
The function and Propagation method of Rosemary

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Now planting a small potted plant at home has become a trend, balcony fruit can be said to be very common, and rosemary has become a very popular variety for many plant lovers. Growing rosemary at home can not only be watched and used, but also be used to cook food by interested friends.

Now planting a small potted plant at home has become a trend, balcony fruit can be said to be very common, and rosemary has become a very popular variety for many plant lovers. Growing rosemary at home can not only be watched and used, interested friends can also use it to cook, their own hand-grown will certainly be healthier and more relieved than the ones bought outside. The editor will introduce to you the function of rosemary and the method of reproduction.


I. the function of Rosemary

1. Edible

The tender leaves of rosemary can be directly used in cold salad as seasoning for stews, soups and meat. It can also be used for meat barbecue. It is an important part of mixed spices. Often used in Italian and French cuisine.

2. Medicinal use

Rosemary is a medicinal plant of Labiatae, which is treated with whole herb. According to traditional Chinese medicine, rosemary has warm and pungent taste, has the effects of aromatic stomach-strengthening, sedative and sedative, and is often used to treat all kinds of headache, neurasthenia and so on. In recent years, studies at home and abroad have proved that rosemary has many medical and health functions, such as strong inhibition and killing effect on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli; treatment of menorrhagia, amenorrhea or menstruation caused by menopausal and hormone disorders in menopausal women, promote menstruation or regulate menstruation, strengthen the inhibition process of cerebral cortex, have good sedative, hypnotic, anticonvulsant effects, and regulate blood pressure. Restore low pressure to normal; reduce capillary permeability, promote hair regeneration to prevent and treat early hair loss; relieve asthma and cough, treat asthma attacks and chronic bronchitis; as a cardiotonic agent, for cardiac nerve disorders such as palpitation and hyperactivity; for the treatment of intestinal infection, diarrhea; promote blood circulation, reduce muscle pain, and can refresh and increase memory. But rosemary is not suitable for patients with high blood pressure and pregnant women.

3. Industrial use

Rosemary essential oil is a traditional European spice with high economic value. its characteristic aroma is the mixed aroma of borneol and bornyl acetate (Bornylacetate), camphor (Cam phor), 1meme 8-cineole (1meme 8-cineole) and so on. Widely used in perfumes, bath lotions, cosmetics, aftershave, soaps and air fresheners. In addition, it has a strong deworming and germicidal effect, and it is also a good natural preservative.

4. In the garden

The south can be used as a hedge, and it can also grow on dry rocky beaches. It is a highly resistant greening plant.


2. Propagation methods of Rosemary

1. Seed propagation

Seedlings are generally raised in the greenhouse in early spring. Raising seedlings by taxi method and raising seedlings by acupoint plate can be used. In order to raise seedlings by native method, the seedbed should be arranged first. The seedbed can be a flat bed or a small high bed, and the bed soil should be broken into pieces, fertilized with fermented base fertilizer and watered with sufficient bottom water. It can be broadcast or broadcast. However, the seeds are sparsely sown as far as possible, or mixed well with fine dry soil, sowed on the seedling bed and poured with small water to make the seeds fully contact with the soil. The seeds have good light, and the seeds are sown directly on the medium without mulching, and a small arch shed is built on the border surface, which not only ensures the ground temperature, but also makes the soil surface difficult to harden. Seeds are developed by the water at the bottom of the seedling bed, but keep the soil surface moist all the time. Wait for the top of the bud to be unearthed and then watered, based on the principle of diligent irrigation with small water. The optimum temperature for seed germination is 15-20 degrees Celsius, about 2-3 weeks. When the seedling grows to about 10 cm, about 70 days, it can be planted. For burrowing seedlings, mix peat and vermiculite at 3:1 and sow seeds. Cover with a thin layer of vermiculite and pour water once. Build a small arch shed, and then manage the same soil method to raise seedlings. The difference is that after the emergence of rosemary, it is necessary to move the acupoint plate from time to time to prevent the root from breaking into the ground along the hole below the burrow plate and injuring the root when planting. If you put the acupoint plate on the shelf, it will not be necessary. The bud rate of rosemary is very low, generally only 10%-20%. Moreover, in the first year, the growth of rosemary is very slow, even in autumn, the plant size is not much larger than that when it was first planted, and a large yield will be formed after 2-3 years. Slow. Therefore, asexual reproduction is generally used in production. But from the seed cultivation, the smell is more fragrant, so the use of breeding methods, depending on the needs.

