
Introduction to the breeding methods of Artemisia angustifolia

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Because the shape of money grass is very similar to ancient coins, and has a certain medicinal value, so people affectionately call it money grass or copper money grass. The moral of money grass is also very good, and it is not difficult to cultivate, so it is cultivated by many flower friends. The editor will introduce you to the breeding method of Artemisia angustifolia.

Because the shape of money grass is very similar to ancient coins, and has a certain medicinal value, so people affectionately call it money grass or copper money grass. The moral of money grass is also very good, and it is not difficult to cultivate, so it is cultivated by many flower friends. The editor will introduce you to the breeding method of Artemisia angustifolia, and friends who like it can learn about it.

Artemisia paniculata

Artemisia angustifolia, perennial water or wet herbs. The plant height is 5cm to 15cm. The top of the stem is brown. Submerged leaves with long stalks, round peltate, 2-4 cm in diameter, margin undulate, grass green. Flowers bisexual; umbels; florets white and pink. Divide the fruit. The florescence is from June to August. Its stem node is obvious, a section, each section has a leaf, can be extended all the time. Its underground stem grows at an astonishing rate and spreads wherever it goes. It is one of the beautiful and easy-to-grow aquatic plants. This kind of plant is mainly propagated by split-plant method or cutting method, which is mostly carried out from March to May every year. It is easy to cultivate, keep the cultivated soil moist, and root in about 1-2 weeks. Potted plants can be operated after the seedlings are formed. Medium-sized flowerpots without drainage holes are often used as planting containers. Irrigation can be done at the end of the operation. In order to slow down the seedlings, the colonization operation is best carried out on a cloudy day.

Ecological habits of Artemisia angustifolia introduction to the culture methods of Artemisia angustifolia

Artemisia angustifolia is a small perennial herb, stolon slender, gray pubescent, rooting leaves reniform to rounded on nodes, flowers solitary leaf axils, petiole shorter than petiole, filiform; sepals Obovate-oblong to spatulate, Corolla campanulate, shorter to slightly longer than calyx, yellow; capsule subglobose, smaller, shorter than calyx, florescence 5-July, fruiting 7-10. Let's take a look at the introduction of the breeding method of Artemisia angustifolia.

I. basic knowledge of Artemisia angustifolia

Herba Euphorbiae, the name of traditional Chinese medicine. It is the dried whole plant of Primulaceae (scientific name: LysimachiachristinaeHance). It is distributed in all provinces in the south of the Yangtze River. Summer has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, removing blood stasis and detumescence, promoting dampness and retreating jaundice, carbuncle, venomous snake bite, hepatobiliary stone, urinary tract stone and so on. Modern research, the product mainly contains phenolic components and sterols, flavonoids, amino acids, tannins, volatile oil, choline, potassium salt and so on. It also has the effects of stone excretion, bacteriostasis, anti-inflammation, and inhibition of humoral immunity and cellular immunity. In addition, Urticaceae plant mirror grass, one of its aliases, also known as money grass.

Second, the ecological habits of Artemisia angustifolia

Money grass likes damp, humid environment, not cold-resistant. It is suitable for sandy soil with more fertile and loose and humus. Born in fields, forest margins, roadsides, forest grasslands, riverside or village shady grass; loose, fertile, well-drained sandy loam is better; suitable for growth in warm and humid climate.

III. Culture methods of Artemisia angustifolia

1. Temperature

It likes warmth, avoids high temperature and is resistant to low temperature. It grows well in the temperature range of 16 to 24 degrees, and the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃. When the water temperature exceeds 30 ℃, the plant growth will be inhibited.

2. Disease and pest control

The main pests are clam Yu and snails bite on stems and leaves. It can be irrigated with 1000 times of 90% crystal trichlorfon, or sprinkled with 1.5 grams per square meter or 1.5 kilograms per mu, which can kill adults or young snails.

3. Water quality requirements

It has strong adaptability to pH of water body, but it is best to control it between six and seven.

4. Methods of reproduction

It can be propagated by seed or cutting. However, because the seeds of Artemisia angustifolia are very small, it is not easy to collect, and the seedlings grow slowly, so cutting propagation is often used.

IV. The efficacy and function of Artemisia angustifolia

The efficacy of Artemisia angustifolia: clearing away dampness and heat, relieving diarrhea and reducing swelling. For heat, sand, astringent pain in urine, jaundice, red urine, carbuncle, furuncle, venomous snake bite; hepatolithiasis, urinary calculi. For hot gonorrhea, especially good at the treatment of stone gonorrhea, can be a single strong decoction instead of tea drinking, or with sea gold sand, chicken gold and other common use. For damp-heat jaundice, can be used with wormwood and gardenia. Modern treatment of cholelithiasis is compatible with wormwood, Scutellaria baicalensis and Radix Aucklandiae. The role of Herba Euphorbiae: for hepatolithiasis and urinary calculi, fever, jaundice. Herba Euphorbiae has a good effect of relieving dampness and relieving jaundice and treating hepatolithiasis and jaundice. This product can be used alone to replace tea, or mixed with Yinchen, Yujin, rhubarb to enhance the effect of clearing liver and gallbladder and expelling stones.

