
Main points of sowing and propagation of primroses

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Primroses, also known as primroses, primroses, etc., native to China, primroses have developed rapidly in recent years, and have become a very important garden flower variety. Primroses are generally propagated by sowing, so what problems should be paid attention to in the process of sowing?

Primroses, also known as primroses, primroses, etc., native to China, primroses have developed rapidly in recent years, and have become a very important garden flower variety. Primroses are generally propagated by sowing, so what problems should be paid attention to in the process of sowing?


Primroses are mainly propagated by sowing, and the sowing time can be determined according to the needs of flowering, which can blossom about 6 months after sowing. Primrose seeds have a short life span, so it is suitable to sow seeds immediately after seed collection, or to store them in dry and low temperature conditions. Sowing is often used in a shallow basin, and the basin soil is cultivated with a mixture of fine rotten leaf soil and garden soil. after the basin soil is leveled, the seeds are mixed with 4 times fine sand and scattered evenly in the basin, and then the soil surface is gently compacted with a smooth wooden board to facilitate the seed to absorb water and take root. There is no need to cover the soil. Soak the water in the basin after sowing, take it out after the topsoil is soaked, place it in a semi-shaded place, germinate for 1-2 weeks and move to a place with light. Cover the basin with glass to keep it moist. The suitable temperature for sowing was 15-21 ℃, and the germination was poor when it was more than 25 ℃.

The conservation and propagation methods of primroses four Seasons Primrose, Primrose, Primrose and Xianhe Lotus are biennial or perennial herbaceous flowers. In early spring, several flower stems are drawn from the leaves, up to 20 centimeters high, much like an umbrella with a handle open, opening layer by layer from the bottom to the top. The Corolla is small, single and double. The colors are white, pink, crimson, blue, purple and so on. Primroses like to be warm and slightly hardy. The suitable growth temperature is about 15 ℃. If the room temperature is kept at 10 ℃ in winter, it will blossom from February of the following year. Should pay attention to ventilation, can survive the winter above 0 ℃; summer temperature can not exceed 30 ℃, afraid of direct light, so shading and cooling measures should be taken. The residual flowers should be cut off in time. When flowering, in order to prolong the viewing period, the temperature and light should not be too high. After the flower fades, in order to make it blossom continuously, it is necessary to cut off the residual flowers and stalks in time, and apply fertilizer to promote its growth and flowering again. During the growing period, the basin soil should be kept moist and should not be too dry or too wet. at the same time, liquid fertilizer dominated by nitrogen fertilizer should be applied every 10 days, and liquid fertilizer dominated by phosphate fertilizer should be applied for 2 or 3 times in bud stage. Fertilization should be reduced in full bloom and stopped after blossom. Before fertilizing, you should stop watering and make the basin soil dry to facilitate fertilizer absorption. When fertilizing, pay attention to the fertilizer and water do not stain the leaves, you can spray water once after fertilization. Temperature and light. The seeds of primroses are harvested when the fruit begins to turn yellow, dry in the shade and avoid the sun. After drying, remove the fruit shell and store. Primroses are often sown and propagated. The seed germination rate is 40%, and the seeds rarely germinate in the next year. The seeds are small and not easy to receive. In our country, from south to north, around March to May, when the primroses bloom in the basin, loosen the soil and let the seeds fall in the basin. If the original basin is small, you can collect and sow seeds. The seeds can be sown in a large basin of a seedbed. The pot soil was soaked by sitting pot method, covered with glass, slightly shaded, germinated at an appropriate temperature of 15 ℃ to 20 ℃, and seedlings could emerge in 5 to 6 days. After emergence, take the glass so as not to grow into a tall seedling. Seedlings should be sparsely planted in half a month. Pay attention to shading, ventilation and proper dryness in summer. At the beginning of September, the seedlings will be divided into pots when the true leaves are released. It can also be sown from August to September, the management is more convenient, but the plant growth is short. In the spring of the four seasons, some double varieties are often difficult to get seeds, so they can only be propagated by cutting or ramet. Cuttings are carried out from May to June, and ramets are best in autumn. Common indoor potted flowers primroses survive on the pot, let it gradually see the sun, and apply thin fertilizer. Move the basin to the sunny place indoors after late October. The flowers have been blooming since November. Primula is tolerant to low temperature and can survive the winter under 0 ℃. If the room temperature is maintained from 5 ℃ to 10 ℃ and ventilation is paid attention to, it can grow in luxuriant flowers and leaves. New Year's Day before and after the flower stem, began to blossom, the Spring Festival entered the full bloom. After the flower fades, cut off the residual pedicel, then draw out the pedicel and continue to blossom. At the end of blooming, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, so it should be moved to a cool and ventilated place to keep it moist and not too dry. After semi-dormancy, it turns the pot from September to October and can blossom in winter. If you put it in the environment of 10 ℃ to 12 ℃ in summer, it can blossom as usual. The main points of primrose maintenance are as follows: after the seedlings are unearthed, when they grow to 5 true leaves, they are transplanted in a small flowerpot with a caliber of 10 cm, and a small amount of bone powder or rotten cake fertilizer should be applied to the bottom of the pot. When the seedlings grow to a certain height, they are planted in flowerpots with a diameter of 16 cm. 7 pieces of rotten leaf soil, 3 parts of garden soil and a small amount of base fertilizer should be selected for basin soil. Proper shading should be paid attention to at the beginning of the pot, and the dilute liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer combined with nitrogen and phosphorus should be applied once about 10-15 days after slowing down the seedling. Watering during the growth period should be dry and wet to avoid stagnant water in the basin. After the flower fade, cut off the residual flowers in time, apply 1 to 2 times of thin fertilizer, in order to facilitate the growth of new flower branches, it can continue to bloom. Primrose seedlings are weak and prone to quenching disease, causing seedling decay and death, so attention should be paid to early prevention and control. In order to raise primroses well and blossom continuously, we should pay attention to: separate planting and transplanting. When the sowing seedlings grow 2-3 true leaves, they are first planted in a small pot, cultivated for about one month, and then transplanted to the middle pot. Fertilizing and watering. Key points for maintenance of primroses

