
Difficulty in growing flowers and choosing? Then choose these three kinds of flowers that can bloom 100 at a time.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, With the continuous improvement of living standards, many people will raise some flowers at home, decorate the home, and add green flavor, but for choosing what kind of flowers, some flower friends will have difficulty in choosing. Today, flowers will introduce three kinds of flowers to you.

With the continuous improvement of living standards, many people will raise some flowers at home, decorate the home, and add green atmosphere, but as to what kind of flowers to raise, some flower lovers will have difficulty in choosing what kind of flowers. Today, I will introduce three kinds of flowers to you. Flowers bloom continuously every year. 100 flowers at a time!

1. Six times the profit

Liubeili is especially well-nourished, it is easy to burst into a full pot, blooming regardless of the seasons, suitable conditions can blossom, and a lot of flowers bloom, and rich colors, light fragrance, many flower friends will choose to hang in the windowsill, balcony, courtyard and other places.

Liubeili belongs to long-day plants, the growth and flowering needs adequate light, and the best growth temperature is 15 ℃-18 ℃, which is higher in summer, which is not conducive to growth and flowering, so it can be moved to an air-conditioned room for maintenance, and it can also blossom; the requirement for water and fertilizer is not very high, follow the principle of not drying and watering, watering thoroughly, usually maintenance, fertilizer can be applied once every half a month, in the growth and flowering peak period, diluted liquid fertilizer can be applied once a week.

2. Jasmine flower

Jasmine is a lot of favorite flowers, its blooming season in summer, green leaves, white flowers, strong fragrance, always unforgettable, can also be used to make scented tea, good maintenance, can blossom continuously.

If jasmine wants to bloom and bloom continuously, light, fertilizer and pruning are very important. It is necessary to provide enough light and water, pick the heart during the flowering period, prune the residual flowers in time after flowering, promote growth and continue to differentiate flower buds.

3. Sunflower

Many people are familiar with sunflowers, a kind of flowers that are very easy to raise, bloom from May to November, blossom uninterrupted, blossom when you see the sun, close in the morning, evening and cloudy days, have a faint fragrance, and can be maintained in Xiangyang area.

To maintain sunflowers, you only need to remember that there is plenty of light, fertilizer and water, even if you don't need sunshade in summer, you can shine all day, keep the potted soil moist, spray more water to the leaves, increase humidity, make it grow and blossom better, apply thin fertilizer frequently, in the peak growing season, you can apply diluted cake fertilizer every 3-4 days, and you can harvest a pot of luxuriant leaves and full sunflowers.

This is the end of the introduction of three kinds of flowers, flower friends have other additions, you can share them with you in the comment area below. If you want to know more about flower cultivation, you can pay attention to flowers.