
Cultivation management and shaping and pruning techniques of pomelo

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cultivation management and shaping and pruning techniques of pomelo

The leaves of grapefruit are like oranges and oranges, but the petiole has broad wings and the lower surface of the leaves and young branches have short hairs. The flowers are big and white. The fruit is large, spherical or nearly pear-shaped, lemon yellow; the pulp is white or red, separated into petals, easy to separate between petals, sour and delicious. In many autumn fruits, grapefruit can be regarded as the largest, generally more than 1 kilogram. It matures around August 15 of the lunar calendar every year, and its skin is thick and resistant to storage. It can generally be stored for three months without losing its fragrance, so it is known as "canned natural fruit". Grapefruit is round in shape, symbolizing reunion, so it is also the fruit of the festival. More importantly, the homonym of pomelo "pomelo" and "bliss", grapefruit is Youzi, is considered to have an auspicious meaning. Eating grapefruit during the Spring Festival symbolizes gold and jade, pomelo and "you" homonym, pomelo is a great meaning, except for bad luck to bring good luck in the New year. The four famous pomelos in the world: Wendan pomelo, Pingshan pomelo, Shatian pomelo and Siamese pomelo.

First, planting

For the land with thick and abundant water or the place with good water source.

1, planting time

It is generally appropriate to take the spring and autumn rainy season. From late February to late April in spring and from mid-September to mid-October in autumn. If possible, it can also be planted in other seasons, but it is not suitable to be planted under the conditions of low temperature in winter and summer drought in summer.

2, planting density

The row spacing is 4 × 4 m or 4 × 5 m, generally planting 40 plants per mu, but also dwarfing and dense planting, planting 50 Mu and 60 plants per mu.

3. Planting method

Before planting, ① dug a large hole 1 meter square, applied a large amount of organic fertilizer and appropriate amount of phosphate fertilizer as base fertilizer, and returned to the soil 20cm higher than the ground.

During the ② planting, the seedlings were gently placed in the hole and planted in loose fine soil. The fine mud around the root mass was compacted by hand, and the graft joint was exposed to the ground.

After ③ planting, the nest plate was 20 cm higher than the ground, and the root water was filled.

Second, soil tillage

1. Turn deeply to enlarge the hole and mature the soil.

Deep ploughing and soil improvement and ripening soil must start from the establishment of the garden and expand year by year. Young trees can dig circular trenches outside the planting holes and plough deeply for years. The adult pomelo orchard can carry out deep ploughing in the periphery of the crown, with a depth of about 0.5m and a width of about 0.5m, and apply organic and inorganic fertilizers such as green manure in layers, which can be turned every other year, every other row or every year.

2, large kinds of green manure, land to raise land.

Large kinds of green manure cover the ground, which can prevent erosion, reduce soil temperature, increase air humidity and restrain weeds, increase soil organic matter and improve soil fertility in summer. If we interplant legumes, vegetables, etc., it can also increase the early benefit, its stems, residual branches and leaves cover and turn into the soil, increasing soil organic matter.

3. Cultivate the soil by ploughing.

When intertillage is combined with weeding, it is generally ploughed 4 times a year, that is, after fruit harvest in winter, in summer or autumn, combined with sowing and intercropping. The depth of intertillage is 10m / 15cm (combined with intercropping and sowing, it should be deepened appropriately). The closer the trunk is, the shallower it is, so as to avoid damaging the big roots. soil cultivation should be carried out before the dry season or after fruit harvest in winter. In gentle slopes, 3Mel cultivates soil once every four years, and every other year in places with large slopes and serious erosion.

Third, fertilization

Young trees are small and their roots are young, so they should be applied frequently and thinly, 5 Mel can be applied 6 times a year, and 4 times of fertilizer should be applied to fruit trees, that is, returning sun fertilizer, accelerating budding fertilizer, stabilizing fruit fertilizer and strong fruit fertilizer.

1, Huanyang fertilizer (base fertilizer)

The amount of fertilizer applied before and after fruit picking accounts for half of the amount of fertilizer applied in the whole year, and a large amount of late-acting fertilizer such as green manure, compost, circle manure and cake fertilizer should be applied, combined with quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer and phosphorus fertilizer.

2, sprouting fertilizer (pre-anthesis fertilizer)

It is generally carried out from February to March, this time the fertilizer should be mainly available nitrogen fertilizer, mainly human and animal manure, properly combined with urea.

3, stable fruit fertilizer

Apply available nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer half a month before fruit drop in June, mature human and animal manure can be applied and 1% superphosphate leaching solution can be sprayed.

4, strong fruit fertilizer

In the middle and last ten days of June, rapidly available nitrogen fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer were applied.

Fourth, shaping and pruning of pomelo

First, the dry stem of grapefruit should be 40-60 cm high, with a total of 5-6 main branches. The biological characteristics of pomelo are different from those of other sweet oranges and red oranges. The trees are strong, short and have large fruits. As a result, most or all of the mother branches are outside the crown. We must understand these characteristics in order to master the pruning technique.

Second, the branch tip of the consequence mother branch is called the consequence mother branch. The mother branch of consequence can be divided into three types:

1. A small lateral branch on a large lateral branch, which grows weakly and cannot protrude the nutrient branch of the crown. After it continues to grow for 2-3 years, it divides into leafless mother branch and shoot consequence.

2. Leafless branches, the nutrient conditions for flowering and sprouting of such branches are not enough, and they usually do not blossom until three years.

3. Fallen flowers and fruit branches (commonly known as blind branches), they do not sprout, the following year will blossom consequences.

Third, the consequence branch of grapefruit is formed by a bud at the top of the mother branch or a few buds near the left. The consequence branch has the leaf consequence branch, the flower leaf complete consequence branch and the leafless consequence branch. There is at least one flower, and the branch with the consequence of no inflorescence and leafless inflorescence is the best.

Fourth, the purpose and significance of shaping and pruning of pomelo planting make the outside of the crown well ventilated and transparent, the nutrient of the mother branch is empty, and the consequence is more and the quality is good.

Fifth, pomelo planting shaping and pruning criteria so that the outer space is not empty, the top is heavily cut, the square is light, the core is heavy, and the outside is light.

6. the shaping and pruning method of grapefruit planting pay attention to the preservation of the weaker leafless branches on the outer side branches of the crown, these are excellent mother branches; those with exuberant nutrient growth and leaves are too dense should be heavy-cut, and those with weak nutrient growth should be cut lightly.

Seventh, the shaping and pruning time of grapefruit planting and the branches that should be cut off should be cut off the upright and drooping branches in the crown, and the withered branches, disease and insect branches, hidden branches and heavy interspersed branches should be cut off. Summer shearing: in winter, wipe off local too dense, too prosperous new shoots, cut too dense weak branches, cut short and grow excessively.

To learn more about pomelo, you can visit Pinghe Guanxi Honey Pomelo Industry Network (, a professional pomelo online trading platform to provide pomelo prices for national pomelo purchasers. There are also honey pomelo franchisees from all over the country, and can also provide you with popular pomelo wholesale information. It is a B2B platform for brand promotion in honey pomelo industry.