
What are the propagation methods of camellia

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The budding camellias are particularly shy and beautiful against the green leaves. Spring is the season when camellias are in full bloom, a good time for human beings to enjoy flowers, and a good time for camellias to breed. So what are the breeding methods of camellias?


The budding camellias are particularly shy and beautiful against the green leaves. Spring is the season when camellias are in full bloom, a good time for human beings to enjoy flowers, and a good time for camellias to breed. So what are the breeding methods of camellias?

I. Cuttage propagation

It is the most suitable around the middle of June and the end of August. The semi-mature branches of the same year with full external tissue, complete leaves and full leaf buds were selected as cuttings, which were 8 cm long and 10 cm long, with 2 leaves at the apex. When cutting, the base takes a little old branch as far as possible, it is easy to form callus after insertion, and the root is fast. Cuttings cut early in the morning, to cut along with the cutting, insert the substrate of about 3 cm, cuttings require leaves to hand over each other, after cutting with fingers. It is better to insert it shallowly, so that it can heal and take root quickly. The inserting bed should be shaded, spray the leaf surface every day, keep it moist, keep the temperature at 20: 25 ℃, heal about 3 weeks after insertion, and take root after 6 weeks. Transplant into a pot when the root is 3-4 cm long. When cutting, 0.4% 0.5% indolebutyric acid solution was dipped in the base of the cuttings for 2-5 seconds, which could obviously promote rooting.

2. Grafting propagation

It is often used for varieties with difficulty in rooting or few propagation materials. The survival rate of grafting was the highest when the new shoots were semi-qualitative from May to June, and the shoots sprouted quickly after grafting. The rootstock is mainly Camellia oleifera, which is collected in October, stored in winter, sown in early April of the following year, and can be used for grafting when the seedling grows to 4cm. Using the method of tender branch splitting, cut off the germ of the bud rootstock with a blade, cut it longitudinally along the pith in the center of the cross section of the Hypocotyl, then take a section of the scion of Camellia, and cut the base under the node into a positive wedge, immediately insert the cut scion into the bottom of the crack of the rootstock, aim at the cambium on both sides, bind it with cotton thread, and cover it with a clean plastic pocket. Remove the pocket after about 40 days, and sprout in about 60 days.

3. Striping propagation of high branches

The high branch pressing is mostly carried out between April and May by selecting the last year's branches, peeling the ring in the high pressure part with a width of 0.5 cm, and wrapping the ring peeling part with a moderate size plastic film with a length of 10 cm to 15 cm, first tightening the lower mouth, inside the moist culture soil, often keeping the soil moist, and then tightening the upper part of the mouth; after the root can be cut off and planted again.


IV. Sowing and propagation

Suitable for single or semidouble varieties. The seeds are ready for sowing when they mature in the middle of October. Shallow sowing is better, vermiculite as substrate, covering 6 mm, room temperature 21 ℃, light for 10 hours per night, can promote seed germination, germination begins 15 days after sowing, seedling height reaches 8 cm within 30 days, seedlings are transplanted when they have 2 or 3 leaves.

5. Tissue culture propagation

The common seedlings of explants were cut into 1cm long after routine disinfection and inoculated on MS medium supplemented with kinetin 1mg / L, 6-benzylaminoadenine 1mg / L and indole acetic acid 0.1mg / L. After 4 weeks of culture, only calli were formed, but not buds. After transferred to the new medium, a single branch of 4cm was formed, then soaked in 0.5mg / L indolebutyric acid solution for 20 minutes, then transferred to 1/2MS medium, and roots grew after 4 weeks. After growing on long root medium for 8 weeks, the seedlings were transplanted to a basin filled with perlite and peat.

The above are the five propagation methods of camellia, generally speaking, it is relatively easy to reproduce, as long as the operation method is right, manage the culture medium and control the environmental temperature, then camellia can propagate successfully.

How to cultivate Camellia what are the culture methods of Camellia

Now the standard of living is getting better and better, many people will raise plants at home, so that home life is full of vitality. The relative superiority of camellia is the choice of many people, so do you know the culture method of camellia? The following editor introduces the cultivation methods of camellias down the mountain.

Culture methods of Camellia

First, light conditions, camellias avoid strong light, so we must pay attention to the sun when planting, spring and autumn require sufficient light, but in summer, we must avoid being exposed to direct sunlight, as long as camellias are exposed to strong light for too long, it is easy to die, if there are conditions, it is best to transplant to the sunshade.

Second, temperature attention, camellia is not cold-resistant nor heat-resistant, the most suitable temperature is 18-25 degrees, so the ambient temperature should not be too high and too low, otherwise it will affect its growth, especially in winter, the indoor temperature must be above 3 degrees. If it is lower than 0 degrees, it will be frostbitten.

Third, watering matters, camellias like a humid environment, so we must pay special attention to not too dry, not too wet, can not be wet when dry, generally can be more watering in spring, this is conducive to germination, summer should be watered both morning and evening, it is best to water the leaves, do not water when the plant is high temperature, autumn and spring, but in winter watering should pay attention, it is best to water before and after the plant And don't water it every day, preferably every two or three days.

Fourth, the main points of fertilization, camellias prefer fertilizer, so in the whole breeding process, we should pay special attention to the use of fertilizer, such as adding phosphorus and potassium fertilizer on the pot, but fertilization also has a degree, must not be too much, generally in the nearly half a year after flowering fertilization about 3 times, winter fertilization once on it, in order to make the flowers more beautiful, it is best to put more phosphate fertilizer in fertilizer.

