
Common breeding methods of Turtle Bamboo

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The difficulty of raising Tortoise is not very large, and the difficulty of reproduction is relatively low, and the survival rate of reproduction is also relatively high. Xiaobian will introduce you to the two common breeding methods of Turtle Bamboo. Friends who like Turtle Bamboo can learn about it.

The breeding difficulty of tortoise back bamboo is not very great, and the breeding difficulty is relatively low, and the survival rate of reproduction is also relatively high. The editor will introduce to you two common breeding methods of tortoise back bamboo (detailed introduction). Friends who like tortoise back bamboo can learn about it.

Tortoise back bamboo (details)

First, evenly cut stems and split planting: potted tortoise-backed bamboos with more than 3 leaves, starting from the top 1 leaf (with air root at the bottom), cut them with scissors one by one, and all kinds of bamboo were in another basin, and soon survived to become a new tortoise-backed bamboo. In this way, the stems of one leaf and one branch of air root are cut and planted one by one, this method is relatively simple, and the survival rate is higher, so it is suitable to be carried out in the summer and autumn growth period.

Second, the use of aerial root reproduction: first of all, let the vine stem of the tortoise back bamboo grow laterally, first put the small flowerpot full of nutritious soil with brick and put it under the aerial root, preferably closer to the base of the aerial root. At the root of each section, put a small flowerpot full of nutritious soil. Let the aerial root of each section be rooted in a small flowerpot, and when the aerial root grows, it can be planted in a small flowerpot filled with nutritious soil.

The pruning method of tortoise back bamboo what is the breeding method of tortoise back bamboo

Tortoise back bamboo is also known as Penglai banana, iron silk orchid, perforated happy forest taro, tortoise back banana, etc., native to the Mexican rainforest, sexual preference for warm, humid environment, avoid direct sunlight, not resistant to cold, so what are the pruning methods and breeding methods of tortoise back bamboo?

The pruning method of tortoise back bamboo:

Tortoise back bamboo stem node leaf growth is too dense, branches grow too fast, pay attention to pruning the whole plant, strive for natural beauty, 2-3 cm away from the base with a sharp blade can be cut off, do not use scissors, the cut will make the wound squeezed water immersion, not easy to heal the wound. Usually, tortoise back bamboo is not suitable for pruning, because there is only one growing point, unless there is a stem waiting for the main stem to grow to about three centimeters thick, and there is a bud bag on the stem, so it is possible to prune it, even if there are new branches, but the original one is gone. if you want to become a big basin, there is only one way to grow three or four trees in a basin.

The breeding method of tortoise-backed bamboo:

The main results are as follows: 1. Ramet propagation: in summer and autumn, the side branches of large tortoise-backed bamboos are split off in whole segments, with partial aerial roots, and directly planted in wooden buckets or bowls. Not only the survival rate is high, but also the shaping effect is fast. It is now the most commonly used in the breeding of tortoise-backed bamboo, and it is also one of the simplest methods.

2. Cutting propagation: stem-node cutting can be used in spring and autumn, and the cutting effect is the best in April-May in spring and September-October in autumn. Cuttings are suitable for stem node incision healing and rooting during this period of time, and survive quickly. Cuttings select lateral branches with abundant stem tissue and strong growth. The cuttings are 20-25 cm long and the leaves at the base are cut off. Retain the upper leaflet, cut off the long aerial root, retain the short aerial root, in order to absorb water, conducive to hairy roots. The mixed substrate of coarse sand and peat or rotten leaf soil was used to keep 25-27 ℃ and high air humidity after insertion, and it began to take root about 1 month after insertion. After the cuttings took root, the axillary buds on the stem nodes also began to sprout and spread leaves. In order to accelerate seedling growth, keep more than 10 ℃ at room temperature, strengthen fertilizer and water management, and seedling shaping can be used as a commodity in the second year after planting.

3. Sowing and propagation: seed sowing is also a more common propagation method for tortoise back bamboo, but the former two are less used. In order to improve the seed setting rate, artificial pollination is needed in order to improve the seed setting rate. 9-10:00 and 3-4 pm secondary pollination is the best, and the pollination success rate is high. It takes 15 months from pollination to seed maturity. attention should be paid to ventilation and fertilizer and water management in the stage of seed development to promote fruiting and fullness. Soak the seeds in 40 ℃ warm water for 10 hours before sowing, and the sowing soil should be sterilized at high temperature. Tortoise back bamboo seeds are larger, can be sowed on demand, keep 20-25 ℃ at room temperature after sowing, cover the box mouth with plastic film, maintain more than 80% humidity, and generally germinate 20-25 days after sowing. If the room temperature is too low in the process of sowing, not only the emergence of seedlings will be affected, but even the seeds will rot like water stains.

The culture method of tortoise back bamboo:

1, lighting: tortoise back bamboo sex like warm and humid environment, avoid drought, afraid of direct sunlight, otherwise it is easy to cause withered leaves. In summer, the tortoise-backed bamboo should be placed indoors or under the shade shed, not on the balcony where the sun is too strong, so it is easy to die. When the temperature drops to 6 ℃ in winter, the tortoise-backed bamboo should be moved indoors to keep warm.

