
Why do farmers still use traditional methods to farm land when there are so many agricultural universities in China?

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, There are so many agricultural universities and academy of agricultural sciences in China, but farmers still use traditional methods to cultivate land. What is the purpose of setting up agricultural universities? This may seem like a problem, but there are actually two questions, the first: agricultural universities and academy of agricultural sciences.

There are so many agricultural universities and academy of agricultural sciences in China, but farmers still use traditional methods to cultivate land. What is the purpose of setting up agricultural universities? This may seem like a problem, but in fact there are two questions. The first is: with so many agricultural universities and academies of agricultural sciences, why have farmers' farming methods not changed? Second: that being the case, what is the significance of setting up these agricultural universities and academies of agricultural sciences?

In fact, the question itself seems incorrect. Is today's agriculture still the traditional agriculture of the past? Obviously not! Today, the chemical fertilizers, agriculture, mechanized farming and high-yield seeds used in agriculture are very different from the traditional agricultural operations in the past.

For example, traditional agriculture in the machine manual weeding, now can use herbicides, for higher yields can be used in the field organic fertilizers, chemical fertilizers, and when plants get sick, there are pesticides! When it comes to seeds, the change is even greater. Traditional agricultural production basically depends on keeping seeds at home, which has nothing to do with commercial seeds, but now basically all seeds are commercialized, and the increase in yield is even more significant. for example, the yield of traditional maize inbred species can reach 1300 jin per mu, and now the yield can reach 1300 jin per mu.

The achievements in agricultural biotechnology are even more remarkable. Although the well-known golden rice has not been promoted in our country, it is very helpful for the treatment of night blindness. The large-scale application of transgenic insect-resistant cotton saves a lot of pesticides, which is not only reflected in increasing production, but also more environmentally friendly.

Which of these is not the result of agriculture-related research? The achievements of the university and the Academy of Agricultural Sciences not only may not be visible to you, but they are quietly changing our lives around you. What you can't see doesn't mean it hasn't changed.

The purpose of the establishment of Agricultural University and Academy of Agricultural Sciences is to apply the theory to practice, the theory should not only exist in the laboratory, but also go to the field to play a practical value. At present, there are 800 million farmers in the country, but there are only one million people related to agricultural scientific research, which is obviously out of proportion, and many agricultural universities or agriculture-related personnel have changed their careers to other industries after graduation.

However, many of the current over-basic research may not be applied to agricultural production in the short term, but this does not hinder the continuation of scientific research. Agricultural University or Academy of Agricultural Sciences certainly has its limitations, but it is also the unremitting efforts of Agricultural University and related research institutions that make more scientific research achievements can be applied to agricultural production.

And you may have a narrow understanding of the Agricultural University, because both the Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Agricultural University have a wide range of research, not only that it is only agricultural production, but that agriculture is an industry related to people's livelihood. for example, food safety is naturally a part of it, such as the food science research in many agricultural and forestry colleges and universities, which also makes our diet safer. In this sense, isn't this also the value of agricultural scientific research? In the past, it took more than ten years to transform the results into applications, but now it only takes one or two years. In this respect, it can also benefit more farmers.

Since the reform and opening up, my aunt has made great progress in agricultural scientific research and education, but there is still a large gap compared with the developed countries in the world. in the future, agricultural institutions may not only need to train college students, but also need to do something in farmers' skills training in order to change people's traditional impression of inaction by Agricultural University or Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Here is science to promote agriculture, welcome to add attention, with you to grow knowledge.