
The most complete pruning method after the triangle plum blossom is no longer afraid of a short flowering period.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Triangular plum is a kind of ornamental flower with a long flowering period. if it blossoms in summer, it can bloom from May to June to September and October. But many flower friends' triangle plum often blooms only once and then no longer blooms, so that the flowers and plants can be properly watched.

Triangular plum is a kind of ornamental flower with a long flowering period. if it blossoms in summer, it can bloom from May to June to September and October. However, many flower friends' triangular plums often bloom only once and then no longer bloom, so it is a bit disappointing to develop flowers into proper foliage flowers. In fact, the length of the flowering period of triangular plums is directly related to post-flowering pruning. If the pruning is properly pruned, the flowers will bloom continuously. If it is not pruned properly after blooming, it often blossoms only once! Today to give you a detailed introduction to the next triangle plum blossom Xie after the pruning method, you can see why your triangle plum blossom time is short!

Cut diseased branches and weak branches

Trimming diseased branches and weak branches after triangular plum blossoms should be understandable, that is, cutting off sick, scarred, and ill-growing branches. Although these branches are alive, they often do not blossom and do not seem to match with other healthy branches and leaves, affecting the overall viewing, so they must be cleaned up in time to save nutrients.

Weak branches that do not bloom at the arrowhead

Prune the top of a tender branch

Summer is the peak growing season of triangular plum, if there are new shoots growing very fast, affecting the plant type, we must top in time to prevent excessive growth of nutrients. This kind of branches which have the momentum of overgrowth tend to be thicker, the leaves are larger, and the leaf spacing is longer. Don't let it grow without asking, it is likely to make it difficult for triangular plums to blossom again.

Triangulated plum grows branches

Flower branch pruning

The point is, how to trim the triangular plum blossom branches that have blossomed? This is the point of post-flower pruning! The pruning of flower branches after flowering is divided into two situations, one is that the top buds of flower branches grow well, and the flowers bloom on the side of the flower branches. One is that the flower branch has no terminal bud and no sign of growth.

1. Flower branches have terminal buds (as shown in the following picture)

If there is a terminal bud on the branch of the triangular plum blossom, as long as the branch is not too long and does not affect the plant type, or you do not have any requirements for the plant type, you just want to repeat the flowers as soon as possible, the branches should not be cut, only the residual flowers should be removed, and after proper water control and fertilization, it will be able to return to blossom in ten days to half a month. It's just that the flowers on this branch are relatively sparse and can not produce the effect of blooming flowers, but the compound flowers are fast and the flowers bloom continuously. If this branch affects the plant type, and you want the flowers to bloom densely, cut it off and cut it short in the right place.

The terminal bud grows well and the flowers open in the axils of the leaves.

2. There is no terminal bud on the flower branch (as shown in the following picture)

If there is no terminal bud on the branch of the triangular plum blossom, there is no sign of growth or even leaves, the branch should be cut off from the two leaves below the stem of the flower. If the branch itself is longer, it can be cut deeper. Generally, after 15 days of cutting and fertilization, a new bud will grow under the cut, and the next blossom will be at the top of the new bud. If the branches of such flowers are not cut off, it will not only be difficult to recover the flowers, but also the branches will not grow long, and they will be so bare for a long time.

The flower branch has no terminal bud.

The flower branch is broken, and the side branch can bloom as soon as it grows.

Pruning dense branches

In addition to cutting diseased branches, weak branches and flower branches, triangle plum blossoms also have to cut too dense branches. Generally, the overpruned branches are the inner branches, and what is the inner branches, which grow inward and are on the inside of the whole triangular plum, this kind of branches will affect the light and ventilation of the triangular plum, and the outer branches will not grow well and blossom badly. Prune the inner branches and make them sparse properly, so that the outer branches will grow better.

The inner branches are too dense, and the outer flowers are not ideal.

After the triangle plum blossom blossoms, as long as the above four pruning elements are well done, it is easy to compound the flowers, and the flowers are as tight as the first crop. Some flower friends are reluctant to cut the triangular plum after blooming, and they always feel that they can't do it anywhere. in this way, no matter how good the fertilization and light is, it is more difficult to restore the flowers. Therefore, post-flower pruning must be done well!

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