2. Watering: the water of the tortoise back bamboo should be sufficient, and the culture soil must always be kept moist. During the growth period in summer, the leaves should be watered once in the morning and in the evening, and the leaves should be sprinkled frequently to keep the leaves bright and the air moist. If the water evaporates slowly in winter, it can be watered once a day in 3-4 days and once a day every day.

3. Fertilization: tortoise back bamboo is a more fertilizer-loving plant, so we should pay attention to fertilizing it properly. During the growth period of the tortoise back bamboo, thin pancake fertilizer and water should be applied every half a month. If the fertilizer is adequate and appropriate, the tortoise back bamboo will grow with lovely leaves.

4. Diseases and pests: tortoise-backed bamboo is very vulnerable to shell insects, and its stems and leaves are most vulnerable to shell insects. It can be sprayed with 1000 times of omethoate after cleaning with an old toothbrush. The common diseases of tortoise back bamboo are leaf spot, gray spot and stem blight, so we should pay attention to timely control.

5, change the basin: the turtle back bamboo pot needs to be changed once a year, and the best time to change the basin is between March and April. When changing the basin, remove the old soil, cut off the withered roots of the tortoise back bamboo, and then add mature organic fertilizer or phosphorus and potash fertilizer as base fertilizer.

The culture method of tortoise back bamboo and the matters needing attention

The culture method of tortoise back bamboo 1. Favorite environment

Tortoise back bamboo shade, but avoid direct sunlight, do not put directly on the balcony, let the sun shine directly, as a pot should be placed in the indoor light place is the most suitable.

2. Selection of soil flowerpots.

The cultivation of tortoise back bamboo soil should keep the slightly acidic loam with high water absorption and good water retention, and rotten leaf soil or peat soil is often the best.

The flowerpot of the tortoise back bamboo is cultivated in a large pot, with a 1.3 to 1.5 meter wooden stick, inserted in the pot and planted with the tortoise back bamboo to prevent lodging and the second attached column to grow luxuriantly.

3. Water quantity in summer and winter

Every day, you can water the turtle back bamboo once a day, once in the morning and once in the evening in summer. if the weather is dry, you need to sprinkle water to the turtle back bamboo leaf surface and the surrounding environment to ensure that the air is fresh and moist and the leaves are bright.

Watering in winter, watering every 3-4 days and spraying the leaves every 7-10 days, mainly to clean the leaves, keep the plant evergreen and fresh, and improve the ornamental value.

4. Moisture wetting

Tortoise back bamboo likes to warm and moisturize, and can grow well at normal room temperature. It is not cold-resistant and the overwintering temperature is required to be above 5 ℃. It is necessary to spray water frequently in summer to maintain high air humidity.

5. Fertilization should be sufficient to supplement nutrition.

Tortoise back bamboo is a fertilizer-loving potted plant. From April to September, fertilizing once every 15 days, choose diluted cake fertilizer water, or retting animal and plant manure. Only with sufficient nutrients, the turtle back bamboo leaf color will be green and lovely.

6. Trim and maintain posture

The newly planted tortoise back bamboo needs to set up a support in time to make the tortoise back bamboo grow in accordance with the prescribed shape, and at the same time, it should be pruned in time to ensure the beauty of the plant type and improve the ornamental quality of the tortoise back bamboo.

Matters needing attention in the culture of tortoise back bamboo 1. Change the basin every year

Tortoise-backed bamboo needs to be changed once a year. The time to change the basin should be between March and April. When changing the basin, remove the old soil, cut off the withered roots, and then add mature organic fertilizer or phosphorus and potash fertilizer as base fertilizer.

2. Avoid strong light and protect against sun exposure

Phyllostachys pubescens is a typical shade-tolerant plant, which has a strong ability to tolerate shade. In the semi-shade environment, it grows rapidly, grows vigorously, and has developed aerial roots, hypertrophic leaves and bright dark green leaves. So avoid exposure to strong sunlight, especially sowing seedlings and just cutting into live seedlings, avoid direct sunlight, so as to avoid leaf burns.

3. Afraid of stagnant water

Although the turtle back bamboo likes to be wet, there is stagnant water in the potted soil, which will also make the tortoise back bamboo rot roots, make the plant stop growing, the leaves droop, lose luster, and the leaves are uneven.

4. Forbid the production of concentrated fertilizer.

Tortoise back bamboo roots are relatively tender, do not apply raw fertilizer and thick fertilizer, so as not to burn roots.

5. prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

Tortoise-backed bamboo is very vulnerable to shell insects, and its stems and leaves are most vulnerable to shell insects. It can be sprayed with 1000 times omethoate after cleaning with an old toothbrush. The common diseases of tortoise back bamboo are leaf spot, gray spot and stem blight, so we should pay attention to timely control.

For the tortoise back bamboo diseases and insect pests must be closely monitored, actively prevent diseases and insect pests, once occurred, the first time to eliminate.