
Planting and breeding business must know: 2017 which key projects are supported by each province? Which items are restricted?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting and breeding business must know: 2017 which key projects are supported by each province? Which items are restricted?

Nowadays, to engage in agricultural projects, especially planting and breeding, we must first have an understanding of the direction of agricultural restructuring throughout the country. For example, to raise pigs, we must know which places the country will focus on raising pigs and which places will be strictly restricted in the next few years. If you plunge in without a clear understanding of the direction of the policy, and the government comes to close your stall in a few years, it will be in vain.

Combined with the documents issued by the state in recent years, including the "guidance of the Ministry of Agriculture on further adjusting and optimizing the agricultural structure," we have combed the adjustment direction of the national agricultural structure by region and province. Friends who start a business can make a more intuitive comparison to see whether their entrepreneurial direction is in line with the policy requirements.

2017 the direction of structural adjustment of aquaculture

Northeast region of ①

⑴ advocates the ecological cycle project of the combination of planting and breeding, and promotes the breeding of family pastures, professional households of planting and breeding, etc.

⑵ supports high-quality and high-yield dairy industry, beef cattle and mutton sheep industry.

② North China

Stabilize the breeding scale of cattle and sheep, live pigs, meat and poultry, eggs and other categories.

Northwest region of ③

Popularize rotational grazing and semi-house feeding in zoned areas.

④ the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River

Reduce the scale of pig farming in densely populated areas of ⑴

⑵ strongly supports famous aquaculture

⑶ stabilizes the production of bulk livestock products.

Southwest region of ⑤

We will focus on supporting ecological animal husbandry and characteristic fisheries.

General trend of national aquaculture adjustment

14 areas with the greatest development potential of aquaculture in ①

The three provinces of Northeast China, Inner Mongolia, *, Xizang, Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia, Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi have been designated as "rapid development areas" by the country. Because of the rich resources for the development of aquaculture industry, and there are still many areas to be developed, it will be used as the receiving area for the transfer of aquaculture industry after structural adjustment, and there is great potential for the development of aquaculture industry in the future.

② countries will restrict the development of aquaculture in 8 regions

The aquaculture and feed industries in Beijing, Tianjin, Anhui, Shanghai, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi and Zhejiang will be restricted. The state will strictly control the total amount of development and allow moderate development, but mainly by regional transfer.

Nine regions where the increment of ③ is limited but will still develop steadily

Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan, Jiangsu, Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan, these nine provinces have a solid foundation for aquaculture and obvious advantages in raw materials, which are the core areas of the national aquaculture industry. The state will ensure the stable development of these areas, but the market tends to be saturated and the increment is limited.

2017 orientation of structural adjustment of planting industry

Northeast region of ①

⑴ increases the production capacity of rations

⑵ Sanjiang Plain controls the planting area of rice (mainly for areas with over-exploitation of groundwater)

⑶ popularizes water-saving technology and changes well irrigation to canal irrigation

⑷ reduces the planting area of corn, advocates the planting of soybeans, and promotes grain-bean rotation.

⑸ advocates the ecological cycle planting and breeding model of the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry.

② North China

⑴ moderately reduces the planting area of wheat (mainly for areas with over-exploitation of groundwater)

⑵ popularizes water-saving and drought-tolerant crops

⑶ advocates the rotation of grain and forage, grain and fertilizer.

Northwest region of ③

Implementation of "suppressing Summer and expanding Autumn" in ⑴ dry farming areas

⑵ reduced wheat, expanded forage grass and potato

Stable melon and fruit cultivation and cotton cultivation in ⑶ oasis area, supporting the development of characteristic horticulture industry

⑷ advocates returning farmland to grass or crop rotation.

④ the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River

⑴ reduces the planting area of rice (for areas with heavy metal pollution)

⑵ supports the cultivation of cotton and hemp, flowers and legumes.

⑶ stabilizes the planting area of rice, sugarcane and vegetables.

Southwest region of ⑤

⑴ stabilizes the planting area of rice and corn

⑵ expands potato planting area

⑶ advocates the cultivation of Chinese herbal medicine and horticultural crops.

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