
The Operation Mode of order Agriculture

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The Operation Mode of order Agriculture

Order agriculture, also known as contract agriculture, contract agriculture, is a new type of agricultural production and management model that has emerged in recent years. According to the orders signed between farmers themselves or their rural organizations and purchasers of agricultural products, a mode of agricultural production and marketing that organizes and arranges the production of agricultural products well meets the needs of the market and avoids blind production. Let's take a look at the operation mode of order agriculture.

The basic concept of order Agriculture

Order agriculture refers to agricultural products order contracts, agreements, also known as contract agriculture or contract agriculture. One party to the contract is an enterprise or intermediary organization, including brokers and marketers, and the other party is a representative of farmers or peasant groups. Order agriculture has the characteristics of market, contract, predictability and risk. The quantity, quality and minimum protection price of agricultural products purchased in the order make both parties enjoy the corresponding rights, obligations and binding force, and the contract cannot be broken unilaterally. Because the order is signed before the planting of agricultural products, it is a kind of futures trade, so it is also called futures agriculture. The farmer said, "if you have an order in hand, don't worry about planting and raising." However, order fulfillment involves a period of production process, and both parties may encounter market, natural and man-made factors, as well as certain risks. However, compared with the planned economy and the post-natal market search practice of traditional agriculture, order agriculture is to find the market before production, which can be described as a product of the market economy and a kind of progress.

The Operation Mode of order Agriculture

1. Farmers sign contracts with scientific research and seed production units to develop order agriculture by relying on scientific research and technical service departments or seed enterprises.

2. Farmers sign contracts for the purchase and sale of agricultural products with leading enterprises or processing enterprises in agricultural industrialization, and rely on leading enterprises or processing enterprises to develop order agriculture.

3. Farmers sign contracts with professional wholesale markets and rely on large markets to develop order agriculture.

4. Farmers sign contracts with professional cooperative economic organizations and professional associations to develop order agriculture.

5. Farmers sign contracts through distribution companies, economic people and merchants, and rely on circulation organizations to develop order agriculture.

The basic characteristics of order Agriculture

1. Order agriculture has higher comprehensive productivity, including higher land output rate and labor productivity. Agriculture has become an industry with high economic benefits and market competitiveness, which is the most important symbol to measure the development level of modern agriculture.

2. Agriculture has become a sustainable development industry. Agricultural development itself is sustainable and has a good regional ecological environment. Extensive use of ecological agriculture, organic agriculture, green agriculture and other production technologies and production models to achieve the sustainable use of fresh water, land and other agricultural resources, to achieve a virtuous circle of regional ecology, agriculture itself has become a good recyclable ecosystem.

3. Agriculture has become a highly commercialized industry. Agriculture is mainly produced for the market, has a high commodity rate, and allocates resources through the market mechanism. Commercialization is based on the market system, and modern agriculture requires the establishment of a very perfect market system, including the modern circulation system of agricultural products. Without a developed market system, there can be no real modern agriculture. In countries with a high level of agricultural modernization, the commodity rate of agricultural products is generally more than 90%, and the commodity rate of some industries can reach 100%.

4. Realize the modernization of the material conditions of agricultural production. On the basis of relatively perfect production conditions, infrastructure and modern material equipment, various modern production input factors are used intensively and efficiently, including water, electricity, agricultural film, fertilizers, pesticides, improved varieties, agricultural machinery and other material inputs and agricultural labor inputs, so as to achieve the purpose of improving agricultural productivity.

5. Realize the modernization of agricultural science and technology. Advanced and applicable agricultural science and technology, biotechnology and production models are widely adopted to improve the quality of agricultural products and reduce production costs, so as to adapt to the development trend of market demand for high quality, diversification and standardization of agricultural products. The development process of modern agriculture is essentially a process of extensive application of advanced science and technology in the field of agriculture and a process of transforming traditional agriculture with modern science and technology.

6. Realize the modernization of management mode. The advanced mode of operation, management technology and management means are widely used to form a relatively complete industrial chain of close connection and organic connection from the prenatal, mid-and post-natal stages of agricultural production, with a high degree of organization. There are relatively stable and efficient channels for the sale and processing of agricultural products, an organizational system that efficiently organizes scattered farmers, and an efficient modern agricultural management system.

7. Realize the modernization of farmers' quality. Having high-quality agricultural management personnel and labor force is not only a prerequisite for the construction of modern agriculture, but also a prominent feature of modern agriculture.

8. Realize the scale, specialization and regionalization of production. By realizing the scale, specialization and regionalization of agricultural production and management, reducing public and external costs, and improving the efficiency and competitiveness of agriculture.

9. To establish a government macro-control mechanism compatible with modern agriculture. Establish a sound agricultural support and protection system, including legal system and policy system.