2. Cuttage propagation

Mostly from winter to early spring, select fresh and healthy stems that have not yet been completely lignified as cuttings, cut off about 10 centimeters from the top, remove about 1 inch 3 leaves under the branches, and insert them directly into the medium. it will take root after about 3 to 4 weeks, and it can be planted to the open field after 7 weeks, and the lowest night temperature of cutting is 13 degrees Celsius.

3. Striping propagation

Making use of the characteristic that rosemary stems can produce adventitious roots, the branches close to the ground are pressed to cover the soil, leaving the top in the air, waiting for new roots to grow, cut from the mother to form new individuals, and planted in the open field.

The role of rosemary can be said to be very wide. Raising a pot of rosemary at home can not only beautify the environment and purify the air, but also help enrich dishes. It can be said that it has a wide range of uses. If you have the time, energy and interest, you might as well plant a pot of rosemary at home to add some interest to life.

How to raise rosemary and the method of breeding and breeding of rosemary

Rosemary likes a warm and humid environment, grows slowly at higher temperatures, and grows faster when the weather is sunny in winter without a cold spell. There are more rosemary leaves, which are leathery leaves, all of which are drought-tolerant and can meet their water needs by keeping the soil slightly moist. However, the planted soil should choose the one with better drainage, which is more beneficial to its growth.

How to raise rosemary (basic culture method) rosemary: the choice of flowerpots

Rosemary is a kind of vanilla, like cold and dry environment, flowerpot is very important for its growth. The air permeability of the unglazed tile basin is the best and can be taken into consideration. As for the size of the flowerpot, about 20 centimeters in diameter will be fine. Too large, the amount of water is not easy to control, coupled with the slow growth of rosemary, do not need too much room for growth.

Cultivation of rosemary: soil requirements

For soil, ordinary garden soil is enough. Add a small amount of fertilizer to the soil before planting.

Cultivating Rosemary: fertilization method

It is enough to apply fertilizer two or three times a year, using rotten organic fertilizer in the soil at the edge of the flowerpot. It is OK to apply thin fertilizer frequently, but you don't need too much fertilizer at one time. Specific according to the growth of the plant, appropriate fertilization.

Cultivation method of Rosemary Rosemary: watering method

If you water it, you need to water more in summer. generally, when the temperature is high in summer, do not water at noon, once in the morning and in the evening. In other seasons, it is usually watered once a week. During maintenance, it is watered according to the condition of the basin soil. If it is dry and white, it needs watering.

Raising Rosemary: temperature Control

Rosemary is a relatively hardy plant, which can be put on a semi-enclosed balcony in winter. There is no problem around-5 ℃. So there is no need to take measures to keep warm in winter. But the winter temperature in your area is below-10 ℃, so it is recommended to move indoors. The temperature is high in summer, so it should be ventilated and cooled in time to promote its growth.

Matters needing attention in rosemary culture 1. Do not pour water

In fact, flower friends water according to experience. Flower friends who raise rosemary for the first time need to pay attention to the high temperature in summer, although they need more watering, but they cannot be watered, and the plants are easily wilted and their growth slows down. In addition, this kind of situation will also occur in perennial plants if they are not properly watered.

2. Don't use chemical fertilizer

Rosemary needs to apply enough fertilizer after flowering to promote its long-lasting flowering, but it is best not to use chemical fertilizer to avoid burning seedlings. Usually grow at home, you can also pour a little fermented rice water.

