
Four main propagation methods of lilies

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Lily is one of the main materials of cut flowers, because the meaning of lilies is very good, and the fragrance is unique, so it is also very popular. So how should lilies reproduce? The editor will introduce to you four common breeding methods of lilies. Friends who like lilies can learn about them.

Lily is one of the main materials of cut flowers, because the meaning of lilies is very good, and the fragrance is unique, so it is also very popular. So how should lilies reproduce? The editor will introduce to you four common breeding methods of lilies, which can be learned by friends who like lilies.

Lily flower

1. Scale cutting: it is widely used in the propagation of all kinds of lilies. The mature and robust lily bulbs are dried in the shade for several days in autumn or spring, then the scales are peeled off and inserted obliquely in coarse sand or peat, with the top slightly exposed. General spring cuttings, after 2-4 months, most of the roots and leaves, and in the scale base grow bulbs, at this time can be transplanted. If the cuttage is carried out in autumn and the temperature is maintained at about 20 ℃, the globule with root can be produced from the scale wound after more than one month. It usually takes 3 to 4 years from the rooting and germination of the scales to the flowering of the plant.

Second, ball division: it is a common method for breeding lilies, the specific method is to use appropriate deep planting and removal of flowers to promote the stem nodes buried in the soil to grow into many bulbs, or after the flowers are faded, the stem is cut into small segments, buried in wet sand, exposing the leaves, about 1 month later, the bulbs are produced from the leaf axils; the bulbs are cultured for 1 ~ 3 years and then make a seed ball.

Third, split buds: suitable for varieties that are easy to produce beads in leaf axils, such as Curly, sand purple lilies, etc., the method is that after the flower fade, before the bulbil begins to fall off, take the bulb and store it in the sand; it can also be sowed in the seedling bed immediately. Under the condition of normal fertilization and management, it can blossom after 2-3 years of culture.

Fourth, sowing: suitable for Wang lily, Pingxiang lily and some hybrid species. The specific method is to wait for the capsule to mature, take out the flat seeds and sow them immediately, or they can be dried and stored until autumn or spring next year.

Lily culture and planting methods, how to reproduce lilies

Lilies can be cultured by cuttings, bulbs and tissue culture. As the temperature rises gradually in spring, we can plant lilies. In addition to keeping moisture for a long time, we also need to pay attention to weeding and fertilization. The growth and flowering temperature of lily is 16-24 ℃, and the growth will stop when it is lower than 5 ℃ or higher than 30 ℃.

Lily flowers are colorful, the smell is fresh, there is a beautiful family, the beautiful meaning of blessing, has always been people decorate at home commonly used flowers.

Lily culture and planting methods 1. Lily culture: suitable temperature

The suitable temperature for the growth of lily is 1525 ℃, the temperature is lower than 10 ℃, the growth is slow, and when the temperature is more than 30 ℃, the growth is poor. In the process of growth, the temperature of 21: 23 ℃ in daytime and 15: 17 ℃ at night was the best. The bulbs that promote cultivation must be stored at 7: 10 ℃ for 4 to 6 weeks. This growth habit of lilies determines its maintenance mode.

2. Lily culture: soil and light

Attention should be paid to soil preparation and fertilization, lilies are more adaptable, and the climate is mild and sunny. The soil should be sandy loam with deep soil layer and good drainage, followed by clay, and waterlogged land should not be planted.

3. Lily culture: water supply

You have to drain it when you do it. Lilies need wet water to grow, which is beneficial to the growth of stems and leaves. If the soil is too wet, stagnant water or poor drainage, the lily bulbs will rot and die. Watering of potted lilies should be gradually increased with the growth of plants, sufficient water supply should be provided during flowering, water should be reduced after flowering, and watering should be stopped after aboveground parts withered.

4. Lily culture: disease and pest control

Lily diseases and insect pests are mainly caused by black spot, gray mold and rust, which can be controlled by spraying 500 times of 25% carbendazim wettable powder. Insect pests are harmful to grubs and aphids and can be sprayed with 1000 times of dichlorvos EC. This is the end of the introduction on how to cultivate lilies. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Propagation methods of lilies 1. Seed selection

The bulbs with developed root system, large root system, compact scale, white shape, no damage and disease-free insect were selected as species. And disinfect with medicament, soak the seeds with agricultural streptomycin for 30 minutes, spray 800m 1000 times carbendazim for 30 minutes, or soak in 2% formalin for 15 minutes, dry and soak. The planting season of lily is the most suitable from September to October of the lunar calendar. Planting at this time can make full use of the effective temperature before winter, promote the growth of main root and facilitate its emergence in early spring.

2. Plant distance

When planting, open shallow hole (13CM) planting, generally row spacing 25mur30MUR 40cm, plant spacing 17MUR 20cm. Cover soil 7MUR 10cm. Then pile the miscellaneous ash of the fertile soil among the plants and spread the rotten column manure on the border surface. Cover with a layer of fallen leaves or straw to prevent freezing and moisturize. 1-15000 plants per mu, and the amount of seed used is 150ml / 250kg. It takes 2 years (Hunan) or 3 years (Lanzhou) for Shaoyang and Lanzhou to propagate with scales, bulbs or bulbs. The seeds were cultivated into bulbs and then transplanted, and harvested after growing for 2 years.

3. Management

A, Prophase management. In winter, select sunny days for ploughing, drying topsoil, preserving soil moisture and heat preservation. Loosen the soil and weed before spring emergence, increase the ground temperature, promote the early development of seedlings, and cover the grass to preserve soil moisture. Eliminate weeds and prevent heavy rain erosion, and do not allow topsoil to harden. Summer should prevent the rot caused by high temperature; keep cool and keep warm, prevent frost, and apply seedling fertilizer to promote the growth of lilies. Generally planted to unearthed, ploughing 2-3 times. Loosen the soil 2-3 times in the middle of growth to loosen the soil, remove weeds, and combine with soil cultivation to prevent the bulb from being exposed.

