
If farmers do not grow plums and plant them, their income will be higher and higher year after year, depending on their annual income of more than 100,000 yuan.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, If farmers do not grow plums and plant them, their income will be higher and higher year after year, depending on their annual income of more than 100,000 yuan.

Fruit is no stranger to everyone, hot summer arrival, all kinds of fruits are scrambling to market. Recently, it's the season to eat peaches again, which brings a lot of benefits to foodies. Peaches are no stranger to everyone, especially for rural farmers. In the past, almost every household would plant one or two peach trees. Gradually, peaches became popular in the market. Therefore, many farmers planted peach trees, and peaches became rich fruits in the hands of farmers.

On the hills of Huishan Village, Guangxi, there is a large fruit forest, which is the peach forest planted by the local farmer Fu Dajie. Sister Fu is in her 40s this year. She has been planting peaches since she was in her 30s. Up to now, she has 10 years of planting experience. She is famous for planting peaches locally. From the beginning of 1 mu to more than ten mu now, the peaches picked every year are more and more year by year, and the income is higher and higher year by year. Now, by selling peaches a year, we can earn more than 100,000 yuan.

Peach trees are also relatively easy to plant, but also easy to manage, and peach yield is high, one mu of peach trees can produce 8000-10000 jin of peaches. Peach taste is good, relatively sweet crisp mouth, eating peach also has great benefits to the body, peach pulp is rich in protein, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin B, C and a lot of water, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary fibrosis, tuberculosis and other symptoms of dry cough, chronic fever, etc. played a curative effect, nourishing yin and promoting body fluid, invigorating qi and moistening lung also played a health care effect.

Peaches planted by farmer rich elder sister are mainly purchased by buyers. At present, the purchase price of peaches in the market is 1.2 yuan per catty, and the retail price can be sold to 5 yuan per catty, while the peach of more than ten mu of rich elder sister's family is nearly 140000 catties. According to the purchase price, the income is nearly 170,000 yuan. Excluding labor cost and nursing fee, the net income reaches about 100,000 yuan. It has to be said that farmer rich elder sister planting peaches is a business opportunity to become rich.