There are two or three flowers in the beginning of spring, but the depth of spring is still unknown.

Yang Wanli

Primula is a biennial herb of the family Primulaceae, usually covered with powdery, clustered leaves, leaves ovate to elliptic or rectangular, lobes with irregular small teeth, petiole multicellular pilose. Scape up to 40 cm tall, umbels, bracts linear or linear-lanceolate, pedicels slender, calyx campanulate, Corolla pink, lavender or subwhite, capsule globose.

Primula was introduced into Europe at the end of the 19th century, and has been widely cultivated all over the world, and there are many horticultural varieties, cultivated everywhere, quite ornamental. Primroses like warm, cool, humid climate, can not tolerate high temperature and strong direct sunlight, and most of them are not resistant to severe cold.

Another name for primrose

Primrose races, Qizhonglou

The growth habit of Primula

Primrose is a typical warm temperate plant flower, most of the species are distributed in higher latitudes, or high altitude areas, the growth environment is humid, such as open land, ditch edge, suitable for about 1800 meters above sea level. Like the warm and cool climate, moist environment and well-drained, humus-rich soil, not resistant to high temperature and direct sunlight, most of them are not resistant to cold.

In general, primroses with potted flowers in cold greenhouse are suitable for cultivation in neutral soil. Not resistant to frost, flowering earlier, can also be arranged in flower beds, suitable for long-term growth in shady slope or semi-shady environment, like humus soil with good drainage.

The floral words of primroses

Primroses are the symbol of spring, so they are used as a must for everyone's youth, so the words of primroses are the joys and sorrows of youth, while primroses always blossom when everything does not recover, wake up all things in the world and wither alone, but this is the case year after year, so primroses have a flower language that is no regrets!

1. Key points of maintenance

Flower friends all have their own primroses, know the breeding methods of primroses, but do not know how to maintain a healthy growth of primroses, so how to maintain primroses?

How to maintain primroses

Light conditions of primroses

Primroses like to shine in a warm and adequate environment, but they are afraid of strong light, so summer seedlings should be placed in a cool, ventilated place with plenty of scattered light. Since September, the sun is not so strong, and the potted plants can be exposed to scattered light. From October, all the plants can be placed under the light, so that they can receive more light in the late autumn when the temperature drops. Promote its growth and flower bud differentiation.

Primroses in the light

The growth temperature of Primula

Primroses prefer warm and cold-tolerant climate, and the suitable temperature for growth and development of primroses is about 15 ℃. In winter, the indoor temperature should be kept at about 10 ℃, and the poles of growth temperature are 0 ℃ and 30 ℃. Overheating or overcooling will lead to plant wilting and prevent it from developing normally.

