
Changhua Agricultural Products Promotion Carnival County Mayor Wei Minggu Promotes Local Products

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Changhua County is now rich in variety of fruits, Changhua County government in order to promote the marketing of Changhua local fresh agricultural products, November 12 morning in Changhua fruit and vegetable market (Rainbow Bridge) held "106 Changhua agricultural products promotion carnival" activity...

Changhua Agricultural Special products Promotion Carnival County Mayor Wei Minggu promotes local specialties

It is now the prosperous period of various fruits in Changhua County. In order to promote Changhua's excellent and fresh agricultural products, the Changhua county government held the "106 Changhua Agricultural Special products Promotion Carnival" in Changhua Fruit and vegetable Market (next to Caihongqiao) on the morning of November 12. Changhua County Mayor Wei Minggu, Changhua Fruit and vegetable Market Chairman Chen Jianhong and others attended the meeting. Changhua excellent and fresh fruits were prepared to taste free and offer preferential prices. It is also combined with the marketing of self-made products by groups with physical and mental disabilities, as well as a time draw for rich prizes such as high-end household appliances and gifts. County magistrate Wei Minggu encourages people to consume more of Changhua's excellent and fresh agricultural products, so as to "collect popularity, buy gas, taste excellent food, do love, and win big prizes."

County Mayor Wei Minggu said that Changhua Fruit and vegetable Market is the largest fruit and vegetable market in Changhua County. Every year, Changhua Fruit and vegetable Market entrusts Changhua Fruit and vegetable Market to hold "surprise-free" promotions for agricultural special products. Changhua County is a major agricultural county. Well-known fruits include grapes, guava, grapefruit, dragon fruit, longan, banana and so on. It is expected that through activities, villagers will come to taste the fruits of the local and seasonal seasons, and through promotional activities. It can enable fruit growers to increase their income and improve their lives.

Chen Jianhong, chairman of the Changhua Fruit and vegetable Market, said that he thanked the county team, led by the county magistrate Wei, for organizing the Changhua agricultural special products promotion carnival to market high-quality fruits in Changhua to increase farmers' income. Villagers are also welcome to come to Changhua Fruit and vegetable Market to taste and buy high-quality fruits.

▲ Changhua County Agricultural products Promotion Carnival-Fruit Promotion