3. Pest management

In humid environment, root rot and gray mold are common diseases of rosemary. If the rosemary plant wilts while the substrate is still wet, the plant needs to be removed from the greenhouse immediately. The most common pests are red leaf mites and white whitefly. At present, the most ideal method is to use biological control.

4. Rosemary propagation

The suitable propagation methods of rosemary include sowing, cuttage, striping and so on. Rosemary seeds germinate slowly and have a low germination rate, so they are usually used only when introducing new varieties. During the rooting period, the suitable temperature in the greenhouse is 22 ℃, and the cuttings should be sprayed frequently, but too much moisture will cause the top of the cuttings to rot and the roots produced are not strong enough. In the first 10 to 14 days, cuttings begin to take root, and special attention should be paid to preventing cuttings from wilting.

Culture method of Rosemary

The corners of your mouth, slightly upward, hopelessly sexy. This is Jay Chou's rosemary song, it has a pleasant aroma. Rosemary is also known as the dew in the sea. Next, the editor will show you how to breed it. I hope we can all master this skill under the reminder of the editor.

Rosemary figure 1

Rosemary cultivation method: Rosemary is a good potted plant, potted plants can solve the problem of very cold climate, can bring flowerpots indoors in winter. Rosemary this kind of grass likes the mild climate, the south can be planted outdoors all the year round, and in the north it is necessary to move indoors in winter or take other heat preservation measures. Its growth rate is not fast, not as fast as mint and basil. Rosemary requires at least 8 hours of direct sunshine a day, with moderate watering (less watering), and mature plants can be watered thoroughly every 4 to 7 days. Rosemary likes alkaline soil, if the soil is acidic, it can be opened with quicklime, and the lime slurry can directly water the flowers. Rosemary can bear it. It can be mixed in the soil for several days and then used to change pots. If there is no quicklime, the desiccant of Wangxianbei and other foods is lime, dosage reference: one pack to 1 gallon basin.

Rosemary grows fast in spring and autumn, slow in cold and summer, and needs sufficient light, but pay attention to shade in summer, rosemary is more resistant to drought, dry and thoroughly watered, less water in winter, pay attention to anti-freezing, usually two days a day in summer.

Rosemary illustration II

If you plant in the garden, please choose a well-drained soil. Waterlogged soil will cause rosemary root rot. The more alkaline the soil, the better the rosemary. If the soil is too acidic, bury some lime in the soil. As for rosemary fertilization, don't worry about it. Vanilla plants don't need fertilizer. However, make sure the soil contains some lime. Expand knowledge-the value of rosemary: 1, industrial value Rosemary is a valuable natural spice plant, growing season will emit a fragrance, refreshing effect. Its stems, leaves and flowers have a pleasant fragrance. Aromatic oils extracted from flowers and twigs can be used to mix cosmetic materials such as air cleaners, perfumes and soaps. The most famous cosmetic lotion is made of rosemary. It can be used in beverages, skin care oils, hair care agents and laundry creams. 2. Medicinal value Rosemary has sedative and brain-awakening effects, and has a certain effect on indigestion and stomachache. After mashing it, soak it in boiling water and drink it 2 or 3 times a day, which can play a sedative and diuretic effect. It can also be used to treat insomnia, palpitation, headache, indigestion and other diseases. External use can treat trauma and arthritis. It also has the functions of strengthening the heart, promoting metabolism and promoting the blood circulation of peripheral blood vessels. It also improves language, vision and hearing disorders, enhances attention, treats rheumatism, strengthens liver function, lowers blood sugar, contributes to the treatment of arteriosclerosis, and helps paralyzed limbs regain mobility. 3. Edible value has a strong converging effect, recuperating greasy skin, promoting blood circulation and stimulating hair regeneration. Improve hair loss (fasting for pregnant women). Rosemary is a common spice in western food, especially in steak, potatoes and baked products. Sweet with pine wood smell and flavor, rich aroma, sweet with bitter taste.