Potted primroses

Water conditions of Primula

Primroses like the humid climate, but not too much watering, to prevent the pot soil is too wet caused by the root rot phenomenon. Improper watering in summer will lead to the cessation of plant growth and the withering and yellowing of leaves. It can be watered once in the morning and late in summer, and the weather is dry and hot at noon. It is necessary to sprinkle water around the plant to maintain the humidity of the basin soil and its surrounding environment, lower the temperature and create a cool and humid growth environment. Gradually reduce watering in autumn, after winter, with the flowering of pregnant buds should also be suitable for watering, not more watering.

Primroses after watering

How to apply fertilizer to primroses

Slow seedling 8-10 days or so applied nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, the climate gradually cooled after autumn, primroses also entered the vigorous growth season, which should strengthen the fertilizer of flowers; in the late growth stage of primroses, phosphate fertilizer should be appropriately increased. 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution is sprayed to the leaves every half a month, which can promote the blooming of pregnant buds.

Potted primroses

Control of diseases and insect pests of primrose

The weakness of primrose seedlings is easy to be attacked by diseases and insect pests, especially the quenching disease, which should be prevented and controlled immediately, and 800 times of dimethazone can be sprayed on the soil surface for control.

A diseased primrose

How to trim primroses

During the flowering period, some of the flower branches of the newly seeded plants were removed and 1-2 times of compound phosphorus and potassium fertilizer were applied to make the seeds grow full. When the flower fades, it should be cut off in time and apply 1-2 times of thin fertilizer, which is conducive to the promotion and growth of flower branches, so that the plant can continue to blossom.

Second, how to control the florescence?

Primroses take about 5 months from seedling to flower, so make the flowers bloom regularly, so how to control the florescence of primroses?

How to control the florescence of primroses

Primroses open during the Spring Festival

If you want primroses to bloom during the Spring Festival, you can sow them in mid-August. Spread the black seeds evenly over the soil. And cover a layer of wave fine soil, water thoroughly, keep the basin soil moist, about 10 days can sprout, if the seedling growth is too tight, can be carried out at one time.

When the seedlings grow 3-4 true leaves, they can be planted in the basin, and strengthen the management of buds, and then will blossom as scheduled. The life span of the seed is not short, it is best to sow as it is picked, and store it in a low temperature and dry place, which is limited to one year at most.

International Labour Day is a primrose in bloom

If you want primroses to bloom during International Labour Day's time, you need to sow them in November. Pot sowing is often used in late autumn and early winter, which contributes to the movement, heat preservation and moisturization of primroses. The indoor temperature should be kept at about 15-20 ℃ in order to make it germinate normally. If the indoor temperature is too low, it can be covered with a layer of transparent glass for heat preservation.

Primroses open on other festivals

If it needs to blossom on the Party Building Festival, it can be sown in the early and middle of January.

Those who bloom on National Day must be sown in mid-January.

Primroses blooming during New Year's Day should be sown in a semi-overcast environment in the middle to late July.

III. Frequently asked questions

1. What if the primroses wither?

Primroses bloom brightly and are loved by flower growers. The phenomenon of wilting often occurs in the process of maintenance, which is the biggest headache for oxidation lovers. So what if the primroses wither?

What if the primrose has withered?

Primroses withered due to lack of water

Lack of water is a common phenomenon in primrose culture. Performance in the primrose leaves yellow, dull, drooping leaves, withered. There are two reasons for water shortage and withering:

First, due to the high temperature and heat in summer, the air is too dry and the water evaporates greatly, resulting in dehydration and withering due to its inability to supply water normally.

Second, due to the lack of water in the basin soil, the amount of water watered each time is too little, which only moistens the surface of the basin soil, but fails to water thoroughly and cannot go deep into the basin bottom, so the lower roots cannot absorb water. Over time, flowers wither because they do not get water.

Potted primroses

Treatment method

The above two situations should be replenished in time, pay more attention to observation in summer, watering should be enough, but do not accumulate water, make the soil moist, and keep the surrounding air humidity low, is the healthy growth of the plant.

Primrose disease leads to blight

Due to the large alternation of winter and spring seasons, primroses are attacked by diseases, specifically, the leaves lose their original luster and vitality, become very soft, and then the lower leaves gradually wither, and finally spread the whole plant.

The disease caused primrose to wither.

