
Methods of sowing and ramet propagation of asparagus

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Asparagus is a very famous foliage plant in China. Because asparagus is very elegant and generous as a potted plant, it is often used as an important ingredient for cut flowers. In general, asparagus can be propagated by ramet and sowing, so how should it be done?

Asparagus is a very famous foliage plant in China. Because asparagus is very elegant and generous as a potted plant, it is often used as an important ingredient for cut flowers. In general, asparagus can be propagated by ramet and sowing, so how should it be done?

Asparagus asparagus

The main results are as follows: 1. The berries of sowing and propagation of asparagus mature one after another in winter. When the berries turn purple-black, they can be harvested. After the berries are harvested, rub the exocarp to remove the seeds. Rinse and sow the seeds. If the room temperature is less than 15C, you should wait until the spring is warm before sowing, during which sand should be stored and sowed, mainly indoor pot sowing, generally sowing in a shallow basin with a grain distance of 2 cm, covering the soil should not be too deep, and cover it with glass or film after soaking in water to reduce water evaporation, keep the basin soil moist, and place it in a sunny place. After sowing, the temperature is about 20C, it can be germinated in 25 ~ 30 days, and it takes 30 ~ 40 days in 15C~18C to germinate. When the seedlings grow to 3 cm ~ 4 cm high, the seedlings can be divided and transplanted.

2. Ramet propagation is carried out when changing pots in spring, peel away the roots, do not hurt too many roots, according to the size of the plant, choose pot or ground planting. After planting, pour water thoroughly, put it in a semi-shaded place or line to shade. Watering should be properly controlled in the future, otherwise it is easy to cause yellow leaves.

What are the breeding methods of asparagus? What are the requirements and matters needing attention for sowing propagation and split propagation of asparagus respectively?

When it comes to asparagus, I believe everyone will be familiar with it. Asparagus has a good moral and has been loved by many literati writers since ancient times. In addition, asparagus has a very high ornamental value, can also be used to make family bonsai, many flower friends also have the experience of breeding asparagus. So, do you know which breeding methods of asparagus are divided into? What are the requirements and matters needing attention for sowing propagation and split propagation of asparagus respectively? Today, the editor will give you a detailed introduction.

The propagation of asparagus is mainly by sowing and dividing.

Sowing seeds in March-April, soaking seeds 24 hours before sowing, sowing in 10 cm deep basin, covered with glass or plastic film, to prevent water evaporation, keep 20-25 ℃ and basin soil moist, 20-30 days can germinate, seedling height 5 cm can be on a small basin. Those planted in large pots should be propagated separately in spring. The ramet is suitable for the large plant that has been grown for 2-3 years. According to the size of the plant, one basin is divided into two pots or three pots. The operation of ramet is very simple, break the root of asparagus by hand, as long as it does not hurt too many roots, plant the split plant in a flowerpot, water once can survive. When dividing plants, 3-4 pieces of horseshoe slices or sesame sauce dregs and other organic fertilizers should be applied in the basin as base fertilizer.

1. Sow seeds

Sowing is the main method of propagation of asparagus. When the pericarp of asparagus seed blackens and softens, it is ripe, then it should be picked gradually according to the degree of maturity, rubbed to remove the pulp, cleaned with clean water, dried and stored semi-dry. Sowing in early April can be used as a commercial seedling or furnished indoors in the autumn of that year. The sowing substrate is generally fine sand and the container is tile basin or wooden box. Put the seeds on the basin soil at a distance of 2-3 cm, 2-3 seeds in each hole. After sowing, it is covered with fine sand 5mm thick, covered with glass or plastic film, the temperature is kept at 20-25 ℃, and water is often sprayed to keep the basin soil moist. About 30 days after sowing, the seedlings began to sprout. When the seedling height is 4-5 cm, it can be transplanted and cultured, and when it is 8-10 cm, it can be planted on the pot.

2. Ramet

Family potted plants can also be propagated by ramets. Asparagus has a strong clump, and the 4-5-year-old plants can sprout root tillers from the rhizosphere continuously, so that the clumps of plants continue to expand. In spring, new plants can be obtained by changing pots and dividing them into tufts and planting them on pots respectively.

Asparagus is a perennial herbaceous vine of Liliaceae, with slightly fleshy roots, long stems, smooth and slender stems, slender leafy branches, 6-12 clumps, spreading horizontally, bright green, leaves small, about 3-5 mm long, scalelike, white, triangular thorns in the lower part, small white flowers, 1-4 flowers on short stalks. Berries globose, purplish black. Originally from southern Africa, asparagus likes a warm, humid and ventilated environment, is not cold-resistant in winter, and avoids the sun in summer, so it is suitable to use loose, fertile and well-drained slightly acidic sandy soil. the basin soil can be prepared with loose and fertile rotten leaf soil or loam + rotten leaf soil + stable fertilizer soil. Can also be planted with bamboo tube, its water permeability, water storage are good, do not need to drill holes at the bottom of the basin.