Fifth, flower branch pruning, camellia pruning is very important, generally will affect the shape of branches and disease, weak branches cut off, as well as the arrangement of buds, once the buds are too dense, but also to comb, flowers should be picked in time after withering, can reduce the consumption of nutrients.

Sixth, turning the pot of camellias, which many people will ignore, many people will not turn the pot once planted. In fact, this is very wrong. Camellias are usually turned once every two years, and a large basin should be changed. Only in this way can it be beneficial to its growth. Special attention should be paid to the time of turning the pot, preferably in April. When turning the basin, we should be careful not to remove all the old soil and add a small amount of base fertilizer to it. And then water it.

Seventh, the prevention and control of diseases and pests, camellias are very easy to get sick, there are two common diseases-black mold, anthrax, then only need to spray 0.5 degree Bordeaux liquid, camellia pests are mainly tea tip moth, then the main cut off the tip of the insect.

Eighth, soil requirements, soil is the root of the growth of camellias, all nutrients of camellias are obtained from the soil, so the demand for soil is quite high, generally its soil contains high humus, PH value between 5-6.5, slightly acidic, the best soil configuration is: mountain soil 50%, sawdust or edible fungus residue 40%, cake fertilizer powder or livestock manure and phosphorus fertilizer powder 10%.

Ninth, air fluidity, the place where camellias grow requires extremely high air circulation, it is most suitable to grow in the breeze, but camellias are afraid of northwest wind and strong wind, because northwest wind and strong wind are easy to make water evaporate too fast, camellia supply and demand lose balance, which is not conducive to the growth of camellias.

The above is the relevant introduction of this article, I believe you have a simple understanding after reading it, if necessary, you can continue to pay attention to the No. 1 home network for more information.

What are the culture methods of Chidan camellia

Chidan, a variety of camellia, belongs to evergreen shrubs and small trees. So, what are the breeding methods of Chidan camellias?

I. Culture methods of Chidan camellias

1. Temperature: camellias should be placed in a warm, moist, ventilated and transparent place. Sufficient light should be given in spring and shade should be paid attention to in summer to avoid direct sunlight and western basking. If you put it on the balcony, you will die in the sun if you are not careful.

2. Watering: the cultivation of camellia bonsai should keep the soil moist, but it should not be too wet to prevent it from being dry and wet. Generally, you can pour more water appropriately in spring to facilitate sprouting and sprouting; in summer, if you insist on watering early and late, it is best to spray foliar water to make the leaves drenched thoroughly. Do not directly pour and fully irrigate the leaves. Do not water hot water and avoid watering at high temperatures around noon.

3. Fertilization: camellias like fertilizer, so pay attention to putting base fertilizer in basin soil, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, including matured bone powder, hair, chicken feathers, rice chaff ash, poultry manure and calcium superphosphate. Do not apply too much fertilizer, can not apply thick fertilizer, this is the characteristic of camellia do not like thick fertilizer, otherwise it will damage the root system and reduce the number of flowers, the base fertilizer of camellia had better be organic fertilizer, such as fermented chicken and duck manure and animal organs, as well as bean cake, fishbone meal and so on. These organic fertilizers have nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other components, more comprehensive, and the fertilizer effect is very long. When applied, it can be dried in the sun, crushed into powder, mixed with 5-6 times of dry soil, and then removed 2-3 cm away from the root of the plant when turning the basin.

4. Pruning: the growth of camellias is slow and should not be over-pruned, which will generally affect tree-shaped overgrown branches as well as disease and insect branches and weak branches. If there are too many buds on each branch, only 1 or 2 buds can be left, and keep a certain distance, and the rest should be picked as soon as possible so as not to consume nutrients. In addition, it is necessary to pick close to withered flowers in time, which can also reduce the consumption of nutrients to facilitate the robust growth of plants and the formation of new flower buds.

5. Pest control: the main diseases of camellias are black mold and anthracnose, which can be controlled by spraying 0.5 degree Bordeaux solution. The main pest is tea shoot moth, and the control method can cut off the insect tip, which is generally carried out from April to June.

6. Place: camellias should be placed in a warm, moist, ventilated and transparent place. It is best to put it in a cool place to avoid direct sunlight. If it is placed on the balcony, it will be better and easy to watch, but you should pay attention to the safety downstairs.

7. Turning the pot: it is recommended to turn the pot and change the soil once after potted for one year, so as to provide a better growth environment, and the new pot should be larger than the old one to facilitate the development of the root system. The time to turn the basin should be in spring, April or autumn. In the process, try to remove some of the old roots, replace them with fertile and loose new soil, and combine them with base fertilizer.

Growth habits of Chidan Camellia

Like the half-overcast and avoid the scorching sun. Like warm climate, the suitable temperature for growth is 18-25 ℃, and the initial flowering temperature is 2 ℃. It is slightly cold-tolerant, and the general variety can withstand low temperature and heat tolerance of-10 ℃, but the growth is inhibited when it exceeds 36 ℃. Prefer high humidity and avoid dryness, so it is suitable to grow in areas with annual precipitation above 1200mm. For the fertile and loose slightly acidic soil, the best PH is 5.5-6.5.