B, middle and late stage management. One is to clear ditches and drain water. Lily is most afraid of waterlogging and should often clear ditches and drain water so that the soil is waterlogged and dry when the rain stops. Second, timely topping, spring lily sprouting should retain a strong bud, the rest removed, so as not to cause bulb division. Before and after Lesser Fullness of Grain, when the seedling height reached 27-33 cm, take off the top in time to control the growth of the aboveground part, so as to concentrate nutrients to promote the growth of underground bulbs. For varieties with bulbs, if they do not plan to propagate with bulbs, they should be removed in time before and after Grain in Beard, combined with picking flowers in summer, so as to reduce the nutrient consumption of bulbs. The best time is when the bud changes from upright to drooping, and the color changes from all-green to pink on the sunny side. The time is June. The third is to control the application of nitrogen fertilizer after topping. To promote the rapid hypertrophy of young bulbs. Before and after the Summer Solstice, the bulbs should be removed and the soil moisture in the ditch should be cleaned in time to reduce the temperature and humidity in the field. Pick flowers and hit the top.

C, topdressing, the first time is the steady application of wax fertilizer, in January, before the Beginning of Spring, when the lily seedlings were not unearthed, combined with about 1000 kg of human feces and urine per mu of ploughing to promote strong roots. The second time is to re-apply strong seedling fertilizer. In the first ten days of April, when the lily seedlings were 10-20CM high, 500kg of human and animal manure water per mu, 150ml / mu of rotten cake fertilizer and 15kg of medium compound fertilizer were applied to promote the growth of lily seedlings. The third time is suitable for the application of strong sheet fertilizer, Lesser Fullness of Grain in the first and middle of June, after flowering and topping, 15 kg of urea and 10 kg of potash fertilizer were applied per mu to promote scale hypertrophy. At the same time, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate was sprayed on the leaf. It should be noted that the topdressing should be completed 40-50 days before mining. After interplanting winter vegetables in autumn, apply manure once combined with loose soil; after emergence in spring, look at the seedlings to apply manure 1-2 times to promote the early development of strong seedlings, generally 30-40 picks of thin human dung water and 10-15 kg of phosphate fertilizer per mu.

Four propagation methods and maintenance techniques of lilies

Lilies are mainly used for ornamental. The bulbs of lilies are rich in starch, and some of them can be eaten as vegetables. In China, eating lilies has a long history, and traditional Chinese medicine believes that lilies are slightly cold and flat, with the effects of moistening the lungs, clearing fire and calming the nerve. flowers and bulbs can be used as medicine, which is a kind of flower for both medicine and food. So, do you want to know the planting techniques of lilies? Do you want to raise lilies well? Today, the editor will give you a detailed introduction, let's study with the editor.

The mode of reproduction of lily

There are four propagation methods of lily, such as sowing, bulblet division, scale cutting and split bud, and one can be chosen according to the need.

Sowing reproduction belongs to sexual reproduction, which is mainly used in breeding. The method is:

The seeds were harvested in autumn and stored for sowing in the following spring. It germinated about 20-30 days after sowing. The sun should be shaded properly in the seedling stage. At the beginning of autumn, small bulbs have been formed in the underground part, which can be dug up and planted. Due to different species, some seedlings bloom for 3 years, while others need to be cultivated for many years before they can blossom. Therefore, this method is not suitable for families.

Bulb-dividing method

If you need to reproduce one or more plants, you can use this method. There are usually some small bulbs on the periphery of the stem disk of the old bulb. When lilies are harvested from September to October, these bulbs can be separated and stored in indoor sand to survive the winter. It was planted in pot in the spring of the following year. From September to October in the third year, it can grow into large bulbs and grow into large plants. The reproduction quantity of this method is small, and it is only suitable for family pot propagation.

Scale cutting method

This method can be used for medium number of reproduction. In autumn, dig out the bulbs, break off the rich and thick scales one by one, the base of each scale should have a small part of stem disk, dry slightly in the shade, then cut it in the flowerpot or shallow wooden box containing river sand (or vermiculite), and then let the scale 2 + 3 insert into the matrix to maintain a certain humidity. Under the condition of about 20 degrees, about one and a half months, the scale wound takes root. The humidity should be kept at about 18 degrees in winter, and the river sand should not be too wet. In the spring of the following year, the scales can grow into small bulbs, divide them up, plant them in a pot, manage them carefully, and blossom after about 3 years.

Bead bud method

The method of bead bud propagation is only suitable for a few species. Such as curly Dan, yellow iron cannon and other lilies, use this method more.

The practice is to remove and cultivate the bulbs (also known as "bulbs") formed in the axils of stems and leaves above ground, when the bulbs have fully grown in summer, but have not yet fallen off. It usually takes 2 to 4 years from growing into a large bulb to flowering. In order to promote the reproduction of multiple small bulbs, after flowering, the aboveground stem can be pressed and shallowly buried in the soil to divide the aboveground stem into small segments with 3 or 4 leaves, and if the stem node is buried in wet sand, small bulbs can grow in the axils of the leaves.

After the lily blossoms, many people throw away the bulbs. In fact, it still has the ability of regeneration, as long as the residual leaves are cut off, the bulbs in the basin are dug out and buried in sand piles, and they are often moisturized and kept out of the sun. They can still be planted again the following year, and the flowers are expected to bloom twice.

This is what I know about lilies today. I hope it will be helpful for you to read this article. If you want to know more about bulb flowers, please continue to pay attention to our succulent flower beds. We will provide you with more related content for the first time!