
The breeding method of Queen Ruyi

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The breeding method of Queen Ruyi

Ruyi Queen, also known as Ruyi evergreen, is a very beautiful herb, its characteristics are very shady, so it is very suitable for breeding at home. The leaves of Queen Ruyi have red light, even if they do not blossom, they appear colorful, so how should we breed them? Pro-agricultural network now introduces the breeding method of Ruyi Queen.

First, the growth habits of the Queen Ruyi

If we want to raise Ruyi Queen well, we must first understand her living habits. The queen of Ruyi likes bright light, but she can't stand strong sun exposure, which will make the leaves of the plant yellow and stunted. She should be properly shaded when the summer light is strong, and she likes a warm living environment. So you can breed at home to receive astigmatism.

Second, the breeding method of Queen Ruyi

After understanding the growth habits of the Ruyi Queen, let's introduce the breeding methods of the Ruyi Empress. The pro-farming network will introduce the breeding methods of the Ruyi Empress from five aspects: soil, light, temperature, water and fertilizer, and pruning.

1. Soil environment

Breeding Ruyi Queen had better use humus-rich soil, to make its soil soft and fertile, then it is most suitable to choose sandy soil mixed with fertilizer. Should ensure that the basin is moist, but also can not be too wet or even stagnant water, otherwise it is easy to rot roots, the air also has a higher degree of dry and wet requirements.

two。 Lighting requirement

The most beautiful thing about this plant is its leaves, which can withstand shade, but it is better in sunny places, but the direct exposure of strong light should be avoided. In summer, the flowerpot should be placed in the north windowsill of the home, and in winter, it should be placed in the south window. Where the light is too dark, the color of the leaves will be diluted. If the sun is too strong, it will burn the leaves.

3. Temperature requirement

This kind of plant likes warm places. The temperature is usually 30 degrees during the day and 25 degrees at night. In winter, even 10 degrees can survive, but it must be between 15 and 18 degrees to grow normally. If the temperature exceeds 25 degrees in summer, you need to sprinkle water on the leaves to lower the temperature of the leaves.

4. Water and fertilizer demand

This kind of plant should ensure that it is not dry and wet in its basin, and it should often sprinkle water on its leaves in summer. On the one hand, it can keep the leaves clean and increase luster, on the other hand, it can cool the leaves. Water spraying should be reduced in winter, otherwise there will be spots, which can cause decay in serious cases. During the growing period, in order to make it stronger, part of the nitrogen liquid fertilizer can be used. After autumn, increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to strengthen the stem and prevent lodging.

5. Pruning

In order for plants to grow better, they should be pruned at the right time. Pruning is generally to cut off the leaves that have been withered and yellow or do not grow very well, and trim them many times to make the leaves of the whole plant more bright and plump. When the plant grows too high, the buds can be cut off to promote the growth of new branches and leaves, which is more aesthetic.

The above is the breeding method of Ruyi Queen introduced to you by pro-agricultural network. Here, pro-agricultural network would also like to tell you a little knowledge about Ruyi Queen. Ruyi Empress belongs to Araceae plants. We all know that some plants of Araceae can be used as medicine, but also poisonous. Pro-Agricultural Network tells you here that Ruyi Queen is non-toxic and can be planted directly in the room. You can also put it in the bedroom.