed selection and seed treatment selected plump, mature, disease-free, mildewed and damaged Rhizoma thunbergii seeds, mixed them with clean fine sand with 2 ∶ 1, rubbed off the Testa, washed, soaked the seeds with 500x carbendazim for 1 hour, buried them in wet sand, treated with 20 ℃ for 4 months, sowed the seeds after rooting, and paid attention to moisturizing during this period.

The seeds treated by ③ sowing and raising seedlings can be sown on demand, strip sown or dispersed. Sowing in humus soil and fine sand (2 ∶ 1), the seeds should be covered with a 1.5 cm thin soil layer and then covered with a layer of fine crushed grass to preserve moisture, which is not only conducive to seedling emergence, but also conducive to shelling cotyledons to ensure seedling emergence rate. During this period, keep the seedbed moist and shady; avoid soil hardening, dryness and excessive sunshine. The seedlings usually emerge in 3-4 months.

Cutting propagation: in winter, the disease-free, normal shape of the underground stem of the heavy building is cut according to two nodes (about 2 cm), not too short, otherwise the seedling is too fine or not to emerge, and the wound is treated with plant ash. The cut pieces with top buds can be planted in the field directly. The cutting pieces without terminal buds were planted at a row spacing of 7 × 7 cm. After planting, they were covered with broken grass or humus soil to keep moisture (the soil moisture was 65%), and the shady environment was maintained.

The transplanted seedlings were transplanted 3 years after emergence, and the row spacing was 15 × 20 cm. The cuttings with apical buds were planted according to the row spacing of 15 × 20 cm, and those without terminal buds were dug out when the adventitious buds had been formed in the following winter, and planted according to the row spacing of 20 × 30 cm. After transplanting, cover with crushed grass or humus to moisturize and maintain a shady environment. Transplanting time should be in winter, after the aboveground stem falls, when the rhizome is dormant, pay attention to protect the terminal bud and fibrous root from damage in the process of transplanting.

Third, field management

Due to the shallow root system of the heavy building and the germination of new roots in autumn and winter, attention must be paid to the small hoe in the early growth stage of the underground stem before and after September to October, so as not to damage the underground stem. It is necessary to combine soil cultivation and winter fertilizer when ploughing and weeding. The Beginning of Spring before and after the gradual growth of seedlings, found that there are weeds should be manually pulled out in time, weeding should be careful not to damage the seedlings and underground roots, so as not to affect the growth of heavy buildings.

Drainage irrigation fields should be surrounded by good drainage ditches to facilitate drainage. The depth of the drain should be more than 35 cm, basically reaching the dry end of the rain. The growth of Dianzhonglou avoids stagnant water, and the soil water content should not be too large. The stem should not be watered before emergence on the ground, otherwise the root will rot easily. After emergence, there can be no shortage of water, so it should be watered in time before the rainy season. When the rainy season comes, pay attention to drainage.

Fourth, fertilization

Base fertilizer 30,35 tons of mature farm manure is applied as base fertilizer per hectare.

Winter fertilizer is generally carried out from late November to early December. First, after gently ploughing the topsoil, choose a sunny day and apply compound fertilizer 150-250 kg per hectare. Then cover it with 30 tons of barnyard manure, and then cover it with some fine soil.

Spring fertilizer after the emergence of the seedlings, the rotten farm manure was applied twice, 1520 tons each time, and then sprayed with foliar fertilizer twice. Before and after the Beginning of Spring, the seedlings pierced the topsoil, and when the seedling height was about 3 cm, topdressing should be done in time.

Topping at the end of vegetative growth, remove the ovary from the plants that do not leave seeds, but retain the sepals (photosynthesis can be carried out).