The basin of asparagus should be changed once every spring, the persistent soil should be removed, the original core soil should be maintained, fertile soil should be added around the core soil, and 3-4 horseshoe slices should be applied as base fertilizer at the bottom of the basin, and more coarse sand or tiles should be put at the bottom of the basin to facilitate drainage, otherwise it will cause branch leaves to yellowing and roots to rot. Withered branches and yellow leaves should also be cut off and properly reshaped. The room temperature should be kept at 12-18 ℃, and the overwintering temperature should be between 5-10 ℃.

Asparagus likes shade, can not be exposed to the sun, summer and autumn should be placed in a ventilated semi-shade, spring and winter can be placed indoors to the sun. Asparagus likes to be wet and afraid of waterlogging, so watering should pay close attention to the amount of water. It is generally appropriate for the basin soil to maintain 20% humidity, that is, if the water in the watering basin quickly seeps into the soil and the soil surface does not accumulate water, the stagnant water in the basin will make its roots rot, and if the soil is too dry, it will turn its branches and leaves yellow or fall off. The amount of watering should be reduced in winter. Spray and wash branches and leaves with water close to room temperature to increase air humidity, but do not spray branches with cold water in winter. Usually, asparagus should be given 1-2 times a month to apply thin ripe horseshoe water, or once to apply nitrogen and potassium-based mature dilute liquid fertilizer or sprinkle some granular fertilizer. If there is a lack of fertilizer, or if the fertilizer is applied too much and too thick, it will cause asparagus yellowing or dying. Fertilization should be stopped after winter, and fertilization should be controlled after plant setting.

That's all I know about asparagus today. I hope it will be helpful for flower friends to read this article. If you want to know more about asparagus, please continue to pay attention to the succulent flower bed, we will provide you with more related knowledge!

How to propagate asparagus the propagation method of asparagus

Although asparagus is not bamboo, but asparagus branches like bamboo, posture is very beautiful, asparagus how to reproduce? Next, let's tell you how to reproduce asparagus.

There are two main methods of propagation of asparagus: sowing and ramet.

1. Sowing seeds

Sowing is the main method of propagation of asparagus. When the pericarp of asparagus seed blackens and softens, it is ripe, then it should be picked gradually according to the degree of maturity, rubbed to remove the pulp, cleaned with clean water, dried and stored semi-dry. Sowing in early April can be used as a commercial seedling or furnished indoors in the autumn of that year. The sowing substrate is generally fine sand and the container is tile basin or wooden box. Put the seeds on the basin soil at a distance of 2-3 cm, 2-3 seeds in each hole. After sowing, it is covered with fine sand 5mm thick, covered with glass or plastic film, the temperature is kept at 20-25 ℃, and water is often sprayed to keep the basin soil moist. About 30 days after sowing, the seedlings began to sprout. When the seedling height is 4-5 cm, it can be transplanted and cultured, and when it is 8-10 cm, it can be planted on the pot.

two。 Ramet

Family potted plants can also be propagated by ramets. Asparagus has a strong clump, and the 4-5-year-old plants can sprout root tillers from the rhizosphere continuously, so that the clumps of plants continue to expand. In spring, new plants can be obtained by changing pots and dividing them into tufts and planting them on pots respectively.

Points for attention in reproduction of asparagus:

The propagation of asparagus is mainly by sowing and dividing. Sowing seeds in March-April, soaking seeds 24 hours before sowing, sowing in 10 cm deep basin, covered with glass or plastic film, to prevent water evaporation, keep 20-25 ℃ and basin soil moist, 20-30 days can germinate, seedling height 5 cm can be on a small basin. Those planted in large pots should be propagated separately in spring. The ramet is suitable for the large plant that has been grown for 2-3 years. According to the size of the plant, one basin is divided into two pots or three pots. The operation of ramet is very simple, break the root of asparagus by hand, as long as it does not hurt too many roots, plant the split plant in a flowerpot, water once can survive. When dividing plants, 3-4 pieces of horseshoe slices or sesame sauce dregs and other organic fertilizers should be applied in the basin as base fertilizer.

When the room is not ventilated, it is easy to cause the harm of shell insects, so it is necessary to spray 2000 times of dichlorvos emulsion to control it, and it is easy to cause damage to red spiders in summer. Triclofenac and other special pesticides can be sprayed. The leaves were damaged by Botrytis cinerea and leaf blight, which were sprayed with 1000 times of methyl topiramate wettable powder.

Asparagus likes a clean and well-ventilated environment. If stimulated by harmful gases such as smoke, gas and pesticides, the leaves will turn yellow, curl up and die. Open windows from 10:00 to 3 pm on warm sunny days to keep the indoor air fresh and well ventilated.

When the leaves and branches of asparagus grow too long, give it a frame, or cut it short to facilitate ventilation and light.

As the horizontal extension of the branches and leaves of asparagus is very easy to fall dust, which not only affects the growth, but also the branches and leaves are easy to turn yellow, so it is necessary to spray and remove the dust from the stems and leaves with clean water. Before spraying water, it is best to shake off the floating dust on the stems and leaves by hand, and then spray and wash the fine-eye spray can, and gently shake the water droplets attached to it.