Money grass can not only be used for family greening, but also its efficacy and function and edible methods are many and beneficial, such a small and lovely plant, has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, has let everyone firmly remember it! Like friends, you can also plant a pot, not only beautiful but also easy to raise Oh!

The above is the relevant introduction of this article, I believe you have a simple understanding of this after reading it, if necessary, you can continue to pay attention to the No. 1 home network to learn more information.

The Propagation method of raising Artemisia angustifolia in potted plants

Money grass, also known as falling money, Qian Qianjin, even money grass, etc., Primulaceae is a small perennial herb, leaves kidney-shaped to round, diameter 4mm 25mm, flowers solitary leaf axils, flower stalks shorter than petioles, green leaves, yellow florets, pot culture has a certain ornamental value, let's take a look at pot money grass how to raise it!

The growth habit of Artemisia angustifolia

Artemisia angustifolia is distributed in the provinces south of the Yangtze River and Taiwan Province, and is widely distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions of the two hemispheres. It has strong adaptability to pH of water body, but it is best to control it between 6.5 and 7.5. Like warmth, avoid high temperature, bear low temperature, grow well in the temperature range of 16-24 ℃, overwintering temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃, when the room temperature is more than 30 ℃, the plant growth will be inhibited. Like to be moist, there are flowing water sources for a long time.

Propagation methods of Artemisia angustifolia

Artemisia angustifolia can be propagated by seeds or cuttings, but because the seeds are very small, it is not easy to collect, and the seedlings grow slowly, so cuttings are often used for propagation. From March to April every year, the stem of Diandian is cut and cut into one section every 3 to 4 nodes as cuttings. On the finished border surface, a shallow trench was opened on each side of the border surface with a depth of 6 cm to 8 cm, each planting 2 rows. In the open shallow ditch, cut according to the plant spacing of 10 cm, human soil 2 to 3 nodes, after planting covered with a layer of thin soil gently compacted, watering the root water.

How to raise potted Artemisia paniculata?

1. Soil: Artemisia mandshurica is not strict on soil, whether it is yellow loam, red loam or black loam, even in barren soil, but its drought resistance is not strong, so it is suitable for soil with fertile and loose, high water absorption and good water retention. It can also be cultivated in moist riverbanks, swamps, grasslands or fresh water with low hardness. The cultivated soil can be mixed with rotten leaves, river mud and garden soil. The proportion is 5:2:2.

2. Fertilization: Artemisia mandshurica has a large demand for fertilizer, and in the vigorous growth stage, it is topdressing every 2 to 3 weeks. When planted in pots or containers, a small amount of fertilizer is needed, such as quick-acting fertilizer Huabao No. 2, which can maintain fertilizer effect in water for a long time and ensure that the water quality is slightly acidic or neutral.

3. Watering: Artemisia angustifolia likes a relatively humid growth environment. Because of its many leaves and large transpiration, it is necessary to spray water to the plants in summer to maintain high air humidity, and the leaves should be kept clean to facilitate photosynthesis. Winter basin soil to dry is appropriate, watering to follow the principle of wet rather than dry, avoid stagnant water, otherwise it is easy to rot the root.

4. Temperature: Artemisia angustifolia prefers warm and humid environment, but is not resistant to cold. It grows well in the temperature of 10-25 ℃. It will stop growing when the temperature rises above 32 ℃ in summer, no lower than 5 ℃ in winter, and will be inhibited when the room temperature exceeds 30 ℃.

5. Light: Artemisia mandshurica is shade-tolerant, preferably in half-day sunshine or shade, avoid strong direct sunlight, the more shady the environment, the more likely to lead to plant leaf rot. Money grass does not win glory, but if you let it receive 4 hours of scattered light every day, or give it 8 hours of artificial light, it will grow better.

6. Diseases and insect pests: there are very few diseases and insect pests in Artemisia przewalskii. The main pests are clam Yu and snails eating stems and leaves. You can choose 1000 times liquid of 90% crystal trichlorfon to irrigate, or spread with 8% Mianhuoling granules or 10% polyacetaldehyde granules, 1.5g per square meter, or 1.5kg per mu. Spread in the sunny evening can kill adults or young snails.