
How does the official Wechat account make money?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, How does the official Wechat account make money?

Wechat official account is an application account applied by developers or merchants on Wechat public platform. This account is interconnected with QQ account. Through the omni-directional communication and interaction between official account merchants and specific groups of text, pictures, voice and video on Wechat platform, it has formed a mainstream online and offline Wechat interactive marketing method. Let's take a look at how Wechat official account makes money.

Flow realisation

The realization of traffic is a way handed down from the era of Weibo and even the era of personal sites, and it is also the most easy way for grassroots media to think of. This kind of official account actually has an official name on Wechat, that is, "traffic owner", as the name implies, is to exchange traffic for advertising fees, and to get advertising revenue through display and even effect payment.

No one can deny that Duanzi players will always be the most popular presence on social media, and some may question their brand value, but there is no doubt that among the official Wechat accounts, accounts named with "cold joke" as the keyword make up the majority of the top 10 most read accounts. As these accounts are usually aimed at grassroots people and are not favored by middle-and high-end advertisers, their most feasible and sustainable cash flow model can only be Wechat's official Tencent Ad solutions platform, a traffic aggregation market similar to Baidu Advertising Alliance.

Through Tencent Ad solutions at the bottom of the page, a "cold joke" Wechat official account with millions of real fans, can earn advertising revenue of up to 100000 yuan a month. But because Tencent itself is not very strong in online advertising business, and Wechat officials intend to crack down on this kind of non-quality content, Tencent Ad solutions's income dropped sharply after the Spring Festival in 2015, which has really become "cheap traffic".

Crowdfunding reward

At present, the "original", "appreciation" and "comment" function of Wechat official account has become the desire of most self-media people. in order to support high-quality content and ensure a healthy ecology, Wechat officials began gradually testing and issuing "original" logos to some media organizations and individual subjects with sustainable original ability, and the vast majority of Wechat official accounts that have received this logo can activate the appreciation function at the same time. Accept the "reward" that people can achieve directly through WeChat Pay, instead of just placing a transfer QR code at the end of the text. This function has greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the original authors, and it is estimated that it is not difficult to praise more than ten thousand official accounts with extremely popular official accounts such as "trough past".

Admiring fan economic scenarios can also be converted into crowdfunding, that is, a pre-paid model for a predetermined goal. Whether this target is an article or a product such as a speaker, the crowdfunding model has also adapted to the general trend of the mobile Internet and become a way of realization in the field of new media. it is especially suitable for self-media that already have a certain brand or star effect.

Offline activities

For some Wechat official accounts that are not good at original content or do not have enough traffic, there is also an offline activity mode, which is especially suitable for geographical segmentation and vertical industries. Whether it's group buying, parent-child travel, training, or making friends, the offline charging scene will always be more acceptable to the Chinese than the free model. Of course, from online to offline, it is also a great test of the ability to organize activities, at this point, media organizations can often be proficient, while self-media, which are still in the personal stage, need to look for external help.

Wuxi, for example, is rooted in the poorest and remote areas of the mountainous area of Chongqing, where the county's resident population is less than 100000. The official Wechat account run by this local website has more than 70, 000 subscribers, combined with its website forum. This Wechat official account is characterized by serving the local people's livelihood and provides many offline services. Another example is the junior business school, which gathers a large number of middle class and earns income through youth overseas study groups. "Magic Square Akiba PPT" sells PPT training courses and earns more than one million dollars online.

E-commerce model

The e-commerce model poses a greater challenge to operators, but there is also more room for imagination. Not satisfied with simply directing advertising for e-commerce platforms, some Wechat official accounts targeted at life services have begun to directly intervene in e-commerce sales. Instead of becoming a mall like Tmall and, they just want to build a brand on a high-profit category.

For example, "Professor playing with cars", this Wechat official account received 15 million yuan of angel investment shortly after its establishment. Investors took a fancy to not only the Guanzhi car advertising order, which reached as much as 1 million yuan a day, but also the online car sales plan that its team is actively involved in. Another example is "Yi". Although this official account, which can be called "phenomenal", can stand on the Wechat open lecture hall because of its high-quality short videos, according to its founder, VC is not interested in its production ability, nor is it the video advertising quotation as high as one million yuan, but the spending power of its more than 5 million fans, this group of middle class who have high requirements for the quality of life. It is the main consumers, including food, travel and luxury goods, and "one" has the opportunity to provide services directly to them.