
We should try our best to deal with these obstacles when raising succulent plants in summer.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In summer, what bothers many flower friends is not being succulent and ugly, but being extremely troubled by all kinds of diseases and insect pests. Diseases and insect pests are a big "obstacle" to prevent succulent plants from becoming beautiful, and if they are not solved in time, they will endanger the lives of succulent plants. ...

In summer, what bothers many flower friends is not being succulent and ugly, but being extremely troubled by all kinds of diseases and insect pests. Diseases and insect pests are a big "obstacle" to prevent succulent plants from becoming beautiful, and if they are not solved in time, they will endanger the lives of succulent plants. Therefore, to raise succulent plants in summer, flower friends need to keep up their spirits and try their best to deal with these "obstacles".

The first "obstacle": succulent leaf heart has dirt, sticky, how to return a responsibility?

The heart of the succulent leaf looks a little dirty, and it is still sticky to touch it with your hands, which indicates that your succulent leaf has suffered from insect pests, which may be aphids and shell insects. At this time, flower friends can check at the bottom of the leaves. If shell insects or aphids are found, they need to spray succulent plants with water, once a week, three times in a row.

The second "obstacle": how weak the leaves have been gnawed, I don't know what's going on?

If succulent leaves are gnawed in a large area, it is likely to be a "good thing" done by cabbage insects, snails, moth larvae and so on. These bugs are larger and easier to find than scale insects and aphids. They can be removed manually. Usually, florists should pay special attention to snails after rain and butterflies flying during succulent flowering.

The third "obstacle": the white bug, endless, how to do?

The white bugs that are often seen on succulent plants are shell insects, which propagate quickly and are difficult to kill eggs, so many flower friends raise succulent insects and have the feeling that they can't be killed. At this time, it can only be cleaned in time, but also by putting the medicine into a succulent spray can and spraying to kill the shell insects.

The fourth "obstacle": succulent leaves dry and fall off, and grow yellowish-brown spots, what's wrong with this?

This situation may be that succulent plants are "targeted" by red spiders. Flower friends need to check whether succulent plants have red spiders, and if necessary, they can spray special drugs to kill red spiders. If the red spider is not found, it may be rust. If the condition is not serious, the diseased leaves can be removed and placed in a ventilated place for maintenance; if the condition is serious, you need to spray germicidal drugs and maintain them in a ventilated place away from light.

The fifth "obstacle": what if the succulent little Hei Fei grows?

The small black flying adult does no harm to the succulent plant, but its larvae will eat the succulent roots and young leaves, especially the succulent seedlings sown are the most popular with them, often eating them all. The method to deal with Xiaohei is relatively simple, keep the soil dry, and the larvae will die in about 3 days. Other insecticides can effectively kill small black flying larvae.

In addition, flower friends can also use armyworm tape around succulent plants to hunt and kill; in addition, paving with granular soil can also reduce the production of small black flies.