
Brother Farmer teaches you 11 ways to grow corn.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Brother Farmer teaches you 11 ways to grow corn.

1 planting time

The yield of spring corn (from January 25 to February 10) is the highest.

The next is autumn seed (August 25 to September 10).

Again, winter species (October 20 to January 10)

The most time is summer seed (April 25 to May 10).

In a word, the choice of the best sowing date of corn should be determined according to the use and land use of corn and the arrangement of stubble. Forage corn is suitable for spring and autumn planting.

2 soil selection

Farmers will choose loam or sandy loam with convenient drainage and irrigation, convenient management, PH6.5-7 and medium fertility for corn. Corn is a crop that likes fertilizer and water, is warm and warm, needs more oxygen and is afraid of waterlogging. too sour, too sticky and barren soil will make corn grow poorly.

(3) selecting base fertilizer

Farm manure is the main base fertilizer, and the principle of chemical fertilizer application is the principle of heavy phosphorus in base fertilizer and heavy nitrogen in topdressing.

4 selection of species

Farmers will choose varieties that are about 10-15 days shorter than the ones they originally planted. And the improved varieties suitable for the local should be high and stable yield, good quality, disease resistance and lodging resistance, and can meet the market demand and sell well.

5. Seed treatment

Farmers should dry the seeds for 3-4 hours before sowing the seeds, usually soak the seeds in warm water of 50-55 ℃ for 10-15 minutes, cool for another 6-8 hours, and then rinse them with clean water for 1 or 2 times before sowing.

6 sowing specifications

Without changing the ridge distance of the previous crops, merge the former two ridges into one ridge, sow two rows on each ridge, each row staggered sowing, 23 seeds in each hole, sowing 35 cm deep, and pour enough water out of the seedlings.

7 replanting corn seeds

Farmers should promote seed germination manually before replanting, and then replant with eye-piercing device after replanting. Note that sowing must be sowed on moist soil, covering a small amount of soil, with less than 3 centimeters as the best, to prevent the emergence of "dry buds."

8 replanting interval

Corn replanting does not have to be replanted in all places where there are no seedlings. For example, if there is only one seedling missing between the rows, there is no need to make up for it. If there is a continuous lack of two seedlings, it is OK to replant one in the middle. That is, 2 to 1, 3 to 2, and so on.

9 replenishing fertilizer

The management of watering, fertilizing and soil cultivation should be done well at seedling stage, heading stage and heading stage. When there is something wrong with corn seedlings, go to the "cloud planting" platform to consult experts in time, which is the world's largest agricultural technology Q & A website. It brings together hundreds of thousands of experts, and every question raised will be answered within 2 minutes to help you find a reasonable and effective solution.

10 Disease and pest control

Farmers should give priority to prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, comprehensive prevention and control, early detection and early prevention and control in management. Maize diseases mainly include large and small leaf spot, rust, sheath blight and so on. The main pests are corn borer, armyworm, corn aphid, cotton bollworm, small land tiger and so on.

11 harvest

According to different cultivation purposes, the harvest time of corn is different. The whole growth period of fresh sweet waxy corn is 80 ~ 85 days in spring and autumn, 70 ~ 80 days in summer and 90 ~ 100 days in winter. It is generally harvested 16-22 days after pollination, 16 days in summer and 22 days in winter, and should be supplied to the market in time after fruit harvest.