
How to make spring-planted potatoes go on the market early

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, How to make spring-planted potatoes go on the market early

In the spring cultivation of potatoes in central and southern Hebei, the key is to go on the market early in order to achieve high benefits. planting potatoes in plastic greenhouses or greenhouses can be listed before and after May Day, saving labor and labor, simple technology and relatively less investment. it is a good way to get rich and increase income.

First, select good varieties and seed potatoes

In variety selection, varieties with concentrated tuber, few plant branches, erect plant type, high yield and early maturity should be selected, such as Holland 7, Holland 15, Kexin 4, Kexin 13, Jingda Bai and so on. In the selection of seed potato, strictly select virus-free seed potato, try to use improved varieties with less reproductive algebra, and import seeds from reputable seed potato companies, about 165 kg per mu.

Second, the greenhouse has been readjusted

Prepare the greenhouse and prepare the soil in time, the greenhouse should be buckled in advance, the stubble in front of the old greenhouse should not be Solanaceae or Cruciferae crops, it is best to prepare the land before winter, prepare the soil no later than 20 days before sowing, and then apply 5000 kilograms of soil fertilizer per mu, ploughing with ploughing ploughing depth of more than 20 centimeters, and then 100 kg of high quality organic fertilizer (including bacterial fertilizer) + 100 kg of potassium sulfate compound fertilizer (18-7-20) was used per mu, and the land was leveled by rotary ploughing after application. Before sowing, trench, spread with phoxim along the ditch, and then ridge.

Third, seed potato treatment

Seed potato treatment was carried out 20 days before sowing, according to the three procedures of disinfection, slicing and sprouting, and potassium permanganate was used for disinfection before cutting. Generally, each slice has at least one bud eye, and the weight of the block is about 25 grams. After cutting, cut the pieces and mix them dry with plant ash, or soak the seeds with carbendazim 200 times solution, cut into pieces in an indoor heat preservation room, spread fine sand 5 cm thick on the bottom, then arrange the potato buds up and down in turn, and try to make them uneven as far as possible. cover with 5 cm thick fine sand, arrange the second and third layers of potato according to the above method. The last layer is covered with 5 centimeters of fine sand and covered with grass. The temperature should be kept at 15 ℃ ~ 25 ℃, and the soil humidity of the germinating bed should be broken into pieces by hand. Sprouting was carried out under the condition of dark light for 20 days. When the potato buds are 1cm or 2cm long, remove the potato pieces and move them to 10 ℃ ~ 15 ℃ indoor with scattered light to dry. When spreading, it is best to spread a layer of wet sand at the bottom. With the help of low temperature and scattered light to control the growth of terminal buds and promote a large number of lateral bud germination. And wait for the seeds to be planted.

IV. Scientific sowing

When the soil temperature of 10 cm in the greenhouse is stable at 8 ℃, it can be sown. If the bad weather occurs too early, it will affect the greenhouse temperature, and it can not be cultivated in the greenhouse too late. Sowing with high ridges, increasing air permeability, covering with plastic film after sowing, covering the intima or building a small arch shed if necessary, in order to increase the soil temperature and promote the early emergence of potato seedlings. The row spacing is about 60 cm and the plant spacing is about 18 cm.

V. Field management

At the same time, cover the hole with wet soil to prevent air leakage. Irrigate once after the potato seedlings come out to promote the growth of potato seedlings. It was about 20 days from sowing to emergence, keeping 16 ℃ ~ 20 ℃ in daytime and 12 ℃ ~ 15 ℃ at night. In the potato growing stage, ventilation is mainly used to keep the ground temperature in the greenhouse at 16 ℃ ~ 18 ℃. When the air temperature reaches 20 ℃, the greenhouse film is turned on at 9 am and the wind is closed at about 3 pm. In April, when the external temperature is more than 20 ℃ in the day and 12 ℃ in the night, the film is fully ventilated day and night. Cover the film when the temperature is low. During the growth period, the bamboo pole is often used to vibrate the greenhouse film to make the water droplets on the film fall to the ground and increase the light transmittance of the film.

After seedling emergence, rosette stage and capping stage, each was watered once, and the potato block was watered twice during the expansion period. According to the growth potential, cap water and expansion water can be fertilized with high potassium and flushing fertilizer 15kg / mu. Do not water over the top of the ridge to maintain the ventilation of the soil and promote the expansion of potato blocks. The natural brassin was sprayed once in the group tree stage. Uncover the film and cover the soil when the plant is budding.

If the plant has the phenomenon of overgrowth, it can be controlled by hand: in the first flowering, the tidbits are knocked off horizontally with the bamboo pole, and in the second flowering, the tidbits are knocked off in the upper and lower direction with the bamboo pole, at the same time, the growth point of the upper main stem is broken, and paclobutrazol can also be sprayed twice. In addition, 50 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate + 50 grams of granulated sugar + 100 grams of eufruit calcium + 50 grams of Dyson zinc + 15 kilograms of water can be sprayed to promote the expansion of potato blocks.

VI. Timely harvest

The growth period of potato in spring greenhouse is relatively short, and potato tubers with a diameter of more than 5cm and 6cm should be harvested in time in the first and middle of May. In order to reduce the loss of water and nutrition of commercial potato, it should be stored away from light.

Huang Yongshan, Vocational Education Center of Longyao County