
What are the benefits of a rural hukou?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, What are the benefits of a rural hukou?

More valuable rural hukou has become a popular view at present, which has brought more inspiration to the public. some urban residents have focused on rural land that has room for appreciation or are about to be covered by urbanization. because of land benefits, some urban registered residents want to do everything possible to become a rural hukou, hoping to convert to a rural hukou and get more economic benefits. let's take a look at the benefits of rural hukou.

Why is the rural hukou valuable?

The fundamental reason for the phenomenon that "rural hukou is more valuable than urban hukou" is that today's rural hukou contains higher economic benefits. for this phenomenon, some scholars believe that the current land system makes it difficult for farmers to "go out" and "stay". In the pilot of household registration reform in some places, there is even the phenomenon of "counter-urbanization" that the original urban household registration population hopes to change to rural household registration. "counter-urbanization" mainly comes from the interests of land, which has greatly appreciated due to the development of urbanization, industrialization and "real estate" in the past. To this end, even if they work in cities, many farmers are unwilling to change from a rural hukou to an urban hukou, because after becoming an urban hukou, they will lose their land and the opportunity to share the land dividend. Compared with sharing the land dividend, the NCMS which can enjoy the preferential policy of family planning and have more security functions under certain circumstances are second.

What are the benefits of a rural hukou?

1, own land: farmers generally have three kinds of land, homestead, contracted land, woodland, homestead can build houses, contracted land and woodland can enjoy various subsidies, if you are a farmer living in the suburbs of the city, the land will appreciate faster, and the hukou will be more valuable.

2, collective income distribution: some rural areas can participate in the distribution of land and other collective economic interests, if there is no hukou, they will not be able to participate in dividends.

3. Compensation for land expropriation: if the government or developers expropriate or expropriate the collectively owned land of farmers, they need to give some compensation.

4. Buy a house in the city: the housing policy stipulates that farmers can buy a house in the city, but urban residents can buy a house in the countryside without legal protection.

5. Serious illness insurance and NCMS: NCMS is a medical mutual aid system for farmers based on the overall planning of serious illness. it raises funds by means of individual payment, collective support and government assistance. Serious illness insurance reimburses high medical expenses caused by serious illness, and the proportion of reimbursement for farmers participating in the NCMS is not less than 50%.

6. New agricultural insurance: the new agricultural insurance is for the purpose of ensuring the basic life of rural residents when they are old, and adopts a fund-raising model with the combination of individual contributions, collective subsidies and government subsidies. that is to say, as long as rural residents pay a small part of the money to buy old-age insurance, when they reach the age of 60, they can get a certain pension.

The difference between rural hukou and urban hukou

1. Definition: when China was in the era of planned economy, the people at that time were divided into two categories: the rural hukou and the urban hukou. The rural hukou refers to the agricultural registered population who can produce food by their own hard work. Non-rural hukou refers to urban residents who rely on the state to distribute food rations.

2. In terms of employment: one of the biggest differences between urban hukou and rural hukou is that there is a policy of labor and re-employment in cities, and there is no big difference in others. however, the government's investment in employment in rural areas is much less than that in urban areas.

3. Education: some high-quality education resources in cities have a lower threshold for local urban hukou residents, while if they are rural hukou, they may have to pay a certain fee to study, and other barriers are higher.

4. Social insurance: the difference between basic rural hukou and non-rural hukou is very small. People who graduate from university will have a feeling that if you are a rural hukou unit to pay you three insurance and one gold, and if it is an urban hukou, you will be paid social insurance and house fund. The rest are basically integrated, but there are certain differences in some unemployment insurance.

5. Other aspects: there will be land after rural households, but not in cities. In addition, another difference is that people with urban hukou will receive more subsidies than those with rural hukou in terms of joining the army, retiring and seeking self-employment after retirement.