Treatment method

Using Tuccinol for sterilization and disinfection, if it is found in time and gets up early in infection, it can be recovered in one day through the treatment of Tumenol. If the infection time is too long and the petiole has begun to rot, the recovery period can reach two weeks.

Primula wilted by fertilization

Flower friends wholeheartedly hope that primroses blossom and lead to too much fertilizer supply, eager for success, so that the edges of primroses yellow, leaves withered, for a long time will lead to the death of leaves.

Potted primroses

Treatment method

If there is too much fertilizer, pour more water, wash away too much fertilizer in the soil, or immediately turn the basin, change the soil, so that the plant gradually return to the normal growth state.

two。 How to control the diseases of primroses?

I believe that many flower friends have raised primroses, this kind of flower is very rich in color, but if it is plagued by diseases, it blossoms dimly or even does not blossom. So, how to control the diseases of primroses?

Disease control of primrose

Primula mosaic disease


The mosaic disease of primrose is a whole-plant disease caused by mosaic virus, which can lead to abnormal or smaller leaves of the plant, which is characterized by dark green markings distributed throughout the plant. If plagued by such diseases, infected plants will not blossom, flowers are small deformities, mainly by aphids to spread the virus, the disease mainly infects the infected plants of the surrounding weeds.

Primula mosaic disease

Prevention and cure method

First of all, remove weeds and diseased weeds, concentrate on their destruction, reduce the source of infection, and then eliminate aphids in time to prevent the spread of the virus.

Brown spot of primrose


Primrose brown spot disease often occurs in the spring of the four seasons, caused by bacteria. Brown spots appear on the leaves of infected plants. Through the spread of wind and rain, the virus of susceptible plants will be spread to other plants.

Brown spot of primrose

Prevention and cure method

Spray 70% chlorothalonil at the initial stage of the disease for spray control.

Primula gray mold


Botrytis cinerea is the most common disease of primroses, which occurs all over the country. When the plant is infected by the disease, the whole plant becomes yellow and leaves fall. The disease mainly infects leaves and tender stems. Most of them occur at the tip and edge of the leaf.

At the beginning of the disease, the plant will produce water-like spots, and then gradually enlarge to form brown patches and gradually rot. In the later stage, each layer will form grayish yellow, which will gradually rot and fall off. If the climate is relatively humid, the disease is characterized by gray mildew layer, which occurs when the temperature is 20 ℃, and the air humidity is the most likely to occur.

Primula gray mold

Prevention and cure method

Reasonable planting, planting density should not be too close. Pay attention to maintaining the ventilation of the environment and reducing the humidity in the air. Cut off the diseased leaves and residual branches in time to reduce the source of infection, so that the incidence will be reduced. During the onset of the disease, 50% Sukeling is sprayed for prevention and control.

Improper cultivation of primroses is easy to cause a lot of insect pests, coupled with the roots of primroses are relatively weak, so once pests occur, it is not easy to control, so how to control primroses?

Pest control of primrose

3. How to control the insect pests of primroses?

Primula pest-long-tailed pink scale

Symptom characteristics

The long-tailed pink scale harms many kinds of flowers, including primroses. It absorbs the juice of the stems and leaves of primroses with the thorns of adults and nymphs, which has a great effect on the whole development of primroses.

Primula longtailed pink scale

Prevention and cure method

If the insect damage of the long-tailed pink scale is less, we can scrape it manually or use liquor for disinfection and brushing. In the period when nymphs hatch and flourish, spraying 1000 times of fenitrothion can kill a large number of pink scale with long tail.

Primroses-Red Spider

Symptom characteristics

The red spider is also known as the cotton red plant, the scientific name is spider mite. The body color of the adult red spider varies greatly, generally red, with black spots on both sides of the back of the body; the young mite is nearly round, there is a black version on both sides of the body, and the red spider nymph has four pairs of feet.

Red spiders like to live in a high-temperature and dry environment, hot summer, will make its rapid reproduction, red spiders more harm to the back of the leaves, serious harm. There are obvious massive pigments on the side of its body. Red spiders harm the stems and leaves of plants during reproduction and reproduce through stems and leaves.

Primrose red spider

How to prevent and cure

The control of red spiders can scrape off the bark for centralized destruction before overwintering hatching, and painting the trunk with lime water can kill a large number of eggs. In addition, in early spring, the fields can be turned over and weeds removed so that red spiders can not find food, resulting in gradual death.