
The half-dead succulent plant comes out of the bottle immediately. Summer depends on this trick.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Is your succulent plant ready for the latest wave of high temperatures? Black rot, water, these succulent can not be preserved, only a few leaves can still be inserted? The weather is so hot, ordinary leaf insertion is certainly not good, hurry up to learn, flowers.

Is your succulent plant ready for the latest wave of high temperatures? Black rot, water, these succulent can not be preserved, only a few leaves can still be inserted? The weather is so hot, ordinary leaf insertion is certainly not good, hurry up to learn, Huahua teach you a good way to take root in summer!

Soil cuttings take root

Flower cultivation Daquan

When the temperature is high in summer, the substrate of cutting must be breathable, moisturizing and dissipating heat quickly. the following kinds of granular soil are very suitable for summer cutting, and we often see them around us.

1. Sandy soil cutting

Sand is river sand. Pack a bag and sift it at home. Just use boiling water for 2-3 times, or soak in carbendazim solution for 30 minutes to sterilize. Unsterilized soil will carry bacteria and eggs, so it's best to clean it up.

When cutting, you can spray the sand wet first, and then put on the succulent leaves, the larger leaves can stand on the sand against the wall of the flowerpot, or shallow into the soil, be careful not to be too deep. Leaves with relatively small radians can be placed directly on the sand.

It's best to put it in a cool and ventilated place at home, and then bask in the sun for a while sooner or later when it sprouts. Don't be curious to move the leaves in the process.

After the survival of succulent leaves and flower heads re-cutting is easy to black rot again, Huahua suggests: on the edge of the flowerpot, poke a hole in the sand with your finger, pour it into the hole each time, and go directly into the bottom of the pot, so as to reduce the risk of black rot and melt water. to ensure normal rooting!

2. Vermiculite

Vermiculite is actually a mineral, we buy succulent will take a few bags, it is not only nutritious, temperature change is also small, very suitable for cutting rooting.

Vermiculite particles are of different sizes. When succulent leaves are put on, the rooting place should be close to the soil surface. It can be placed close to the edge of the basin and pressed with a few small stones if necessary.

In the process of cutting, it should be placed in a cool place to keep the basin soil moist, and the vermiculite will expand a little after absorbing water, so when you see that the position of the soil drops and the color turns white, you should water it quickly.

3. Maifan stone and perlite

Maifan stone and perlite are also suitable for summer cutting, because neither of them is very endothermic, so flower friends in high temperature areas can give it a try.

For the flower friends who cut with Maifan stone and perlite, it is best to use a closed container at the bottom to cut, because the particles of the two are relatively large, and the cuttings mainly take root by using the water vapor between the stones, and the containers with holes leak as soon as they are watered, so you must pay attention to it!

Water cuttings take root

Flower cultivation Daquan

Succulent soil is easy to rot in summer, and water insertion is safer. In general, clear water can be operated. If you want to improve the success rate, you can also add some rooting powder or use water from willow branches.

Unlike other flowers, succulent plants can not really be inserted into the water, especially in summer, it is easy to rot, it only needs to use water vapor to take root, here are some very convenient techniques, everyone hurry to learn ~

1. Small bottle mouth glass bottle

The mouth of the glass bottle is small and stable. the yogurt bottle we usually drink is fine, wash it clean, pour it into the water of 1 hand and 3, and put the succulent plant in the mouth of the bottle without touching the water. It will take root in about a week in the shade.

If your succulent plant is slow to take root, it is best to change the water every 3-5 days. Be sure to keep cool and do not bask in the sun!

2. Plastic bottle leaf insertion machine

There are several small cuts in the body of the plastic bottle, and the succulent plants are stuck in the small openings. The heavier succulent plants can be fixed with duct tape, and the bottle mouth should be opened, otherwise the steam inside will be too hot, just put it in a cool place.

The rooting speed of this method is the fastest, and you can see the root system in about 3-5 days. Don't be too impatient, wait for the buds to emerge before planting.

3. Other wonderful ways to take root

Flower friends who feel that it is too troublesome to start above, there are some other ways for lazy people to take root, such as using a steamer, putting some water in the pot, putting the leaves on the steamer, no matter how small, pay attention to the rooting place facing the small hole in the steamer, so it is more accurate!

A single layer of gauze, fasten to the water bowl with a leather band, and put succulent leaves on the gauze.

The finished ice cream stick can also be made into a bracket, which only needs to be fixed at both ends with adhesive tape.

The straw is cut into three sections and tied with a leather band to form a triangular bracket in which the succulent plant can be embedded.

Although the cuttage looks simple

The details are important.

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