
High-yield planting techniques of amaranth

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, High-yield planting techniques of amaranth

Amaranth originated in China, India and Southeast Asia. It has been eaten as wild vegetables since ancient times in China. There are some varieties of Amaranth with excellent quality and high nutrition in all parts of southern China. Because of its strong resistance, easy growth, drought tolerance, moisture tolerance and high temperature tolerance, and few diseases and insect pests, it has gradually been recognized and developed at home and abroad. Let's take a look at the high-yield planting technology of Amaranth together!

variety selection

Amaranth planting should adopt different varieties according to the habits and consumption habits of varieties in different seasons. Red amaranth and red amaranth varieties with strong cold resistance should be adopted in winter and early spring, and red amaranth and green amaranth with strong pest resistance should be adopted in other seasons. Generally, from late February to late March, it is advisable to select early-maturing and cold-resistant varieties such as red amaranth and red amaranth; from early April to late May, it is advisable to select red amaranth, dahongpao, white amaranth and willow amaranth; from early June to early August, it is advisable to select heat-resistant varieties such as white amaranth, willow amaranth and red amaranth.

cultivation time

Amaranthus can be cultivated from spring to autumn frost-free period, open field cultivation can be sown from late March to early August, while greenhouse and small arch shed cultivation can be sown 20~30 days earlier, that is, sowing can begin in late February, and can be listed about 30 days earlier. In addition to early spring cultivation, generally about 35 days after sowing can be listed.

seeding technology

1, soaking germination: amaranth seeds soaked in cold water for 24 hours, soaking process needs to be washed several times to facilitate water absorption. In winter and early spring, the soaked seeds are taken out, washed with clean water, taken out and drained, wrapped with gauze with good permeability, covered with wet towel, placed at 15 - 20 DEG C for germination, and sown when 30 - 50% of the seeds are exposed. In other seasons, direct seeding was used.

2. Soil preparation and fertilization: amaranth planting should choose plots with few weeds. Although amaranth is not strict with soil requirements, it is better to use loose, fertile and good soil for fertilizer and water conservation. Moreover, amaranth likes alkaline soil. Apply 5000 kg of decomposed organic fertilizer and 50 kg of 25% compound fertilizer per mu. Intensive cultivation shall be carried out to make high ridges with 1~1.2 meters of ridge width, 0.3 meters of ditch width and 0.15~0.2 meters of ditch depth.

3, sowing method: amaranth seeds are small, sowing mixed with some fine sand or fine soil can make the sowing uniform, with a seed amount of 0.25~0.5 kg per mu. Can be flat ridge sowing or drilling, sowing can be used four-tooth rake shallow or not, drilling can be slightly deeper in spring, summer should be shallow, shallow soil, and then suppression, can be watered, waiting for emergence. In winter and early spring, a thin layer of straw is covered to keep moisture, and then a layer of plastic film is covered to keep warm. Cover with sun screen in summer.

field management

1, temperature management: amaranth in winter, early spring after the emergence of plastic film and mulch, watering in the greenhouse to build a small arch shed, in the outside temperature is low in the evening covered with a layer of straw curtain insulation. Summer after emergence, timely cover sunscreen net, take early cover late uncovering.

2, water management: amaranth in winter, early spring to keep the soil moist, small water frequently irrigation, try to choose in the sunny morning watering, and after the seedling irrigation 0.2% urea aqueous solution, after 7~10 days to promote growth. In summer, increase the amount of watering appropriately, generally watering in the morning and evening.

3, reasonable topdressing: amaranth to carry out multiple topdressing, generally in the seedlings have 2 true leaves when the first fertilizer, after 10~12 days after the second fertilizer, after each harvest once topdressing. The fertilizer type is mainly nitrogen fertilizer, and each mu can be applied with 1500~2000 kg of thin human excrement and urine, and 5~10 kg of urea can be added.

bingchong prevention

1. Amaranth white rust: The main disease of Amaranth is white rust. 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 1000 times solution or 77% Terek can be used to kill 1500 times solution of leaves for prevention at seedling stage. At the initial stage of disease, manual leaf picking is combined for chemical control, but spraying shall not be carried out immediately on the day after each harvest, so as not to affect the quality of commodities.

2. Stem base rot disease: rotation should be implemented. When rotation cannot be implemented, the garden should be carefully cleaned after harvest, the sick and disabled materials should be collected and burned, and then the soil should be ploughed and dried. Soil disinfection (sprinkling poisonous soil or spraying liquid medicine) should be carried out before sowing. Discovered the disease plant to pull out immediately, the medicament may use 40% triadimefon carbendazim wet powder 1000 times liquid.

3. Root-knot nematode disease: After harvest in seriously ill areas, the diseased bodies should be removed in time, and rotation or water-dry rotation with liliaceous vegetables can also be carried out. When sowing or planting, furrow or hole application of 10% Li Miku granules, 75 kg per hectare. During the growth period, the roots can also be irrigated with 200-fold solution of methyl isofenphos emulsion for 1~2 times.