
Does Tiger Pilan get rich slowly? Three tips to quickly start the crazy growth mode

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, When it comes to rich trees and tiger orchids, I believe they are familiar to many flower friends. When they are in the growing period, their ideal state should be to constantly sprout new buds and send new branches, but many flower friends will find that they maintain these two kinds of flowers.

When it comes to rich trees and tiger orchids, it is believed that many flower friends are more familiar with flowers. When they are in the growing period, their ideal state should be to constantly sprout new buds and send new branches, but many flower friends will find that they maintain these two kinds of flowers. on the contrary, the growth rate is extremely slow, because they have a lot in common, today we share together, focus on solving the problem of slow growth.

Now let's talk about what they have in common. Tiger Pilan and the rich tree are relatively drought-tolerant flowers, so many flower lovers water them thoroughly and then water their heads, of course, this is also the safest way, at least it will not cause plant death because of too much watering, but if you want them to grow luxuriantly and quickly, it is ideal for us to keep the potted soil slightly wet. What exactly is a slightly wet state? I have shared with you before, that is, after we grab the basin soil, it will become a small mass when we pinch it, but it will spread out when we touch it with our hands, that is, it will break up as soon as we touch it. This state is the best.

We went on to share the second thing in common. Fortune tree and tiger skin orchid are more shady, so many flower friends will keep it indoors in semi-shade and keep it in places where there is no sun. Over time, it is easy to have dim leaves and slow growth. We need to know that although these two plants are shade-tolerant, they prefer light. During the growing period, it is recommended that you still put it close to the balcony where you can see the sun, and when the summer sun is too strong, you can do some shading treatment properly.

Let's go on to talk about the third thing in common. They are plants with relatively fast growth. Especially during the growing period, an adequate supply of fertilizer is essential. We can apply inorganic fertilizer every 15 days. It is recommended to apply more inorganic fertilizer during the growing period. Because, after all, the fertilizer effect is remarkable, and the difference between it and organic fertilizer is like the difference between western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. We can choose some nitrogen-based compound fertilizers, which are more suitable for foliage plants.

So to sum up, in order for rich trees and tiger orchids to grow faster, we need to pay attention to the following three points: first, although they are more drought-tolerant, it is best to keep the basin soil slightly wet; second, although they are more shade-tolerant, the environment with sufficient light will make them grow better, and the third is to ensure an adequate supply of fertilizer.