
The invisible killer of growing flowers is that it teaches you three ways to solve the problem of potted flowers.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Potted soil consolidation is an invisible killer of flower cultivation. Once the potted soil is hardened, the root system of the plant cannot go down, and the consolidated soil has poor air permeability and the root system can not be breathed. What kind of potted soil grows well in such potted soil.

The consolidation of potted soil is the invisible killer of growing flowers. Once the potted soil is hardened, the root system of the plant cannot go down, and the air permeability of the consolidated soil is poor, and the root system can not be breathed. What kind of potted soil grows well in such potted soil? this is simply burying flowers alive.

If the pot soil is hardened, if the temperature is right, we can directly change the pot soil, soak the consolidated soil with clean water to reduce the damage to the root system, and then change the loose and breathable soil to plant the potted plant. The most important thing is to loosen and breathate, so as to facilitate the deep binding of plant roots and absorb more nutrients.

If it is not convenient to change the basin, first rake the surface of the basin soil with a small rake, and then sprinkle a layer of dry fertilizer on the surface of the soil, so that the surface of the basin soil is not easy to harden. When watering, the organic fertilizer will enter the basin soil with the infiltration of water. It also adds nutrients to the basin soil.

How should we prevent potted soil from hardening in peacetime?

1. Do not use a single soil

Potted soil for growing flowers should be selected according to the habits of potted plants. general potted plants need loose and breathable soil, and do not use garden soil directly. The permeability of garden soil is not good. You can use some humus soil (saprophytic soil, peat soil), granular soil (such as large granular river sand, cinder, perlite), etc., and then mixed with a little garden soil, this kind of soil is loose, breathable and fertile, suitable for most potted plants. Peanut shells and eggshells at home can also be dried and crushed into the soil, which can play a role of loosening and breathability.

2. Watering

Do not directly use tap water, it is easy to cause basin soil hardening and alkalization, because tap water contains bleach, chlorine and other substances, it is best to put it for a day or two before use, some can be volatilized, watering must be thoroughly, watering can easily cause damage to the root system at the bottom of the flowerpot, and the soil at the bottom is impervious to air.

3. Use less chemical fertilizer as much as possible

Many flower growers rett themselves to make some organic fertilizer, such as cake fertilizer, fish intestine water, and even broken vegetable leaves and bones are not thrown away, directly retting to water flowers, the organic matter in these organic fertilizers not only supplement nutrients, but also make the soil loose and breathable, suitable for long-term use, potted flowers are prosperous! The long-term use of chemical fertilizer will accelerate the consolidation of the soil.

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