
Prevention and treatment of watermelon virus disease what drugs are used for watermelon virus disease

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Prevention and treatment of watermelon virus disease what drugs are used for watermelon virus disease

Watermelon virus disease is also known as mosaic disease and mosaic disease. as the name implies, the main harm of this disease is flowers and leaves, and this disease occurs in all parts of China where watermelons are grown, among which the mosaic virus is the main disease in the north and fern leaf virus in the southern region. although the main harm of this virus is mosaic, it will also lead to plant dwarfism and flower organ dysplasia after being affected. In serious cases, it will lead to poor fruit growth, yield and quality can not be guaranteed, but also affect the economic interests of growers. In this pro-agricultural network to introduce you about the prevention and control of watermelon virus disease, as well as related matters about what drugs to use after watermelon disease.

I. harmful symptoms of watermelon virus disease

As mentioned by the pro-agricultural network, the disease of watermelon virus is different in the north and south of China, the fern leaf virus in the south and the mosaic virus in the north. The symptoms of the two viruses are not exactly the same, so here the pro-agricultural network will also make an introduction for everyone.

The main symptoms of watermelon virus in the field are mosaic type and fern leaf type. The first is the flower-leaf type, the yellow-green mosaic pattern appears at the top of the leaf at the initial stage, and then it becomes wrinkled and deformed, the leaf becomes smaller, the leaf surface is uneven, the new stem vine internodes are shortened, slender and twisted, and there is little or no fruit setting; the second is the fern leaf type, the new leaves become narrow and long, wrinkle and twist, slow growth, plant dwarfing, sometimes the top is not long, floral organ dysplasia, serious can not set fruit. The diseased plants with late onset of disease have poor fruit development and form deformed melons, and some fruits have uneven surface, small fruit and dark brown flesh, which have a great impact on yield and quality.

2. Prevention and treatment of watermelon virus disease

1. Agricultural prevention and control

Disease resistant varieties were selected. Leave seeds from disease-free plants. Seed treatment. Soak the seeds in 55 ℃ warm water for 30 minutes or 10% trisodium phosphate solution for 20 minutes, rinse with clean water and then germinate and sow. Concentrate on raising seedlings and spread silver gray film in the field to avoid aphids.

two。 Chemical control

At the initial stage of the disease, 2% JK water agent 200,250x, or 20% virus A wettable powder 500x, or 1.5% Zhitanling EC 1000 times, or 30% virus K wettable powder 800x, or 20% lobular enemy 1000 times, etc. mixed with aphid control agents, spray control. Once every 7 days, 2-3 times in a row. For the symptoms of fern leaf type, "Qibao 920" can be added, and the prevention and treatment effect is good.

3. Fertilizer application

Apply sufficient base fertilizer, reasonable topdressing, increase potassium fertilizer, timely watering to prevent drought, reasonable pruning, and improve plant disease resistance. Pay attention to root out the weeds in and around the melon field and pull out the diseased plants in time. In the field operations such as pruning and pollination, attention should be paid to minimize the damage to the plant. The forking should be carried out on a sunny day in the sun to make the wound dry and shrink as soon as possible. Kill aphids.

The above are the relevant prevention and control measures for watermelon virus diseases. Here, the pro-agricultural network reminds everyone that the principle of "prevention first, comprehensive prevention and control" should be carried out for the prevention and control of virus diseases. This principle has been mentioned many times by the pro-agricultural network, which is also in line with the needs of market development. Now we advocate "pollution-free vegetables". Naturally, there is the same demand for fruits. If the prevention is done well, the prevention and control of pesticides will be reduced accordingly. The watermelons planted will be more in line with the requirements of consumers.